The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY MAY 19 1862 Msiulaj ffTon ing! 3Iny 19 NEWS BY TELEGRAPH THE AVVASOX TO UlClDtOKD ederal I'lcel Repulsed from ori Itarling EXPLOSION A GUN ON THE NAUGATUCK Tlie following dispatch was received at the war department late Saturday night Williamsburg May 17 To Hon Stanton secretary of war to gunboats Galena Monitor Aroostook Nauga tuck and Tort Rojal were repulsed from ort Darling 7 miles below Richmond yesterday Aportion of them have returned to Jamestown island near this place in James rivee Lieut Mor ris commanding the Port Royal sent overland to me this morning for intelligence regarding the condition of the forts below the island and also to assist in burying the dead which he brought down with him Seventeen lidve been interred on the banks of the river and there are a number of the wounded on board including Lieut Morris The 100 pounder gun of the Naugatuck exploded at the first fire David Campbell Colonel 5th Cavalry By authority McClellan NO DETAILS RECEIVED No official report of the gunboat affair on the James river has been received at the navy depart ment The messages received on the subject in dicate an opportunity to do better in the future The river is now clear of obstructions to withineight miles of Richmond At that point there is a heavy battery mounted on a high bluff and the river is temporarily closed to navigation by sunk en vessels among which are said to be the York town and Jamestown and by piles chains The Monitor could not her gun sufficiently to reach the high battery which rendered her use less The banks of the river were filled i th ifle its from which an incessant fire was poured on the fleet a part of which was engaged at from 600 to 1000 yards of the main bsttery After an action of four hours the fleet finding it imprac ticable under the circ*mstances to silence (he battery on the bluff withdrew Our loss was 17 killed and 11 wounded Among the latter Lieut Morris in the leg by a Miuie ball but not seri ously It is expected that full particulars will be received Monday morning Successful Expedition THE GRAND ARMY ADVANCING Headquarters army of the Potomac White House Slay 17th 1030 A combined naval and army expedition under Capt Murray of the navy with troops and artillery under Major Wil lard and Capt Ayres of the army went 25 miles up the Pomunkey to day and forced the rebels (o destroy two steamers aud twenty schooners The expedition was admirably managed We have advanced considerably to day The roads are improving Geo McClellan Major General ISiflicnhies of the Position CORRESPONDENCE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The army correspondent of the associated ess writing from White House Va on Sunday says The advance guard of our forces on the main road to Richmond by way of bridge drove the enemy across the Chickahomiuy river at that point yesterday morning When our troops arrived within half a mile of the bridge which is burned they were opened upon by a brisk fire of artillery from the opposite side of the river No one was injured Tlie bridge is fifteen miles from Richmond At this point our troopswill experience conside rable difficulty in crossing as the country is low and swampy A reconnbissance was made yes terday by one of the gunboats with two compa nies "of infantry under Major Willard and one section of battery up the Pamunkcy riv er a distance of 25 miles from here at a point known as Landing They found on the river one propeller and 15 schooners in flames They were laden mostly with p*rn which was be ing unloaded Some contrabands on the shore say that when the rebels heard our gunboats coming they commenced putting the corn on board again so a to insure its destruc tion A few shells soon dispersed the rernainng rebels iu that locality when the gunboats returned to the White House The roads for the past 3 days have been next to impassable owing to the recent rains A provision train was thiny six hours making its way 5 miles with teams doubled together with the assistance furnished by a large number of troops The advance of the armyfrom this point must necessarily bo slow from here it 'loses the benefit of riicr transportation requiring all the supply trains at the disposal of the quartermaster's department to furnish so vast a body of men with Subsistence The bridge between here and the enemy has beendestroyed and every imaginable obstruction Maced iu the way of our advance The Richmond Dispatch of the 12th Itos a article on the evacuation of Norfolk and Yorktown and the conduct of the war generally It says by abandoning detached posts which are within reach of the fleet and which it is therefore impossible to defend we arc enabled to concentrate powerful forces on essential points and baflle tlie enemy in every attack of vital im portance The same paper makes mention of a terrible panic in Richmond on riday on the ap proach of our gunboats This being Sunday thearmy of the Potomac has ceased its labors the troops remaining iu camp enjoying a day of reet A GALLANT MASSACHUSETTS REGIMENT A letter in the New York Times gives the 11th Massachusetts regiment Col Blaisdell the credit of twice saving the fortunes of the day at the Vlilllamsburg battle THE WAT? IN THE SOUTHWEST The Late Naval ight OICIAL REPORT CAPT DAVIS The following report from Capt Davw com manding the Mississippi flotilla was received Sat urday morning at the navy department United States lag Steamer Benton i Off ort Pillow May 14 1862 lion Gideon Welles Secretary of the Navy I have the honor to inform the department that yesterday morning a little after seven o'clock the rebel squadron consisting of eight iron clad steamer four of them I believe fit ted with rams came around the point at the bend above ort Pillow and steamed gallantly tip tlie river fully prepared for a regular engagement The vessels of this squadron were lying at the time tied up to the bank of the river three on the eastern and four on the western side and as they were transferred to me by lag Officer oote ready cter Most of the vessels were prompt in obeying the signals to follow the motions of the commandcr in chief The leading vessels of the rebel squadion made directly for mortar boat No 16 which was for a moment unprotected Acting Blaster Gregory and his crew behaved with great spirit during the action lie fired his mortar 11 times at the enemy reducing the charge and di minishing the elevation Commander Steinbd in the gunboat Cincinnati which was the leading vessel iu the line on that side of the river followed immediately by Commander Kilty in the gunboat Mound City hastened to the support of the mor tar boat and they were repeatedly struck by the runs at the same time that they dis abled" the enemy and drove him away The two leading vessels in the middle of the line were successfully encountered by this ship The boiler or stcamehest of cue of them exploded by oar shot and both of 11 were diabled They as well as the first naval vessel encountered by the Cincinnati drifted down the river Comman der Walkc informs me that he fired a fifty pound rifleshot through the boilers of the third of the gunboats below the water fine and ren dered her for the time being helpless' The action lasted during the better pju of an hour and took place at the closest quarters Theenemy finally retreated with haste below the guns of ort Pillow I have to call the especial atten tion of the department to the gallantry and good conduct exhibited by Commanders Stembcl aud Kilty and Lieutenant Commanding Phelps I regret to say that Commander Stembcl ouith Master Reynolds and one of the seamen of the Cincinnati and ore of the Mcund City were se verely wounded The other accidents of tio day were slight 1 have the honor to be very respect fully your obedient servant 11 Davls iCaptaln Commanding Mississippi lotilla pro lem OPERATIONS ON SATURDAY SOME HARD fighting General advance along our lines on Saturday towards Corinth and much skirmishing and several severe engagements General division lost 41 killed and a considerable number wounded in attacking house whieh the rebels have occupied for some time past worrying our pickets Wc succeeded iu driving the enemy from their position back to his works our men were under arms expecting an attack on Sunday morning Among the killed the rebels left on the ground was one with a sword supposed to have been an officer Our forces under Major Gcncial Sherman still occupy Russell's house The skirmishing by the Sth Missouri was only about 300 yards from the cncmys breastworks Several rifles were captured in the skirmish on the right perfectly new marked Breeze iieman Bremen aud much superior to the rifles used by our sharpshooters having a range of from 1200 to 1500 yards while ours are only effective at about 1000 yards In all cases the dead rebels left on the field were shot in the head and the wounded shot in the neck and breast The enemy left on the field 40 killed and 100 wounded Deserters from Cor inth report an entire absence of chloroform in their medical stores there is probably none in the confederacy The weather is very warm and the roads are quite dusty GKNPOE THREE MILES ROM CORINTH The steamer Meteor from Pittsburg Landing on riday reports Gen divirion has again advanced and now rests three miles from Corinth Deserters report that a great deal of hard feeling exists between the Missouri and Ten nessee troops and those from the southern states The former were urging that they have nothing to fight for their states "having been restored to the Union and they see no reason why they should be compelled to fight for the independence of tlie cotton states ROM THE LEET A dispatch from the fleet near ort Pillow re ceived on Saturday says that deserters state that the rebel flotilla had been reinforced by the arri val of a new ram called Gen Price and the iron clad gunboat Arkansas from Memphis Jeff Thompson has landed a part of his forces on the Arkansas shore and a demonstration against our land forces was made on Wednesday night and our pickets driven in The enemy now hold part of the point The latest news from the fleet states that sev eral gunboats came round Head Point Saturday on a reconnoissance The Benton opened fire as soon as they came within range when the rebels retired The gunboat Mound City has boon thoughly repaired and has gone down from Cairo A TWO DAYS SKIRMISH The steamer Swan from Pittsburg Landing ar rived at Cairo on Sunday The news is not im portant A picket skirmish had taken place last ing nearly two days The rebels were driven back but not till they succeeded in burning the bridge over a small stream four miles from Corinth Twelve of our men arc reported to have been wounded Deserters continue to report the scarcity of provisions in the rebel camp Many of th ir cattle are starving for the want of for age Guerrillas infest the country around Hick man and New Madrid and other points THE COMING RATTLE A special dispatch to the New' York Times da ted Camp on Corinth road May 17th says the Memphis papers of the 14th are looking for the great battle at Corinth with terrible interest They estimate the national army at 60000 and insist that it is greatly demoralized They say they do not allow themselves to think of being defeated Beauregard is undoubtedly still at Corinth BEAUREGARD GONE TO VIRGINIA Passengers from Pittsburg give currency to the rumor that Gen Bragg is in command at Corinth Beauregard having been called to Virginia to or ganizc the reacl army in the vicinity of Richmond EXCHANGE SURGEONS Arrangements have been effected between Gen Halleck end Beanregard for an exchange of sur geons Prisoners were sent on by Beauregard on the 13th under a flag of truce borne by Col Pe gram of the army of Western Virginia Not only these prisoners but others have been con fined at Columbia Miss Some of them were taken in Missouri last summer Before leaving Corinth one of their number was recognized by one of men as a member of the 25th Illi nois paroled at Lexington and Beauregard or dered him to be heavily ironed ARRIVED AT THE CAMP Gov Morton and Adjutant General Noble of Indiana arrived at Gen army on Sat urday I THE CAPTURE COL PHELAN Dispatches have been received from Col Dan head quarters near Bloomfield Missouri containing accounts of the capture of the notori ous Colonel Phelan of Jeff gang of marauders and over 100 of his men ifty of the men it is said gave themselves up and expressed a desire to return to a quiet and peaceful life MEMPHIS REUGEES The steamer Diligent from Hickman brought up to Cairo a second load of refugees from Mem phis and other points south on Saturday All tell the same story of hardships endured in trav eling on foot through woods and swamps and subsisting on such provisions as could be carried in their pockets The party is almost entirely composed of men in the prime of life Refugees say that officers from Corinth who are frequently in Memphis complain bitterly of the loss the southern cause sustained by the delay of Gen Halleck in making an attack upon them Beau regard has been ready for a week and every day that passes weakens him He has re ceived all the reinforcements that it is pos sible for him to procure excepting raw levies while sickness rages throughout bis camp to an alarming extent joeauregaru mis placed an imperative embargo on letter writing from his camp No soldier is permitted to send any written communication to his friends The Union people in Memphis are reported to be sore ly disappointed at the delay of our fleets Many in anticipation of their arrival have been embold ened to the utterance of Union sentiments which got them into serious trouble It is asserted that the fleet will have no difficulty after passing ort Pillow and the rebel fleet The whole country for 100 miles below Corinth has been swept to obtain supplies for the rebel army and is now nearly exhausted Serioqj embarrassments from this cause are anticipated ROM ARKANSAS The latest advices from Gen Curtis are that his forces between Scarey and Little Kock Ark are rapidly marching on the capitol Gov Rector has called out the militia and the people generally to come out Large numbers have applied to Curtis for protection as they desire to come under the cld flag ORCES Major Ilclwtiwas released Thursday at Spar ta by Morgan He states Morgan had 60 Jncn with him OPERATIONS ON THE COAST rom Port Koyal A BEUEL STEAMER RUN AWAY WITH The Atlantic from ort Royal the 14th has arrived at New York Among her passengers is Gen Gillmore who commanded at the reduction of ort Pulaski The steamer Planter had arrived from Charleston She run away with a contraband pilot and crew She brought papers to the 12th and seven heavy guns ana one eight inch rifled gun intended for ort Ripley which is being constructed on the middle ground in Charleston harbor The pilot cleverly got clear on Monday night of his white captain shipped his family nnd at daylight Tuesday boldly steered by the forts giving his usual salute of the steam whistle then hoisting the white flag ho steered for our squadron It is said that his vessel and guns are worth near a prize to the blockading fleet The pilot himself is con sidered the greatest acquisition being acquainted thoroughly with all the intricacies of navigation ia that region OICIAL INTELLIGENCE The navy department has received report from Com Dupont dated Port Royal the 13th report ing the capture of the schooner Maria Theresa the 10th by the gunboat Unadilla He also en closes the report of Commander Panptt of the Augusta concerning the steamer Planter Com Dupont states in addition that portions of the information derived from her pilot arc of the ut most importance He would continue to employ the pilot about the Planter for the inland waters She is quite a valuable acquisition to the squadron Preparations to Attack Savannah NEGRO REGIMENT ORGANIZED Vast preparations are making to bombard Sa vannah our gunboats have proceeded up the river and our pickets are within four miles of tue city JUassive battenes mounting rarroit guns have been erected all around the city Our troops have a portion of the Charleston and Sa vannah railroad in their possession A negro regiment is being organized by Gen Hunter its officers being appointed from Massachusetts regi ments and the movement meets' favor as they arc able to perform duties which will relieve our troops PROBABLE INSURRECTION AT CHARLESTON Gen proclamation has been published at Charleston and a negro insurrection was im minent ROM NEWBERN The steamer Gen Burnside from Newbern 16th arrived at New York on Sunday with 165 sick and wounded soldiers the troops were in good health THE MOUNTAIN DEPARTMENT A Slight Repulse OICIAL DISPATCH Tho following is extracted from a dispatch to the secretary of war by Col John Geary da ted Rectortown Va May 16 A company of in fantry of my command was yesterday ordered to Linden to remain stationed there A detach ment of 17 men guarding the wagons reached there a short time before the main body of the company which was on a train They were attacked by a body of cavalry variously es timated at from 300 to 600 coming upon them from four directions Our men resisted them keeping up a sharp firing under shelter of the de pot which was riddled with bullets My men were finally overpowered one was killed and 14 taken prisoners three of whom were wounded when the enemy hastily retreated under fire and with some loss I have been informed that a por tion of Gen command had a skirmish with them A DEEAT AND A VICTORY A special dispatch to the New York Tribune dated headquarters of the Mountain department ranklin Va via Baltimore May 17th says: Despatches received Saturday afternoon and even ing not official but considered trustworthy at headquarters announce that Princeton tho capi tal of Mercer county Va where Gen ad vance was stationed was attacked and captured on riday by a rebel force under Humphrey Mar shall Saturday morning the place was "recap tured and the rebels defeated by Gen Cox No particulars are received Scouts report that the enemy in front of our forces have been reinforced LATE NE H'N ROM THE "SOUTH The Naval ight neat ort Pillow WHAT THE REBELS SAY The Memphis Avalanche of the 13th contains the following from ort Pillovf the We fought the enemy with four of our lightest boats one hour and a half We sunk one gunboat and two mortar boats our loss is two killed and eight wounded That of the enemy is very heavy as our sharpshooters literally mowed them down Wc fought side by side with the enemy and not one shot passed through our breastworks Our upper works are riddled but we are ready to butt agaiii We will be able to hold the river The gunboats in the late attack on Com flotilla were commanded by Montgomery assisted by Jeff Thompson PENSACOLA EVACUATED The Mobile Advertiser and Register contains the following dispatch: Pensacola May 10 At 12 last night the Pensacola navy yard and forts were set on fire and destroyed When the enemy discovered what was going on ort Pickens opened a furious bombardment and kept it up during the conflagration but without doing any damage to any one At Pensacola all the public property" except the custom house incapable of being burned was destroyed but all the moveable confederate property has been saved Tho rail road track leading out of the city toward Mont gomery was torn up this morning ederal vessels with a flag of truce came up to the ci )y to day demanding its surrender Mayor Bollbe refused to comply with the demand and sai all the military "forces bad left and he had not power to oppose The federal officer replied they would occupy the city to morrow but the in habitants need not be alarmed Pensacola was evacuated on the 12th On the morning of that day the batteries of Santa Rosa Island together with the fleet commenced shell ing tho works but no response was made After a short but vigorous cannonading a flag of truce was sent ashore to discover the cause No enemy whatever was found The federal troops were to take possession the following day No men tion is made of the direction taken by the rebels THE ALL NOROLK Speaking of the fall of Norfolk the Avalanche says: worse than the in which we so confidently rested was burnt at Cranny Island on Saturday night such is the tenor of the brief but painful intelligence flashed over the The evacuation of Yorktown and Norfolk arc pronounced stratcgctical movements by no means indicating a rebel defeat Williamsburg is claim ed as a rebel victory According to their ac counts tho Yankees were repulsed with great loss YELLOW EVER AT NEW ORLEANS There were 3 cases of yellow fever at New Orleans at last accounts 2 at the Charity Hos pital and one in the rench Hospital MISCELLANEOUS The Avalanche says it has been formally decid ed that Savannah is never to be surrendered Tho provost marshal of Memphis has received instructions from the military authorities to take confederate notes as currency and arrest as dis loyal all persons who retuse to receive them in ordinary business transactions lour was quoted at Memphis at $21 and $22 bacon 80 cents for sides and hams sugar 6 cents molasses 25 cents of cotton and tobacco no sales receipts or shipments: com $130 oats $125 Notwithstanding the federal progress says the Avalanche we feel all confidence that Magruder will get to Richmond some time before McClellan advances It thinks their real aud best security urges money holders to invest in veal estate NEWS ROM WASHINGTON Official Thanks to denernl Wool The skillful and gallant movements of Major General John Wool and the forces under his command which resulted in tho surrender of Nor folk and the evacuation of the strong batteries erected by the rebels on Point and Cra ncy Island and the destruction of the rebel iron clad steamer Merrimac are regarded by the pres ident as among the most important successes of the present war He therefore orders that his thanks as commandcr in chief of the army and navy be communicated by lhewar department to Major General John Wool and tke officers and soldiers of his command for their gallantry and good conduct in the brilliant operations men tioned THE UGITIVE SLAVE LAW IN WASHINGTON Eight or ten fugitive slaves have been returned to claimants in Washington It is estimated tliat there were recently there about a thousand slaves principally from Prince County Md At least forty slaveholders from that coun ty were at the court on Saturday filing petitions for reclaiming runaways Iu some cases as many as 21 are claimed by a single person Generally the fugitives for whom the writs are issued are beyond the reach of arrest (i1 PROCLAMATION TO BE MODIIED The president decided Saturday morning to modify Gen proclamation emancipating the slaves in his department THE DONATION PUBLIC LANDS The Senate committee on public lands have unanimously reported back Senator bill donating 30000 acres for each senator and repre sentative to every state which provides a college for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts REORGANIZATION THE NAVY DEPARTMENT The House naval committee have authorized the chairman to report the Senate bill reorganiz ing the navy department It creates three addi tional bureaus The committee have also author ized Mr Sedgewick to report the bill reorguhizing the naval srrvice which was prepared some time since by a sub committee of both houses It pro aides for ten grades ranging from a cadet to a rear admiral MAIL MATTER OR DIVISION The post office department has directed that all mail matter for command be sent to New York LATER ROM EUROPE Arrival of ike Great If astern Tho Great Eastern from Milford Haven on the 6tli arrived at New' York on Saturday bringing two days later intelligence' ENGLAND The London Times argues that the true test of public feeling in the North ill come when the taxes are collected Meantime so long as the federate are not absolutely winners they arc losers whereas so long as the confederates are not actually subdued they may regard themselves as winning" These are considerations which coun terbalance the superiority of the North Capt Wilson who recaptured the Emily St Pierre from the prize crew has been formally pre sented by' numerous Liverpool merchants with a valuable service of plate and a gold chronometer Also with a sextant from his own crew and by owners of the ship The Mercantile Marine association of Liverpool has also announc ed its intention to present him with a gold and his cook and steward with silver medals Valuable money presents were also made to the cook and steward Speeches eulogistic of the act were made on the occasion by several prominent merchants Parliament is engaged on the educational ques tion The views are generally ac cepted The Morning Herald argues from the reports of mission to Richmond th at the begin ning of the end is not far distant and says that rance and England suffer more than neutrals ever suffered from any contest and both begin to regard the war as interminable and atrocious The archbishop of Canterbury was seriously ill but has rallied out of danger The bids for the Russian loan in all the cities are one third more than is required GENERAL NEWS The Paris Patrie asserts that Mercier tho rench minister to Washington had a long con ference with Jeff Davis at Richmond that the steps which had been taken by Mercier are of an entirely political character and are known President Lincoln Additional arrests had been made at Warsaw for singing prohibited songs A dispatch from Calcutta the 16th of April The financial statement estimates a sur plus of £1500000 on imports The duties on cotton goods are to be reduced rom ortress Monroe AAIRS AT NOROLK Major Nixon of the 99th New York has been appointed assistant provost marshal of Norfolk General Wool visited Norfolk on riday He contemplates a removal of his headquarters there REBEL PRISONERS Thirty five rank and file and three officers rebel prisoners taken by Gen McClellan left the ort ress Saturday morning for ort Delaware She also took a lot of sick and wounded THE CREW THE MERRIMAC Several of the crew of the Merrimac have gene np to Baltimore Some of them are northern men and believed to have been impressed RUMORED EVACUATION WELDON There is a rumor at ortress Monroe that Wel don is evacuated by the rebels Iarge ire nt Lexington A fire at Lexington Saturday morning de stroyed the piano forte manufactory of II Lockey the comb factory' of Joslyn Adams the machine shop of Thurston and Richardson and two other buildings Loss $30000 partly insured Uniting of European Steamers The Ilammonia sailed from New York Satur day noon with 260 passengers The Etna also sailed at noon with 308 passengers and $500000 in specie The Iatcst Mnrketn At Boston 17tb Eastern railroad 59! Boston and Maine 109 Boston and Providence 110 Philadel phia and Wilmington 53 Vermont and Massachu setts 13 Cambridge 104 Malden and Melrose 8 United btates sixes 1SS1 1044 United States 7 3 10 loanl04 United States certificates of indebtedness 100 United States demand notes 100J American gold 103 Tremont bunk 110 Boylston bank 112 Suffolk bank 125 Mount Vernon bank 91 National bank 95 Safetv und bank 101 AtNowYork 17th stocks were a shade easier and dull Chicago and Rock Island 51 Chicago Burling ton aud (juincy 70 Cleveland and Toledo 461 Galena and Chicago 72 Illinois central scrip 61? Michigan southern guaranteed 56 Michigan central 61 Hudson 42 Erie 39j New York central abj Pacific mail 116 American gold 1C3 United States sixes 1881 registered 104 United States sixes 1881 coupons 1C4J Missouri sixes 52 Indiana war loan' 94 Illinois 96 California sevens 96 CITY ITEMS The grand jury for Hampden county meets to day A very full audience attended the religious ser vices held at Music hall Sunday night by Rev Dr Ide This series of meetings will undoubted ly prove a success and a benefit Tho present dearth of police business is being improved by repairing the loek up in the base meet of the City Hall New floorings and stronger locks are to be supplied to the cells Mr Pauncefort revives the old sterling English comedies and a most excellent scries will be of fered this week in which Miss Anna Brown the charming comedienne will appear together with other new members recently added to the company A list of the insured losses by the great fire at Troy purporting to be official and footing up $1464320 gives the following figures respecting 'companies in this city ire and Marine $42000 Hampden $5500 Massasoit $30000 Tho Western Massachusetts at Pittsfield loses One of the luckiest among large compiinics is the hom*o of New York which lores only $11300 The trees arc rapidly taking out their summer clothing from their "trunks and preparing for June the great dress month of the year The coquettish fruit trees are this year adorning them selves witli loveiv oiossouis utau uuubiuu lute The continues the mercury reach ing 90 degrees on Saturday aud 84 degrees on Sunday each at 1 The Sunday night mail train from New York brought sonic sixty sick and wounded soldiers belonging to various Massachusetts and New Hampshire regiments They were tired and hun gry having eaten nothing on the route and a bountiful repast was provided for them by the city authorities the refreshments bring carried through the cars by Henry Adams and his assist ants Those sacrilegious scamps who desecrate the cemetery and outrage the feclines of bereaved friends by removing flowers clipping shrubs and taking up plants from the seme pain ful instances of whieh have lately ought to change their resilience from this loyal northern community to those southern nests of rebellion where the bodies of our dead soldiers arc mutilated and their bones flaunted as trophies The General Statutes of Massachusetts contain a dose (chapter 165 section 39) which will be ad ministered rigorously to the first trespasser that is caught in our cemetery A young man named James Thompson passed through this city on the Sunday night train from the south bound for Worcester where he has friends He was impressed into the rebel service at Norfolk and placed on board the famous Mer rimac He was serving on her when she fought the Monitor and up io the time of her On healing of the capture of Norfolk he camo over to tho Union army in company with many others of the crew He states that the re bels have tent 25000 men to Goldsborongh to oppose Gen progress in that direc tion lie gives interesting accounts of his in vcluntarv service on the Merrimac nnd says he never thought ho should sec the North again The aid association of Spring field packed and forwarded to St Louis on Sat urday seven barrels and two boxes of articles for hospital use containing 49 bed sacks 102 pillow sacks 32 pillow cases 12 pillows 53 sheets 16 flannel shirts 133 new cotton shirts 83 old cotton shirts 20 pairs of drawers 139 towels 72 hand kerchiefs 36 pairs of stockings 7 pairs of slippers 2 dressing gowns 1 air cushion neck ties 3 boxes of pincushions 82 combs 42 fans also tor use of the sick 4 bottles of brandy 5 bottles of wine 1 of whisky 2 of elderlierry wine 12 sponges 2 jars of preserved ginger 3 jars of cur rant jelly 4 jars of tamarinds 12 papers farina 15 do corn starch 6 do gelatine sago cocoa cloves tea castile soap oil silk a large quantity of lint and bandages with linen and cotton pie ces and many other articles for hospital use They acknowledge the receipt of valuable con tributions from Plainfield Belchertown and Agawam which are included in the above list Our efficient municipal committee on the fire department are prosecuting with much energy and diligence their inquiries as to the best method of procuring a supply of water for the protection of our city against fires They recently visited Hartford for the purpose of examining the water works of that city and on riday last in company with Mayor Bemis Ex Mayor Harris and some other members of the city government they also visited Pittsfield in order to acquaint themselves with the operations of the aqueduct there which was completed in 1856 and which is justly regarded with satisfaction by the citizens of that town The water by which the aqueduct is supplied comes from Ashley lake in Washing ton seven miles from and 700 feet above the village of Pittsfield At the outlet of this lake a dam is built so as to raise the lake 4 or 5 feet above its summer level in order to secure a sup ply in dry times The water flows from this lake by a brook some 4 miles into a reservoir and is thence conveyed to the village through a 10 inch cement pipe A head is thus obtained which throws an inch stream about 100 feet high through hose attached to hydrants The entire cost of the water works was about whieh was paid for by the issue of town bonds having 30 years to run and it can be demonstrated that they have already saved their cost in the prevent ing of losses which must otherwise have hap pened by fire On the return home they passed a vote of thanks to Pittsfield gentle men for information and hospitalities imparted also to Henry Gray superintendent of the West ern railroad for the courtesy shown them on that model road NEW ENGLAND NEWS ITEMS HAMPDEN COUNTY Quinn of Holyoke has been appointed and commissioned a justice of the peace for Hampden county One farmer at Monson has had a whole orchard nearly ruined by the mice girdling his trees tire past winter Davenport an employe of the Parsons Company paper mills at Holyoke had Iris foot badlj' injured a day or two since by some heavy timbers falling on it HAMPSHIRE COUNTY Measures are in train to procure an otgan for the Congregational church at Belchertown Smith of South Hadley alls has met with remarkable success this season in catching some line shad The freshman prize exhibition of the Alexandri an society of Amherst college takes place at the college chapel on Wednesday evening of this The senior class have their class day sup per at the Mansion House Northampton Hills Son are opening a new street at Amherst near the depot and several houses are in process of construction upon it WORCESTER COUNTY A brave girl at Barre recently killed ten black snakes several of which measured live or six feet in length in the pasture near her residence A pettifogging lawyer of Worcester very prom inent at the of drinking saloons ameup on the midnight train on the 15th from New York In the sleeping car was a lieutenant re turning to his home in this state badly wounded in the thigh and unable to sit up Although suf fering from exhaustion Worcester bored him with his conversation until at length he prevailed upon the wounded officer to lend him three dol lars! Some passengers who knew the informed the conductor who made him disgorge EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS smacks during the month of April is nearly10000 This is considered pretty'ood Loren Spencer of Somersville ffittt thrown from his wagon by a runaway horse on tbs' 14th and not found until tho next Jav lie was uncon scious until bis death on the IGtb aged 26 years The next Hartford directory to be issued in Juno will contain about 8800 names in an in crease of 300 from last year requent fires have occurred in the woods the past week One near Wolcottville one near Win sted arid others in Colebrook Colebrook River Sandistield and New Boston The house barn and outbuildings of a farmer named Lewis Richards at Ashford were burned on the Loss $1600 partially insured It is thought that his son who is insane fired the buildings At Wilbraham 12th a daughter to Bloomkk MARRIED At Chicopee 13th Ejiocy Bennett of West Brookfield aud Heath DIED In this city 18tb Neila 10 months daughter of Charles Roilins guncral on Tuesday at 2 at No 7 West Union street below Water In this city 17th Alfred Perkins 80 this (Monday) at 4 from the residence of his brother in law William Birnie Chestnut street In this city 16th (by drowning) Charles Goa man 9 son of Martin Goiman At Holyoke IStlr Mary 41 wife of Isaac Prontv At Brimfield 13tb Marquis 14 only eon of Marquis Converse At Providence I 10th Lemira 75 widow of Levi Mead of Chicopee At Whitinsville 12tb Asenath daughter of the late John 8 Chapin of Uxbridge At Ware 14th Cynthia Lord 70 At Newbern 3d Erasmus Davis 23 of the 27th Massachusetts regiment only son of Lorenzo Davis of Greenwich At North Becket 4th Mrs Ralph Clark 73 She died in the triumph of Christian faith Ohio and Michigan papers please copy At Somers 15th Mr Woodward the oldest person in the town At Ludlow 5tli of cancer Joel uller 76 New York papers please copy iXJatite TIT A meat and vegetable Cook Inquire at the Hampden House 6d rilWO or THREE HOUSE PAINTERS A Wanted Apply to MORLAND Spencer Mass myl63d fiUNMEN 3 or 4 experienced A Workmen immediately by A GALPlN 16 State st Springfield Mass 6d WANTED Journeymen Coat Makers None but the best of workmen need apply a25 OTH BOWDOIN ATT ANTED 2 Good Milliners to whom good pay will be given Apply to MALLEY 7 Merchants liow Northampton Mass iuyl7 3d BOARDERS our Gentlemen or two Gentlemen aud oue Gentleman and his ife can have Board and Rooms at MRS comer of Water and William streets a9 SITUATION WANTED by a Young Man 20 years of age Has had five years experience In Dry Goods and Grocery Store Will give best of refer ences Address A STODDARD North Brookfield Mass myrt 3d db i HOM the above named tpJLUvv amount for a term of three or five years Security given on desirable arm Property (worth within four miles of Springfield Center Inquire of A BURT 225 Mata street 12d SALESMAN WANTED We want a thor ough practical and efiicknt working man in our Readv Made a good competent Salesman who can keen his stock in order see customers and mako himself useful Salary will bo paid according to ability and energy displayed from five hundred to oue thousand dollars per annum Apply In person to myl4 6d TILLY HAYNES BROS CO EGRUITS A few more Men wanted for the 27th Mass Regiment Col Lee with the Burnside Expedition to go immediately on to Newbern Pay and rations commence when en listed This is the only place where government is enlist ing men and the last chance to see the short duration of this war ended Aoply soon to LIEUT WOOD Recruiting Officer Good rich Block inya ANTED Mrs Rachel Lee who died at Manchester' 15th iust aged 99 years 8 months was the widow of Isaac Lee Jr a patriot who fought at the battle of Bunker Hill when he was only 14 years of age Mrs Lee lias had 122 descendants of whom 68 arc living She enjoyed remarkable physical and intellectual vigor to the very last and when taken ill was engaged in knitting for the Union volunteers At New Bedford on the 1 5th Thomas Ashbrook a rigger fell from the maintop of a ship and was so severely injured that he died a few hours after of internal ho morh age James Powers of Boston has been indicted and fined for keeping gunpowder contrary to law This gunpowder was rescued from and seized at the late fire at 392 ederal street at great risk to the In res of the members of the fire depart ment The seminary of Paul Wing at East Sandwich was destroyed by fire on the 15th for the second time The furniture was mostly saved Loss $6000 on which there was some insurance The oldest factory' in Salisbury village No 3 mill was put in partial operation last week by the starting up of 30 broad looms It lias been ly ing still for two years The Powow river mills have partially recommenced operations after six stoppage The Bartlett steam mills (cotton) at Newbury port have declared a seini aunual dividend of 6 per cent MAINE A new daily paper is to be started at Portland by Gilman of the Bath Tinies A Tenney of the Brunswick Telegraph and Joseph Hall of the Aroostook Herald all practical editors and publishers NEW HAMPSHIRE Gov Berry has received a requisition from tho war department for 200 men to recruit the 6th regiment now with Gen Burnside to its maxi mum standard In the little town of Tuftonborough there are now residing 39 persons of 70 years old and upward Labor has not been resumed in the cotton facto ries at isherville but the cabinet making box sash and blind business employ a large number of Business at Littleton is rather dull yet a commendable spirit for repairing painting and gardening is prevalent A woman bewitched with a life or with some soldier smuggled herself to Ship Island in tho ship Great Republic as a member of the 15th Maine regiment The colonel caused her to re sume her proper dress i VERMONT The Bennington powder manufacturing com pany have obtained another heavy contract for powder from the government and the railroad companies have received orders to allow its trans portation over their roads Dea Tracy senior editor and one of tho founders of the Vermont Chronicle at Windsor an organ of the Congregationalists died on the 15th aged 65 Abial Tripp of West Windsor has had the skin of a lamb stuffed which was boru with one head and neck but with two bodies and the propor tionate amount of limbs Upon the head an ex tra pair of cars were stuck and an extra eye in serted Isaac Snow of Si ratford was very badly burned on the 9th by the taking fire of a demijohn of alcohol while he was pouring out some of its con tents Ebenezer Bailey of Claremont fell from a tree on the 12th by the breaking of an unsound limb on which he rested a ladder and was instantly killed His back neck and arm were fractured CONNECTICUT The Hartford and New York steamboat com pany are building two new propellers which will be launched within a month to accommodate their largo freighting badness on the river The old propellers are all itt government service Joseph of Mill Plain Danbury went to feed his horso on the 10th with a lighted pipe in mouth The bam caught firixand was de stroyed that iu our pipe ami smoke it William II Wheeler of Litchfield had a snow drift four feet deep in Iris door yard ou the 15tb cool 'Captain Solva Converse of Stafford Springs celebrated bis golden wedding on the 1 4th He is over 70 years of age but is still an active business man owning two factories and several fui ifrs i XT i Tho number of codfish caught by Noani Coat Makbm ast Makers xni Vest Makers on Custom Wons Good hands will find constant employment and tho best wages by immediate application to ALLEY MILLER CO inylT 6d 89 Maia st JGENTS WYNTEI) Extra Inducements offered experienced agents to canvass for Life of Washington Sacred Bls graphy and History Christian Home and other publics tions both in the English and German language No agent will be required to canvass territory which has been previously occupied unless desired or further informa tion applj at my office in Bost Office Block or address GURDON BILL ns22 dtf Springfield Mass lomr cnb fttb et TO RE A pleasant front Raom Ad dress Box 500 Post Otilce (Ehonws fot finsiness QLrecs anb Scrubs One half of the House in West A Springfield known as tho Capt house Als the Garden attached Inquire of DANIEL II BARNEY on the premises Hampden nursery i am now pr pared to offer a very large assortment of Irnitana Deciduous Ornamental Trees lowering hbruos Grap Vines Raspberries strawberries together mu Evergreen Trees and Hedge hints of all sues The Green House contains a choice collection of Green House and Bedding Plants heaPhy faml of which will be sold at low rates KICiI 1 BL1 6IO 6wd Chestnut st SpnngfleM riHIE ADVERTISER about leaving for a JL distant state offers for sale his entire Stock consist ill" of GROCERIES RUIT ANCY' GOODS STATIONERY kc The tore has been long established and is well loeated in thrifty village within ten miles of Springfield Any person desirous of commencing a business of tua above description will find this a very favorable opportu nity and well worthy of investigation Application may be made AMES Goodrich Block Sprinctield Mass who will give all desired information myl4 61 TALOUJi AND MEAL Priees Take Jr The subscriber is selling athis MUI and Store good lour for 8625 per Bbl fresh ground Com Meal from sound grain at $130 per 100 lbs m20 JOHN BANGS ri RAPE VINES OR SALE Well rooted VX and choice vaiietlcs such as Diana Anna Concord Hartford 1'relific eematcr Rebecca and Isabellas Apply to A MACE 21 Spr ng st Springiield Mass 6(L QTRAWBERRY RASPBERRY GDEEN HOUSE and BEDDING OUT PLANTS Grown and for sale by JAMES BROWN (premises of Charles Ely) West Springfield Mass (ry Send for a Catalogue for 1862 myl Imd fine £rts CiTl'L ULATE ENGRAVINGS SmimPhwfor sale for one week only a largo CHArrEL has lor CiJvAP for collection of Engravings which well be sola liinaf wr Adlafo A opposite Tinklmm A Co OTO (IB A ALBUMS Bound in velvet new and very desirable xtylcs havei just been added to our assortment SAMUEL BOWLES CO A BEAUTIUL An Enp avd Carl with accompanying Cards makoabeautauJ and useful Holiday or Birthday Present (Give early orders) Ladies and parties ordering WEDDING JNV1TA1TON or VISITING CARDS can be advised of tho moot approved and oleganU styles and procure the most fashionable varieties sf EDI IN ENVELOPES at the subscribet a rooms Vlows Portraits Plans LaVls Seals and ww other varistf rf ENGRAVING and at wsssreavaf QUARTO PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS Holding 2OT 250 and 300 Pictures In various style of binding now ready for the trade or at retail SAMUEL BOWLES CO.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.