The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)

000. 000. 00 000. 000. 000.

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PAY 10,000 HOLY NAME MEMBERS PARADE BEFORE 20,000 IN RIDGEFIELD PARK CELEBRATION U. S. YARDSTICK OF WAGE- HOURS Federal Regulations Revise Standards For 40-Hour Limit IN EFFECT OCT. 24 (By Associated Press) Washington, Oct. 14-A $200 salary monthly has been set up by the wage-hour administration as one of the yardsticks in revised regulations governing the exemption of executive, administrative.

professional, retail trade and outside sales employees from the hours restrictions of the Labor Standards Law. The new regulations mean, in effect that persons who come within the official definition of certain of these classes need not be paid overtime for work in excess of 40 hours a week if they receive a regular salary of $200 or higher, The revised rules, however, do not apply to persons earnig $200 8 month or more, whose work does not come under these special classifications. The rules are effective Oct. 24 when 40 hours becomes the standard work week for all workers covered by the wage-hour law. The present maximum work week is 42 hours without overtime pay.

Officials were unable to estimate how many persons would be affected by the revised rules. INTERSTATE WORK HIT Most interstate commerce enterprises will be affected, officials said. In brief, the revised definitions are as follows: Executive: an employee, paid at least $30 week, who has management duties, the power to hire and fire, and who does no more than 20 per cent of the type of work performed by nonexempt employees. Administrative: an employee paid $200 a month or more, who is engaged under only general supervision in work related to management policies of general business operations, the work requiring the use of independent judgment and discretion. Professional (other than physician or lawyer): an employee, paid $200 a month or more whose work is predominantly intellectual and varied in character, whose product be standardized, whose qualifications require specialized or advanced knowledge, or artistic and creative ability.

Retail sales: an employee making retail sales the greater part of which are in intrastate commerce, or performing work incidental thereto, and whose work does not include more than 20 per cent of the same type of work done by nonexempt employees. No special salary provisions were fixed. Outside sales: A person customarily engaged away from his employer's place of business who makes sales or obtains orders for contracts for the use of facilities for which a consideration will be paid. These employees must not do more than 20 per cent of type of work done by non -exempt employees, and their office work incidental to outside sales is not to be regarded as nonexempt work. No special salary provisions were fixed.

LOUIS D. FRIESS, 40 Cliffside Man Was Traffic Manager For Importing Firm Louis D. Friess, 40, of 520 Olympia Avenue, Cliffside Park died yesterday at The New York Medical Center, after a short illness. He had a heart ailment. Traffic manager for an importing firm in New York, Mr.

Friess lived in New York and Union City before moving to Cliffside Park 14 years ago. Funeral services will be held at the home Wednesday at 2 P. M. will be in Fairview Cemetery. Surviving are his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Dominick Friess and a sister, Frances. PUBLIC AUCTION On The Premises 105 MONTE VISTA AVE. RIDGEWOOD, N. J.

The Property of Sold by Order of MRS. FLORENCE LA BAU SALE OCT. 15 AT 1 P. M. Fine Antique Early AMERICAN VICTORIAN Furniture Furnishings ANTIQUE HALL CLOCKS Victorian Chairs, Sofas.

Antique Sleigh Beds. Mirrors. Early Amerlean Chests. Console Tables, Briea-brac. China, Glass, Sterling Silver and Sheffield.


Y. C. PL. 5-2496 Arthur LeNoble North Jersey's Largest Complete ONE-STOP SERVICE STATION! When you want your car conditioned for safe, comof prompt service and ing fortable, you economical can be driv- sure skilled labor on even the smallest detail! STATE STREET AT R.R. CROSSING HACKENSACK 2-5671-5672 EDWARD JORDAN, FORMER ACTOR, IS DEAD IN PARK Playwright, Politician A Heart Attack Victim At Home Of Kin ACTIVE IN K.

OF C. School -Bergen Evening Record Photo children from throughout Bergen County stand in review as the parade of Holy Name Societies passes the St. Francis Church in Ridgefield Park. More than 10,000 marched in the long procession while some 20,000 persons lined the streets to watch the annual parade. The Rt.

Rev. Thomas A. Boland, auxiliary parade of the Bergen Federation of Holy Name above (left to right) are Bishop Boland, the Rev. Silverius Quigley of St. Anastasia's, Teaneck; Archdiocese, -Bergen Evening Record Photo bishop of the Newark Archdiocese, reviews the annual Societies at Veterans Park, Ridgefield Park.

Shown Thomas Burke of Holy Trinity, Hackensack; the Rev. and Monsignor Eugene S. Burke, Dean of the Newark 30,000 Jam Ridgefield Park For Annual H. N. S.

Parade (Continued from page 1) sacrifice to take part in Bishop Boland said. 10,000 who participated in the rally joined in prayer for Edward A. Molloy, 39, of 289 East Johnson Avenue, Bergenfield, who died of a heart attack as he marched. Bishop Boland led the prayer for Mr. Molloy as darkness settled over Veterans Park when it was learned the delegate from St.

John's R. C. Church of Bergenfield had died. Mr. Molloy was marching with the Bergenfield Holy Name Society in front of the Ridgefield Park Municipal Building when he collapsed.

Paul Arvidson, custodian of the building, and Commander Frederick F. Williams of American Legion Post 40 rushed to his side and with men from the line of march hurried him into police headquarters. There Patrolman Edward Booth and Patrolman Fritz Hoeverman attempted to resuscitate him with the police inhalator. As the parade passed the apartments on Bergen Avenue, Herbert Willis, 68, of 333 Sylvan Avenue, Leonia, collapsed and was carried into the lobby of the building. Dr.

Charles Knox said he also suffered a heart attack and ordered him removed to Holy Name Hospital. He was taken to the hospital by Patrolman Edward Booth in the police car. The Rev. Fred J. Whiteley of St.

Mary's R. C. Church, Hackensack, sounded the theme of the rally in a sermon declaring it was the men of the church themselves who could save the world at a time when nation was fighting against nation and all kinds of isms were threatening the peace and liberty of the United States. "We are gathered here to pay homage and reverence to the greatest leader the world has ever known or ever will know, Christ, the King. It is indeed an inspiring spectacle to see so many men gathered here under his glorious banner and congratulate you on this wonderful demonstration of faith," Father Whitely said.

ATTACKS COMMUNISM Then viciously lashing Communism and the evils he said were eating at the core of the the the earth, he said it was the men of the church who must fight to preserve all that is holy and decent. He drew a word picture of what Christ would think or say if he were to return to the earth today: "He would see with sorrow the awful chaos that exists in the world today, a nation fighting against nation. the family life destroyed by divorce courts and race suicides, Communism and all other of isms destroying the peace and liberty of our nation. "And why all this moral upheaval. Because they have thrown aside the bulwarks of Christianity, they have cast aside its teachings.

They have gone still fusther, they have denied very existence of a personal God. "But they forget that without God, without Christianity there can be no permanent peace, no family, no liberty." The Rev. Whiteley concluded his address by saying: "Are you going to allow your children entrusted to you by God, to grow up in this same indifferent Godless atmosphere? "I repeat with all the powers of PERSONAL BELIEVING that some men and women are burdened and anxious and need help in meeting personal problems in love, marriage, home, a woman writer for many years columnist and confidant of readers all over the country offers, friendly counsel. Moderate fee. Strictly confidential.

By anneintment only. Address: Box A. Bergen Evening Record. Edward Curtis Jordan of field Park, actor, comedian, Ridge. play.

and wright, politician, press died agent, of ghost writer, heart attack at the home of his sister-in-law at 37 South Street at 1:30 A. M. today, He was 65. In Ridgefield Park he coached dramatic Church, groups of St. Francis 'R, C.

Sheridan published the "Compass" for Phil Club of which he was president. Born in Mobile, Mr. Jordan ran away home while a boy and obtained a Galveston job with a travtling troupe in where his first appearance on the stage was as an assistant to a tight rope walker. He was associated with Hamilton and Wiley's Stock Company as a comedian for years thereafter. He appeared frequently in vaude.

ville sketches at Tony Pastor's in skits in which he had collaborated Evening Record Photo Arrayed in full dress, the Fichter family of Tenafly forms the top hat division in the Holy Name parade at Ridgefield Park. Left to right are Valentine M. Fichter, Harry C. Fichter, Charles J. Fichter Othmar J.

Fichter, and Charles L. Fichter Jr. EDWARD MOLLOY DIES IN PARADE Services Wednesday Bergenfield Funeral services for Edward A. Molloy, 39, of 289 East Johnson Avenue, Bergenfield, who dropped dead from a heart attack yesterday as he paraded with the Bergenfield Holy Name Society, will be held tomorrow night by the Bergenfield Holy Name Society at St. John's R.

C. Church, Bergenfield, at 8:30 P. M. The Rev. Edward A.

McGuirk of St. John's Church who administered last rites at Ridgefield Park police headquarters, will conduct a high requiem mass Wednesday morning at 10 A. M. Mr. Molloy collapsed in front of the Municipal Building.

He was pronounced dead by Charles Knox, Ridgefield Park physician. Born in North Bergen, Mr. Molloy lived in Ridgefield Park 4 years before moving to Bergenfield with his family. Mr. Molloy is survived by his wife, the former Emily MacNeill of Ridgefield Park; a daughter, Patricia, 14; a son, Edward A.

his mother, Mrs. Catherine Molloy of North Bergen; a sister, Mrs. Kathleen M. Whittaker of North Bergen, and 3 brothers, John E. of New York City, George P.

of West Norwood, and Robert G. of North Bergen. Funeral services will be held Wednesday morning from Thomas Kelly Funeral Home, Bergenfield. ALVAREZ SERVICES Retired Cigar Packer, Committed Suicide At Cliffside Funeral services were to be held at 2 P. M.

today at McCorry Brothers Funeral Home, 643 Anderson Avenue, Cliffside Park, for Jacob Alvarez, 72, of 678 Greeley Avenue, Fairview, who took his life Saturday morning shooting himself in the head after slashing his Police Chief Anthony Magrino Polise Chief Anthony Magrino and Sergeant George Sedore investigated. Alvarez was pronounced dead by Dr. Joseph F. Videtti. Burial was in St.

Michael's Cemetery, Long Island City. Mr. Alvarez was born in Cuba. He was a retired cigar packer. According to his daughter and sonin-law, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Dengler, with whom he lived for three years, he had been melancholy. JOHN BERNROTH Services Held For Fairview Resident At Trinity Church Funeral services were last night for John Bernroth, held, 146 Fulton Avenue, Fairview, with the Rev. Henry N. Wittschen of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cliffside Park officiating.

Burial was this afternoon in Fairview Cemetery. Bernroth died Saturday in Englewood Hospital for a heart condition, after being taken there Thursday. He had been ill about a year. He was born in Germany, and had been here 42 years, including 28 years in Fairview. Surviving are his widow, Mrs.

Wilhelmina Burgermeister Bernroth; 4 sons, John, an employee of the Cliffside Office; Joseph, Herman, and Arthur; two daughters, Elsie and Emily; a granddaughter, a brother, Adolph, and another brother and two sisters in Germany. MRS. MARY SLAVINSKI Mrs. Mary Kotowski Slavinski, 42, of 419 Jersey Avenue, Fairview, died Saturday in Christ Hospital, Jersey City, where she had been admitted 4 days before. She had moved to Fairview recently from Cliffside Park, where she had lived 18 years.

Funeral will be held at home at tomorrow with the services, Rev. Kedroff of the Russian Cathedral, New York, officiating. Burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. Surviving are her husband, Harry, and 2 daughters, Sonya, Anna, and Anastasia. POMEROY (Continued from page 1) Allendale's money to promote his own political fortunes.

He said: "Parnell Thomas, who wasted a frightful lot of little Allendale's money in order to monger himself into political advancement, now struggles to befuddle himself out of his debacle. But like his other befuddlers in our little burg, he is befuddling even his befuddlement. "Because a lifelong Republican, was elected on an independent ticket and beat his hooligans two elections in a row and cleaned up the mess which he put our town into, he now tries to pin un-Americanism on me. His excuse is that Gerard Westrick, the German agent, used the New York bank where I am an officer as a reference, and Thomas thereby blinks the odium of seditious leanings on the bank. "The humorous aspect of this is that Parnell Thomas, in his eagernes to smear me, forgot that Mr.

Daniel E. Pomeroy, who is Republican leader in Bergen County as well as the Republican National Committeeman, is also a director of that same bank, and, of course, knows what goes on there. Mr. Pomeroy, who is respected everywhere, will be astonished to see the name of his great institution trifled by any one. "We Republicans who rescued Allendale from Parnell Thomas and cult need pay no attention to him, but maybe Mr.

Pomeroy will." Deaths DE, J. on GRUCCIO-Suddenly Sunday, October at 13th. Hackensack, 1940. Cono, beloved husband of the late Antoinette (nee Gurdulo) and beloved fathof er Raffaella D'Lia, Lena, Paul. Mike.

John and Cono De Gruccio. Funeral from the home of his daughter. 66 Huyler Street on Wednesday. Notice of time later. DESMOND- of 363 Maple Oradell, Sunday, October 13, 1940.

William W. in his 85th vear, beloved husband of the late Hattie (nee Egnor). Services Church of the Annunciation. Tuesday, October 15 at 3 P. M.

Interment Westwood Cemetery. FOLEY--on October 12. 1940, Richard thony, aged 49 of 85 South Prospect Hackensack. beloved husband of Belle, dear brother of Mrs. Ann Doyle, Mrs.

May Sweeney, Marion, Rose, Margaret, Mathew and Edward Foley. Funeral Wednesday, October 16. Notice of time later. Funeral Director William Schlemm Inc. GUIDO -At Hackensack, N.

on Friday, October 11th, Antonio, beloved husband of Genevieve (nee Mauro) and devoted father of Mary Zeppone. Louise Delguidice, Rose Curio. Peter, Anthony, John, Frank. Michael, George, Louis Philip Guido. Funeral from his late residence, 134 Lawrence Street on Tuesday at 9 A.

thence to St. Francis R. C. Church where a mass will be offered at 9:30 A. M.

for the happy repose of his soul. Interment St. Joseph's Cemetery, HALL -At Hackensack, N. on Sunday, 13th. October 1940, Samuel R.

beloved husband of Alice S. and father of Samuel L. and Jeanette Hall. Funeral service at his late home, 320 Clinton Place. Wednesday afternoon, October 16th at 1 o'clock.

COMPLETE SERVICES Our scrupulous attention to every detail assures a funeral which conforms to the highest standards of good taste. ALL the facilities of our modern funeral home are always at your service with no additional cost. WM.F. RICARDO SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS UNION AT PASSAIC ST. TELEPHONE HACKENSACK 2-0017 I SAMUEL R.

HALL DIES AT HOME Hackensack Man Was Ill Since Labor Day Samuel Rutherford Hall of 320 Clinton Place, Hackensack, died yesterday at 1 P. M. at his home after an illness which had confined him to his bed since Labor Day. Born at Hoboken, Mr. Hall had been a resident of Hackensack for 35 years.

His widow is executive secretary of the New Jersey Federation of Women's Clubs and served as president of the Hackensack Woman's Club for two terms from 1934 to 1938. Mr. Hall was the son of the late Samuel J. and Jeanette Christ Hall. He spent much of his childhood at Harlem, N.

Y. and attended Harlem schools. Until two years ago when he retired, Mr. Hall was a wholesale silk merchant and conducted an agency for various silk mills of the country. He was a member of the Seventh Regiment of New York, Silk Travelers' Association, and Hackensack Golf Club.

In addition to his widow, survived by a son, Samuel L. heals of Oaklyn; a daughter, Miss Jeanette Hall of Hackensack; and 4 sisters, Mrs. Edgar Odell, Miss Genevieve Hall of Forest Hills, R. Mrs. Walter E.

Bedell of New York City, and Mrs. Bronson Derby of East Orange. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 1 P. M. at the home with the Rev.

Edgar L. Cook, rector of Christ Church, Hackensack, officiating. Burial will be at Kensico Cemetery, N. Y. Deaths HUNT--Phoebe, of 138 Central Hasbrouck Heights, N.

J. Sunday, October 13, 1940. in her 81st year, beloved wife of Louis and dear mother of Samuel, Carrie and Robert. Funeral private. KLYNMAN John, beloved husband of Agnes Klynman of 107 Franklin Avenue, Saddle River Township in his 72nd year.

Funeral services at the Vander Plaat Funeral Home. Farview Paramus on Wednesday at 2 P. M. Avenue, Interment Cedar Lawn Cemetery, Please omit POWELL--Alice Fortescue at her late Sunday, 197 October Maple Englewood on 13. beloved wife of Harry Hilliard.

and mother of Grace F. Powell Funeral services from Brookside Chapel. Engle Englewood. Tuesday, October 15, at 2 P. M.

Please omit flowers. Arrangements Funeral by Greenleaf Home. George M. Cohan and others, WROTE MELODRAMAS Among the plays he wrote were such melodrama as "The Missing "Heartless "The and the "New Later Mr. Jordan went into burlesque and invented the famous character, "the an overnight sensation.

Mr. Jordan went to Hollywood and played in a short comedy as the "Goof" which was purchased by Mack Sennett. Ill health forced him to return to New York City and he established residence in Ridgefield Park while ghost writing. He wrote a radio program, "The Goofologist" which was produced over WOR. Mr.

Jordan fell ill a few weeks ago and was removed to a New York hospital. He returned to Ridgefield Park a few days ago and was convalescing at the home of his sister. in-law, Mrs. James Mousted of South Street, when he had the heart attack. Low mass will be said Thursday morning at St.

Francis R. C. Church by the Rev. J. J.

Butscher, pastor, Burial will follow at St. Joseph's Cemetery, Hackensack. One son, Herbert, survives Mr, Jordan at the South Street address, FUNERAL DIRECTORS THOS J. KELLY, Funeral Directors A. Frankie.

Mer. 37 West Main St. Bergenfield Phone Dumont 4-1285 WILLIAM SCHLEMM. INC. BOGOTA.

Palisades and Beechwood Aves. 2-6568 503 Winthrop Road Teaneck UNION CITY JERSEY CITY A. J. VOLK CO. Teaneck Rd.

at Cedar Lane. Teaneck 6-0202 631-33 Washington St. Hoboken 3-0820 Cliffside: Mt. Carmel's, Tenafly: St. John's Leonia, and St.

Luke's, Ho-Ho-Kus. FIFTH DIVISION my priestly soul that what the church needs today, what the world needs today to cure these Godless tendencies are men whose lives are governed by the principles of "Men whose lives are actuated by the spirit of faith, men who will instill into the minds of their children the sweet spirit of Christian charity. Then only may we hope to raise a generation that will be loyal to their country loyal to their church and loyal to their God." The Rev. J. J.

Butscher of St. Francis R. C. Church, Ridgefield Park, was celebrant for the benediction that followed, given as darkness gathered over the stadium. He was assisted by the Rev.

K. Joseph Manz, the Rev. W. F. Malloy, and Rev.

Mark J. Dooley. Reviewing the parade with Bishop Boland were the Rt. Rev. Msgr.

Eugene S. Burke of Holy Trinity R. C. Church, Hackensack, and the Rev. John J.

Clark, spiritual director of the Federation of Holy Name Societies. CHURCH 50 YEARS OLD The parade and rally had a double meaning for Ridgefield Park for it also celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of St. Francis Church, host to the Federation for the day. The parade started promptly at 3 P. M.

but it was after 5 o'clock before its divisions were assembled at Veterans Park. Police Chief Robert J. Benson and the Ridgefield Park police department escorted the delegations to the field. Grand Marshal was Charles J. Greene, first to be greeted by Bishop Boland with the rally chairman, Frank V.

Jerlinski and his aides, Thomas M. Turner, president of the federation, and Joseph Wilhelm, vice-president. The Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus color guard was guard of honor at the altar. The St. Francis Church Holy Name Society led the first division commanded by Commissioner E.

G. Alberque Jr. with James G. Sennett and Dr. Lee Fitzpatrick as aides.

26 BANDS PLAY Twenty-six bands and musical organizations played martial hymns as they paraded before the reviewing stand, presented colors, and saluted church officials at the altar. Outstanding were the national junior champions of the American Legion, the Holy Name Cadets of Garfield, and Harry B. Doremus American Legion Drum and Bugle Corps. Fifty-six parishes and missions were represented in the line of march and at the rally, the largest yet sponsored by the Holy Name Societies. The first annual rally 30 years ago was attended by 856 men.

In the line of march were: FIRST DIVISION E. G. Alberque commandant: James G. Sennett and Dr. Lee Fitzpatrick, aides.

Delegations were from St. Francis, Ridgefield Park; St. Mathews. Ridgefield: St. Mary's, Dumont: Immaculate Conception: Most Holy Name, Garfield: Our Lady of St.

Ann's Fait Lawn: St. Anastasia's. Sorrows, Garfield: St. Stanislaus. Garfield: Teaneck.

SECOND DIVISION Nicolo Clampe. commandant: Walter J. Powers and E. J. Moran.

aides. gations were from Virgin, Garfield; St. Mary's, Rutherford: St. Joseph's, East Rutherford: St. Anthony's.

Moonachie: St. Michael's. Pelisades Park: St. Nicholas. Palisades Park: Holy Rosary.

Edgewater: St. Teresa's. Cresskill: Immaculate Conception, Norwood: St. Mary's. Closter: St.

Demarest. and Church of the Assumption, Wood-Ridge. THIRD DIVISION Martin E. Austin. commandant: James A.

Breslin and Daniel A. Jeffers aides: Delegations were from Sacred Heart. Rochelle Park: Maywood: Corpus Christi, Hasbrouck Heights: Sacred Heart. Lundhurst: St. Michael's.

Lyndhurst: Mt. Car. mel's. Ridgewood: St. Mary's.

Hackensack: St. Margaret's, Little Ferry: St. Francis, Hackensack: St. Joseph's, Hackensack; St. Francis, Lodi, and St Joseph's, Lodi.

FOURTH DIVISION Carl Manz. commandant: John Howell and Harvey A. Murray, aides. Delegations were from St. Joseph's.

Bogota: St. Joseph's. Oradell: St. Cecilia's. Englewood: Our Lady of Grace, Fairview: St.

John's, George J. Fischer, commandant: William P. Brew and Stephen J. Lyons, aides. DeleSacred gations were Heart.

from Epiphany's, Grantwood: Hudson Heights: St. Andrews. Westwood: St. Mary's. Park Ridge: Our Lady of Victory.

Harrington Park: St. Anthony's, Northvale: Madonna. Fort Lee: Holy Trinity's. Coytesville: Sacred Heart. Haworth: John's.

Hillsdale, and St. Leo's. East Paterson. George F. Malley was general chairman of the committee in charge of arrangements at Veterans Park and the line of march through Ridgefield Park.

The former Village commissioner praised the Board of Commissioners and police department for the manner in which parade facilities were handled. 10,000 CARS THERE Police Chief Robert J. Benson estimated that more cars than have ever been present at Village July 4 A celebrations were in Ridgefield Park yesterday. He estimated 10,000 cars were parked on the Village streets. He said only 2 boys were hit by cars when they darted from behind parked autos.

They were uninjured. Two boys were lost but returned to their parents before the rally was over, police reported. Union Place where 25 buses were parked was a bedlam at 6:30 when the rally broke up. Members of drum and bugle corps waiting for others to return struck up different tunes. Residents of the street were dumbfounded.

A squad of guides, members of the local Holy Name Society, American Legion Post 40, and the Ridgefield Park Volunteer Fire Department assisted police in' handling traffic and the crowd. The guides were: Vincent A. Maher, Edward Rooney, vinCalessano. R. J.

McNamee, Smith. Edward McMahon John Callahan. Grant Ward. Roswell Frichette, Leo Menadier. Victor Heinemann.

Paul Wilson, John McGovern. John Holland, Frank Longergan. Charles McManus, W. Vello. Martin Hughes, Walter Walsh J.

Kenny, J. Manning. J. Canavan. Beniamin Cotterell.

G. Kelly, Martin Mulligan, B. Weissner, Samuel A. Friedman, Clyde Weaver, Scheidler and John Dempsey. Also Warren Luken, Lincoln Luken, Maher.

William Relihan, F. C. McCarthy. F. Havlick, R.

J. Tarrant, Leo Holland, T. Heffernen, Arthur Brantl, Vincent Holland. William Fechtmann, Otto Shell. William Dryer, Fred Williams.

Abbott. Thomas Walker. Elmer Kay. James Boswell. Sidney Stern.

Harding. Louis Wehrli, Singleton E. Mc- 50,000 In H. N. S.

Line At Parade In Newark (By Associated Press) Newark, Oct. 14-Catholic men and boys of North Jersey Holy Name Societies participated by tens of thousands yesterday in parades and special religious services that were marked by mishaps and at least one death. Newark one of the largest such demonstrations in its history, as 50,000 marched in review before Archbishop Thomas J. Walsh and a crowd estimated by police at A policeman and five spectators received minor burns and Archbishop Walsh escaped possible injury when canvas on a temporary altar near his reviewing stand caught fire. FIRE (Continued from page 1) mated by owner Barney Van Den Berg, escaped from the barn after sustaining sever head burns.

Patrolman Roy Finn of Glen Rock police pumped bullets into the crazed animal as it charged the crowd. Only the ground skeleton of the 2-story barn was left, A dairy bar on the premises was not damaged. The loss was covered by insurance. Police from Glen Rock, Paramus, Fair Lawn, and were on hand as well as County Paterson, Police. Mrs.

Van Den Berg declared this morning that there would be no interruption of dairy service to Ridgewood, Glen Rock, Midland Park and Fair Lawn. The company, she said, would not replace the cows but would purchase milk from other dairies. Milk deliveries were made on schedule today. THE BOSWORTH FUNERAL HOME 439 Maywood Avenue, Maywood Sincere and Personal Service Tel. Hack.

2-1318 GREENLEAF FUNERAL HOME Est. 1907 108 W. Palisade Ave. Englewood 3-0410 RICARDO MEMORIAL HOME William F. Ricardo Son, funeral directors, corner Union and Passaic Hackensack.

N. J. Phone Hackensack 2-0017. Funeral parlors always open for visitation. Lady attendant.


Tel. Engle. 3-0091 C. A. Fill J.

Steward THE A FUNERAL HOME 74 Central Avenue Hackensacks Phone Hackensack 2-0008 New York City Phone Chelsea 2-1200 Lady Attendant E. "Service to the Living" P. WOKAL FUNERAL HOME 118 Hudson St. Tel. Hack.

2-2158 MEMORIALS ELMER MABIE -Manufacturer Monuments in granite marble Office 521 Hudson St, yard. 48 Temple Avenue. Hack. 2-3545. WILLIAM SCHLEMM INC THREE MODERN FUNERAL HOMES Have You Thought What Our Low Prices Mean To You? OUR within FUNERALS AT $150 $225 $250, are only three of many that price range.

From $250 they go by easy stages to $1500, with a wide choice of caskets in each range. Think of the advantage, in case of a death, of having this wide choice, and of being able to select the casket from the actual model in one of our large display rooms. Every casket represents the utmost in value for the money design, material and workmanship, from first to last detail. Every casket carries the guarantee of the maker for these values and for durability, To that guarantee we add own. The price of the funeral includes the use of one of our funeral homes and Mr.

William Schlemm personally supervises all funerals. Just call Hackensack 2-6568, Union 7-1000 or Bergen 4-0411. Read What We Give For These Prices We have many funerals between these figures all equally outstanding in valueand others in higher price range up to four figures, You are invited to the inspect our entire casket display at any time. without incurring any obligation to Illustrated are the caskets we provide with the prices mentioned. All Schlemm Funerals of Funeral casket trimmed with extension handles; engraved nameplate; silk with pillows to silver bar match.

Strong outside box with mattress. Removing remains from any lining hospital within New Jersey limits. Embalming and care of remains. Man's suit or woman's dress. Use of $150 quested.

candelabra Chairs and and candles palms. when Flowers rEFUNERAL on door, Procuring of burial permit. With casket. Automobile hearse and one limousine. hardwood or colored Delivering outer box to any cemeembossed plush tery within "local" New Jersey limits.

Three modern funeral homes conveniently located in Hudson and Bergen Counties Spacious chapels, large and small rooms for services. Air conditioned. All chapels and rooms have, adjoining rooms for family. $225 $250 FUNERAL FUNERAL With massive With metal casket, solid square half end silver or bronze finish couch casket BOGOTA PALISADE BEECHWOOD AVES. 2-6568 Union City.

Bergenline Ave. 22nd St. Union 7-1000 Jersey City. Bergen Harrison Aves. 4-0411 Our Floral Department: Fresh Flowers for All Occasions.

All Night Service. Full Staff of Experts on Call Night and Day..

The Record from Hackensack, New Jersey (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.