Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (2024)

Table of Contents
The Eisenmond Blade S01 –Hârnmaster The Party Round 0 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 1 Round 2 F. Overgrown Hallway Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6 Round 7 The System What about the Dungeon Crawl? Summary In the Trollshaws.Ep17 Date: 3rd of Girithron Third Age 1640 Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Session Summary In the Trollshaws.Ep16 Session Summary To Tharbad. Ep03 Day 31st Hithui, 3rd Watch Day 31st Hithui, 4th Watch Day 31st Hithui, 5th Watch Day 31st Hithui, 6th Watch Day 1st Girithron, 1st Watch Day 1st Girithron, 2nd Watch Day 1st Girithron, 3rd Watch Day 5th Girithron, 1st Watch Turn 0 Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 Turn 4 Turn5 Day 5th Girithron, 4th Watch Turn 1 Turn 2 To Tharbad. Ep02 Day 28, Hithui, 4th Watch Day 28, Hithui, 5th Watch Day 28, Hithui, 6th Watch Day 29, Hithui, 1st Watch Day 29, Hithui, 2nd Watch Day 29, Hithui, 3rd Watch Day 29, Hithui, 4th Watch Day 29, Hithui, 5th Watch Day 29, Hithui, 6th Watch Day 30, Hithui, 1st Watch Day 30, Hithui, 2nd Watch Day 30, Hithui, 3rd Watch Day 30, Hithui, 4th Watch Day 31st, Hithui Turn 0 Turn 1 Turn 2 Turn 3 To Tharbad. Ep01 Appearance Attributes Physical Attributes Personality Attributes Occupation Equipment Advancement The Story Day 26, Hithui, 3rd Watch Day 26, Hithui, 4th Watch Day 26, Hithui, 5th Watch Day 26, Hithui, 6th Watch Day 27, Hithui, 1st Watch Day 27, Hithui, 2nd Watch Day 27, Hithui, 3rd Watch Day 27, Hithui, 4th Watch Day 27, Hithui, 5th Watch Day 27, Hithui, 6th Watch Day 28, Hithui, 1st Watch Day 28, Hithui, 2nd Watch Day 28, Hithui, 3rd Watch Bookkeeping Session Summary References
  • giorgis2:54 pm on October 28, 2023Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

    The Eisenmond Blade S01 –Hârnmaster

    Advancing to level 2 of the challenge, will be Harnmaster, this time, expanded with Harnmaster Religion. If the party survives, then at level 3, I will incorporate Harnmaster Magic.
    I will choose the Level 2 dungeon The Eisenmond Blade from TSR’s Dragon Quest, introductory adventure game and play it with a series of different RPG systems.
    I will not be converting much, rather I will be freely translating to the nearest acceptable option. For example, if there aren’t kobolds in the RPG system under test, then I’ll choose another monster rather than try to create kobolds.
    I won’t be warping the adventure at all, rather I’ll be using it as is.

    I’ll be using a diverse party of 3+1 characters. I’ll try to include as many different demihuman races and professions as possible to have a party that can deal with most tasks.
    If I can find pregens that can fit a slot in the party, I’ll use them.

    So for this first attempt I will be using Hârnmaster 3ed. I expect combat to be deadly and slow. I’m eager to see how it will turn out.

    The Party

    I’ll be using pregens from https://www.lythia.com/game_aides/friends-foes-followers-volume-1/

    • Eitri Terrika, a Khuzdul Clansman
    • Melas Renier, a Sindarin Ranger
    • Rybryn of Dara (aka Shadow), an Unguilded Thief
    • Rayald Cotrael, a Priest of Larani

    I’ve added one member to the party, since the difficulty has increased.

    For the last week, Torlynn has been shaken by earthquakes. The evil beneath the mountain is stirring and you have been unable to find any trace of the missing Eisenkern. Just as you are on the verge of giving up, a messenger arrives and asks you to meet with the Burgomaster at once. You travel quickly to his home and he greets you with a smile and warm handshakes all around.
    Gustovan says “Good news, my friends! I have received word of the Eisenkern. It seems that the goblins sold it to a travelling group of orcs. The orcs were headed down into the valley, but they never completed their journey. Not far from their home, they were attacked and the Eisenkern was stolen.
    My scouts have given me the location of the thief’s hideout. It is an old, ruined castle about two days ride from here. You must go there at once and recover the Eisenkern. If you fail, all of Torlynn may soon be destroyed!”

    After a rough trip, you have reached the ruined castle. It is nestled in a thick wood and difficult to get to. Whatever happened to destroy this keep must have been horrible. Most of it has fallen into towering piles of rock.
    After a short search you found a break in one of the still-standing areas and entered.
    You have stepped into what was once a kitchen. The broken remains of a large fireplace stand along the far wall. The floor is littered with dust and pieces of broken rock. A cracked doorway leads deeper into the ruin. It seems to be the only exit from this area.

    Note: again I have to warn the reader that there are huge mechanics text blocks. Hârnmaster combat is very detailed, so I'm giving the reader an opportunity to read this as an example, or just skip it and jump to the narrative sections.

    Some abbreviations:
    CS/CF/MS/MF: Marginal/Critical, Success/Failure
    EI: Effective Impact, essentially the damage points done after factoring in weapon and armor types.
    DTA: Defender Tactical Advantage, an extra free move the defender gets, max 1 per round
    WQ: Weapon Quality
    IL: Injury Level

    This area was once a beautiful dining room. Now the formerly grand decor has fallen into ruin. Bits of broken furniture are scattered about the floor and rotting old paintings hang crooked on the stone walls.
    The air in here is thick and musty. Flies buzz about and little beetles scurry out from under your feet. In the center of the room is a pile of three bodies-perhaps the last group of adventurers to explore this place! They appear to have been stripped of all their weapons and valuables, tossed in a heap, and forgotten.

    Normally, here are 3 zombies. Undead in Harnmaster are a unique case. They do grapple attacks in order to perform Shadow Conflict (a type of Mental Conflict) against the victim. If the victim loses they become undead too. They're very scary and very much different than your typical Zombie and Skeleton. I'd say they're on a similar challenge as level-draining undead like Wraiths and Wights. For this reason I will go with some Fanon adaptations for Zombies.

    Supposedly the group must disturb the zombies in some manner. I can think only of two things that make sense that could cause the party to disturb the zombies. Either the thief notices the Dragon Fang blade in the belt of a corpse and attempts to grab it, or perhaps the priest wants to cast Passage of the Soul ritual to the corpses, unbeknownst to him about the existence of zombies.

    Rybryn: Awareness: 36/75: Success. She notices the dagger.
    I will have her make a Morality test. If she fails, she will attempt to take the dagger.
    Rybryn: MOR: 11/10: Fail.
    Rayald will also make a Morality test. If he succeeds, he will attempt to do the passage of the soul ritual.
    Rayald: MOR: 11/12: Success.

    A fine dagger in the belt of one of the corpses, catches Rybryn’s attention. At about the same time, Rayald brings out Larani’s holy symbol and starts the Passage of the Soul invocation. As Rybryn draws the dagger from the corpses belt, a moan is heard, and suddenly, the dead start rising and attack the party.
    “Gulmorvrin!” Eitri yells as he draws his hammer-axe to fight.

    I rule that the characters are surprised, and Rybryn and Rayald have their weapons sheathed. Melas and Eitri have their weapons at the ready.

    Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (2)

    Round 0

    Zombie 1 attacks Melas with hands: 71/52 Marginal Failure (MF). Melas dodges: 94/103 Marginal Success (MS). Zombie 1 Missed.
    Zombie 2 attacks Rybryn with Bite: 18/39 MS. Rybryn dodges: 76/75: MF. Zombie 2 A*1 Hit: 58: Thorax: Effective Impact: 5+2-1=6: S2. Rybryn suffers a Serious Cut to the Thorax.
    Zombie 3 attacks Rayald with Bite: 31/39 MS. Rayald dodges: 58/35: MF.
    Zombie 3 A*1 Hit: 42: Right Hand: Effective Impact: 4+2=6: ♦S2. Fumble Roll: 9/12: Success, he doesn’t drop the holy symbol. Rayald suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Hand.

    Round 1

    Melas attacks Zombie 1 with Long Knife: 22/109: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 39/40: MS. Melas Missed.
    Rayald draws his broadsword (Grope Action)
    Eitri attacks Zombie 1 with Hammer-axe: 78/97: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 43/40: MF. Eitri A*1 Hit: 13: Neck: Effective Impact: 5+6=11: S3. Zombie 1 suffers a Serious Cut to the Neck.
    Rybryn draws her Shortsword.
    Zombie 1 attacks Melas with hands: 17/(52-15) MS. Melas dodges: 79/103 MS. Zombie 1 Missed.
    Zombie 2 attacks Rybryn with Bite: 5/39 Critical Success CS. Rybryn dodges: 62/(75-10): MS. Zombie 2 A*1 Hit: 40: Right Hand: Effective Impact: 6+2=8: ♦S2. Fumble Roll: 10/18: Success, she doesn’t drop the shortsword. Shock Roll: 12/13: Success. She doesn’t go into shock. Rybryn suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Hand. “Help me!” she yells.
    Zombie 3 attacks Rayald with Bite: 34/39 MS. Rayald blocks: 20/(65-10): CS. Defender Tactical Advantage (DTA): Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 34/(70-10): MS. Zombie 3 dodges: 63/40: MF. Rayald A*1 Hit: 82: Right Thigh: Effective Impact: 5+5=10: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 10/(8-3): Failure. Zombie 3 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Thigh and falls prone.

    Round 2

    Melas attacks Zombie 1 with Long Knife: 17/109: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 14/(40-25): MS. Melas Missed.
    Q: Can Eitri maneuver to assist Rybryn?
    A: No, but he can if a zombie is destroyed.
    Eitri attacks Zombie 1 with Hammer-axe: 24/97: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 29/(40-25): MF. Eitri A*1 Hit: 70: Right Thigh: Effective Impact: 6+6=12: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 8/(8-6): Failure. Zombie 1 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Thigh and falls prone.
    Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 61/(70-10): MF. Zombie 3 dodges: 1/(40-15): MS. Rayald Missed.
    Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Shorsword: 59/(77-20): MF. Zombie 2 dodges: 27/40: MS. Rybryn Missed.
    Zombie 1 stands back up (Rise).
    Zombie 2 attacks Rybryn with Bite: 9/39 MS. Rybryn dodges: 62/(75-20): MF. Zombie 2 A*1 Hit: 17: Left Shoulder: Effective Impact: 2+2-2=2: M1. Shock Roll: 12/13: Success. She doesn’t go into shock. Rybryn suffers a Minor Cut to the Left Shoulder.
    Zombie 3 stands back up (Rise).

    Round 3

    Melas attacks Zombie 1 with Long Knife: 49/109: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 39/(40-40): MF. Melas A*1 Hit: 80: Right Hip: Effective Impact: 4+8=12: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 8/(8-9): Failure. Zombie 1 suffers a Serious Stab to the Right Hip and falls prone.
    Eitri attacks Zombie 1 with Hammer-axe: 10/97: CS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 85/(40-40): CF. Eitri A*3 Hit: 18: Right Shoulder: Effective Impact: 11+6=17: ♦K4. Kill Roll: 13/16: Success. Zombie 1 suffers a Mortal Wound to the Right Shoulder and is still moving.
    Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 76/(70-10): MF. Zombie 3 dodges: 45/(40-15): CF. Zombie Stumble: 12/(8-3): Zombie stumbles and falls prone.
    Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Shorsword: 99/(77-25): MF. Zombie 2 dodges: 46/40: MS. Rybryn Missed.
    Zombie 1 stands back up (Rise).
    Zombie 2 attacks Rybryn with Bite: 59/39 MF. Rybryn dodges: 18/(75-25): MS. Zombie 2 Missed.
    Zombie 3 stands back up (Rise).

    Round 4

    Melas attacks Zombie 1 with Long Knife: 43/109: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 77/(40-40): MF. Melas A*1 Hit: 51: Thorax: Effective Impact: 3+8=11: S3. Zombie 1 suffers a Serious Stab to the Thorax.
    Eitri attacks Zombie 1 with Hammer-axe: 66/97: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 3/(40-40): MF. Eitri A*1 Hit: 55: Thorax: Effective Impact: 1+6=7: S2. Zombie 1 suffers a Serious Wound and collapses, disabled.
    Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 6/(70-10): MS. Zombie 3 dodges: 73/(40-15): MF. Rayald A*1 Hit: 82: Right Thigh: Effective Impact: 6+5=11: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 9/(8-6). Zombie 3 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Thigh and falls prone.
    Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Shorsword: 1/(77-25): MS. Zombie 2 dodges: 56/40: MF. Rybryn A*1 Hit: 24: Right Shoulder: Effective Impact: 6+4=10: ♦S3. Zombie 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Shoulder.
    Zombie 2 attacks Rybryn with Bite: 54/(39-15) MF. Rybryn dodges: 30/(75-25): DTA: Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Broadsword: 10/(75-25): CS. Zombie 2 dodges: 41/(40-15): MF. Rybryn A*2 Hit: 82: Left Upper Arm: Effective Impact: 7+4=11: ♦S2. Zombie 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Left Upper Arm.
    Zombie 3 stands back up (Rise).

    Round 5

    Melas attacks Zombie 2 with Long Knife: 50/109: CS. Zombie 2 Dodges: 35/(40-35): CF. Melas A*3 Hit: 3: Skull: Effective Impact: 5+8=13: K4. Kill Roll: 14/16: Success: Zombie 2 Survives. Zombie 2 suffers a Mortal Wound to the Skull.
    Eitri attacks Zombie 3 with Hammer-axe: 1/97: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 37/(40-40): MF. Eitri A*1 Hit: 86: Right Thigh: Effective Impact: 3+6=10: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 18/(8-9). Zombie 3 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Thigh and falls prone.
    Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 29/(70-10): MS. Zombie 3 dodges: 35/(40-15): CF. Rayald A*2 Hit: 6: Face: 25: Left Eye: Effective Impact: 8+5=13: G4. Zombie 3 suffers a Grevious Cut to the Face.
    Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Shorsword: 21/(77-25): MS. Zombie 2 dodges: 36/40: MF. Rybryn A*1 Hit: 78: Right Hip: Effective Impact: 6+4=10: ♦S3. Stumble Roll: 6/(8-12). Zombie 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Hip and falls prone.
    Zombie 2 stands back up (Rise).
    Zombie 3 stands back up (Rise).

    Round 6

    Melas attacks Zombie 2 with Long Knife: 15/109: CS. Zombie 2 Dodges: 92/(40-70): MF. Melas A*2 Hit: 42: Right Hand: Effective Impact: 6+6=12: S3. Zombie 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Hand.
    Eitri attacks Zombie 3 with Hammer-axe: 42/97: MS. Zombie 1 Dodges: 57/(40-75): MF. Eitri A*1 Hit: 84: Right Thigh: Effective Impact: 2+6=8: ♦S2. Stumble Roll: 14/(8-15). Zombie 3 suffers a Serious Cut to the Right Thigh and falls prone.
    Rayald attacks Zombie 3 with Broadsword: 88/(70-10): MF. Zombie 3 Ignores. Rayald A*1 Hit: 48: Thorax: Effective Impact: 2+5=7: S2. Zombie 3 suffers a Serious Wound and collapses, disabled.
    Rybryn attacks Zombie 2 with Shorsword: 15/(77-25): CS. Zombie 2 dodges: 99/40: MF. Rybryn A*2 Hit: 15: Neck: Effective Impact: 3+4=7: S2. Zombie 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Neck and ollapses, disabled.

    In the ensuing chaos, the combat is fierce. Melas, with her Long Knife, makes a swift, precise strike but misses her mark. Rayald, the priest, swiftly draws his broadsword, while Rybryn, though initially caught off guard, regains her composure.
    The zombies attack with relentless determination. One of them lunges at Melas but misses. Another sinks its teeth into Rybryn’s arm, inflicting a serious cut. Rayald is also targeted, suffering a deep gash on his hand while keeping his holy symbol intact.
    In the next round, the party rallies. Melas and Eitri deliver powerful blows, and Rayald continues to fend off the undead menace. Rybryn, despite the injury, stands her ground.
    As the battle intensifies, Melas stabs with precision, causing a grave wound to one zombie, while Eitri’s hammer-axe smashes another’s thigh, sending it to the ground. Rayald strikes a critical blow to a zombie’s face, maiming it severely. Rybryn manages to land a solid hit on a zombie’s hip, and it too collapses.
    In the final rounds, the party’s coordinated efforts pay off. Melas deals a crippling blow to a zombie’s hand, and Eitri’s axe inflicts a serious wound on another zombie’s thigh. Rayald, with a determined strike, wounds a zombie’s thorax, rendering it disabled. Rybryn, not to be outdone, delivers a final blow to a zombie’s neck, sending it tumbling into the darkness, lifeless once more.

    Rybryn has suffered a Serious Cut to the Thorax, a Serious Cut to the Right Hand, and Minor Cut to the Left Shoulder. Rayald has suffered a Serious Cut to the Right Hand.
    Rayald will perform the Invocation of the Bandage of St. Perelyne at himself at his Serious Cut to the Right Hand. He will spend 15 Piety Points.
    Rayald: 40/(70-15-10+15)=CS. His wound is healed completely.

    Normally, only one Injury Level is healed, and due to the Critical Success, the wound is completely healed in one day, but I will overrule due to the dungeon crawling and make it so that the wound is healed completely Now.

    Rayald will perform the Invocation of the Bandage of St. Perelyne at Rybryn’s Serious Cut to the Thorax.
    Rayald: 68/(70-15)=MF. The wound isn’t healed.

    Rayald will perform the Invocation of the Bandage of St. Perelyne at Rybryn’s Serious Cut to the Right hand.
    Rayald: 10/(70-15)=CS. Her wound is healed completely.

    Rayald will perform the Invocation of the Bandage of St. Perelyne at Rybryn’s Minor Cut to the Left Shoulder.
    Rayald: 12/(70-15)=MS. Her wound is healed completely.

    Rayald, in the aftermath of the intense battle, turns his attention to the wounded. With a solemn demeanor and a deep connection to his faith, he invokes the Bandage of St. Perelyne. The warm glow of divine power envelops him, and he concentrates on his own wounded hand, pouring piety into the healing prayer. As the divine energy flows through him, his own injury on the right hand disappears, leaving no trace of the prior cut.
    He then shifts his focus to Rybryn, whose thorax wound is still of concern. The divine power is summoned once more, but this time, the outcome is less favorable. The deep gash remains, resisting the healing touch of St. Perelyne’s Bandage.
    Undeterred, Rayald proceeds to Rybryn’s right hand, channeling the divine energy once again. With the grace of his faith, he heals her hand entirely, erasing the wound’s memory. Finally, he moves on to the minor cut on her left shoulder, and with a gentle invocation, the wound vanishes, leaving Rybryn fully restored.
    The echoes of Rayald’s spiritual healing resonate in the room, a testament to the strength of faith and the power of divine intervention. The party can now regroup, their injuries tended to, and continue their exploration of the ominous castle.

    Also according to the previous adventure A Call to Glory Rybryn had acquired a Shield Ring. This is a +1 Armor Class ring, which I will translate to a +5 to Dodge for Rybryn. I’ll have to remember this.

    Also Eitri had acquired the Motopua Battle Axe. This is a Large Axe of d8, +1 to Attack and Damage.

    Rybryn takes the Dragon Fang dagger, which is made from the tooth of a Red Dragon. This is a Small Dagger of d4, +1 to Attack and Damage.

    I will translate these as follows:

    Dragon FangDaggerSBx311510/10.236

    Rybryn carefully retrieves the dagger from the zombie corpse. The weapon is a unique and intriguing find, crafted from the tooth of a fearsome red dragon. As she holds it in her hand, she can feel the power and history that this blade carries. The serrated edge and the deep crimson hue of the dragon’s tooth make it an extraordinary and ominous addition to her arsenal.

    This is a short, wide hallway. This area seems to have been saved from the violence that destroyed the rest of the castle. The dusty old tapestries that hang on the walls are the only sign that time has passed since the castle was left behind.

    In the corner there is a crystal ball. I doubt anyone would want to look into it, but I’ll roll randomly for one adventurer and then roll Morality to see if they withstand the temptation.
    Melas: Morality: 8/16: Success. He won’t look into the crystal ball.

    Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (3)

    In one corner of the hallway, an intriguing and somewhat ominous sight catches their attention—a crystal ball. Its surface shimmers with an otherworldly light, and the curiosity it sparks is undeniable. However, it’s not a temptation that easily ensnares the party, for they are guided by their own moral compass.
    The decision falls to Melas, who contemplates whether to peer into the enigmatic orb. Yet, with a display of strong will and unwavering morals, Melas resists the allure. His conviction prevails, and the party chooses to move forward, their path unswayed by the mysterious crystal ball’s potential secrets.

    The dungeon splits here in two directions. There is nothing to guide the party right or left, so I'll randomly decide where they will go.

    They will head West, to Room E.

    In the days before the castle fell into ruin, this was the main entrance, called the gate house. A twisted iron gate blocks the exit. It would be impossible to clear out the dirt blocking this doorway without a great deal of effort and time.
    Now this room is used by the monster that lives here, to keep it’s pet wolves! Two of the largest meanest wolves you have ever seen snarl and growl at you. Bones that are obviously the remains of the wolves’s past meals are scattered all over the floor.
    As they charge toward you, you can’t help but wonder if you will be their next dinner.

    These beasts are actually dire wolves. I will be using the White Wolf stats for them.

    Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (4)

    Round 1

    Melas engages the closest wolf and attacks with the Long Knife: 76/119: MS. Wolf 1 Dodge: 39/65: MS. Wolf 1 dodges the attack.
    Rayald engages Wolf 1 and attacks with his Broadsword: 99/70: MF. Wolf 1 Dodge: 33/(65-10): MS/ Wolf 1 dodges the attack.
    Eitri engages Wolf 2 and attacks with the Hammer-axe: 97/92: MF. Wolf 2 Counterattack: 11/70: MS: Wolf 2 D*1 Hit: 8: Face: 40: Right Cheek: Effective Impact: 4+7-10=1: M1. Eitri suffers a Minor Bite Stab to the Face.
    Rybryn engages Wolf 2 and attacks with the Dragon Fang: 94/76: MF. Wolf 2 Dodge: 85/(65-10): CF. The attack misses.
    Wolf 1 attempts to bite Melas: 63/70: MS. Melas Dodge: 85/103: CS. Melas dodges the attack.
    Wolf 2 attempts to bite Eitri: 63/70: MS. Eitri Block with Round Shield: 24/(87-5): MS. Attack is blocked.

    Round 2

    Melas attacks Wolf 1 with the Long Knife: 4/119: MS. Wolf 1 Dodge: 67/(65-10): MF. Melas A*1 Hit: 80: Abdomen: Effective Impact: 3+8-1=10: S3. Wolf 1 suffers a Serious Stab to the Abdomen. Shock Roll: 14/13: Wolf 1 falls prone in Shock.
    Rayald engages Wolf 2 and attacks with his Broadsword: 64/70: MS. Wolf 2 Dodge: 70/(65-20): CF. Rayald A*2 Hit: 40: Thorax: Effective Impact: 6+5-3=8: S2. Wolf 2 suffers a Serious Cut to the Abdomen. Shock Roll: 7/13: Wolf 2 continues fighting.
    Eitri attacks Wolf 2 with the Hammer-axe: 89/(92-5): MF. Wolf 2 Counterattack: 72/(70-30): MF. Standoff.
    Rybryn attacks Wolf 2 with the Dragon Fang: 10/76: CS. Wolf 2 Dodge: 53/(65-30): MF. Rybryn A*2 Hit: 35: Thorax: Effective Impact: 4+6-1=9: S3. Wolf 2 suffers a Serious Stab to the Abdomen. Shock Roll: 15/13: Wolf 2 falls prone in Shock.

    The dire wolves, driven by primal instincts, lunge at the party. Melas, seeks to strike the nearest wolf with his Long Knife, but the agile creature skillfully avoids his assault. Rayald, displaying unwavering determination, thrusts his Broadsword toward the same wolf, yet it narrowly escapes his blade. In the midst of the clash, Eitri finds himself facing a counterattack, as one of the dire wolves inflicts a minor bite wound to his visage.
    Rybryn, wielding the Dragon Fang dagger obtained earlier, attempts to pierce the second wolf but misses her mark.
    As the dire wolves, relentless in their aggression, snap their jaws menacingly, Melas skillfully dodges the lunging fangs of the first wolf. Eitri effectively parries the second wolf’s bite attempt using his round shield, effectively warding off the menacing creature.
    In the ensuing round of battle, Melas delivers a well-aimed thrust to the first wolf’s abdomen, inflicting a grave injury that leaves it incapacitated in shock. Rayald, maintaining his unwavering resolve, lands a powerful strike on the second wolf’s midsection, resulting in a severe wound. Rybryn, too, finds her mark, stabbing the second wolf in the abdomen, rendering it temporarily incapacitated by shock.
    The chamber reverberates with the tumult of combat as the party confronts the dire wolves, endeavoring to secure their dominance in the gatehouse.

    Rayald will perform the Invocation of the Bandage of St. Perelyne at Eitri’s Minor Bite Stab to the Right Cheeck.
    Rayald: 10/(70-15)=CS. Eitri’s wound is healed completely.

    Rayald, the devoted priest, turns his attention to Eitri’s minor bite wound on his right cheek. With a solemn demeanor, he calls upon the divine power of St. Perelyne, invoking the Bandage of Healing. A warm, radiant energy envelops Eitri as the wound on his cheek vanishes completely, leaving no trace of the prior injury.

    F. Overgrown Hallway

    This is a long stretch of stone hallway that has many cracks in the walls and along the floors. Over the years, various grasses, weeds, and wildflowers have grown to cover the area. Splits in the ceiling allow bright streams of sunlight to shine in, brightly lighting the area. A crude path has been chopped through the middle of the vines, but the entire place reminds you of a green spider web.

    As the heroes start down this hall, a smilodon jumps down through the cracks in the ceiling. With a roar, it springs at the heroes and attacks them.
    The Harnic smilodon is the Dracofelas, let’s hope our party will survive this.

    Since this is an ambush, I’ll roll Awareness for each of the heroes.
    Melas: Awareness: 82/95: MS
    Eitri: Awareness: 15/62: CS
    Rayald: Awareness: 93/59:MF
    Rybryn: Awareness: 49/(75-10): MS

    Only Rayald is surprised, and won’t act at the first round.
    March order for the party since this is a tight hallway, is Eitri, Melas, Rybryn, Rayald.
    The Smilodon will jump down on: Melas.

    Due to the surprise, but also Melas’ awareness success, I rule that Melas won’t lose his action, but will act after the Smilodon.

    Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (5)

    Round 1

    Smilodon jumps down between Melas and Rybryn, and bites at Melas: 45/90: CS. Melas Dodge: 83/103: MS. Smilodon A*1 Hit: 13: Neck: Effective Impact: 4+10=14: K4. Melas suffers a Mortal Bite Stab to the Neck. Melas Shock Roll: 12/14: Succeeds. Melas Kill Roll: 16/14: Failure. Instant Death. Melas is dead from the neck wound.
    Eitri charges at the Smilodon attacking with Hammer-axe and shield: 40/97: CS. Smilodon Counterstrikes with Bite: 31/95: MS. Eitri A*1 Hit: 88: Right Hind Leg: Effective Impact: 2-1+6-3=4: M1. Smilodon suffers a Minor Cut to the Right Hind Leg.
    Rayald cannot reach the Smilodon.
    Rybryn thrusts her Dragon Fang at Smilodon: 73/(76-10): MF. Smilodon Counterstrike with Claws: 1/(76-15): MS. Smilodon D*1 Hit: 40: Right Hand: Effective Impact: 8+8=16: G4. Rybryn suffers a Grevious Claw Stab at the Right Hand. Shock Roll: 25/13. Rybryn falls unconscious.

    Round 2

    Smilodon bites at Eitri, aiming Low: 53/(95-5): MS. Eitri Block with Round Shield: 7/87: MS. Attack is blocked.
    Eitri attacks at the Smilodon with Hammer-axe and shield: 37/97: MS. Smilodon Counterstrikes with Claw: 85/(76-5): CF. Eitri A*3 Hit: 10: Head: Effective Impact: 9-3+6-3=8: S2. Smilodon suffers a Serious Cut to the Head.
    Rayald engages at the Smilodon attacking with Broadsword: 90/70: CF. Smilodon Counterstrikes with Claw: 100/(76-15): CF. Both Fumble. Rayald Fumble Roll: 12/12: Success. Rayald doesn’t drop his sword.
    Rybryn Shock Roll: 21/13: Failure.

    Round 3

    Smilodon bites at Eitri, aiming Low: 8/(95-15): MS. Eitri Block with Round Shield: 96/87: MF. Smilodon A*1 Hit: 45: Left Hip: Effective Impact: 5+10-12=3: M1. Minor Bite Stab to the Left Hip. Eitri’s armour took the brunt of the hit. Eitri stumble roll: 10/(15-4): Success. Eitri stands.
    Eitri attacks at the Smilodon with Hammer-axe and shield: 51/(97-5): MS. Smilodon Dodges: 46/(95-15): MS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rayald attacks at the Smilodon with Broadsword: 70/70: CS. Smilodon Dodges: 17/(95-15): MS. Rayald A*1 Hit: 88: Right Hind Leg: Effective Impact: 3-1-3+5=4. M1. Smilodon suffers a Minor Cut to the Right Hind Leg. Smilodon Shock Roll: 15/19: Success. Smilodon keeps fighting.
    Rybryn Shock Roll: 20/13: Failure.

    Round 4

    I think this is a good moment to test Smilodon's Morale.
    Smilodon: Morale: 97/(90-20): MF. Smilodon is Cautious for this Turn.

    Smilodon waits out its turn, growling at the heroes.
    Eitri attacks at the Smilodon with Hammer-axe and shield: 52/(97-5): MS. Smilodon Dodges: 55/(95-20): CS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rayald attacks at the Smilodon with Broadsword: 24/70: MS. Smilodon Dodges: 8/(95-20): MS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rybryn Shock Roll: 12/13: Success. Rybryn Shock Roll: 27/13: Failure. Rybryn is in Shock, displaying a variety of symptoms including sickly pallor, cold sweats, weakness, nausea, incoherence, or gazing helplessly at her injuries.

    Round 5

    Smilodon bites at Eitri, aiming Low: 92/(95-20): MF. Eitri Block with Round Shield: 59/(87-5): MS. DTA. Eitri gains a Tactical Advantage and attacks the Smilodon with his Hammer-axe: 68/(97-5): MS. Smilodon Dodges: 28/(95-20): MS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Eitri attacks at the Smilodon with Hammer-axe and shield: 22/(97-5): MS. Smilodon Dodges: 40/(95-20): CS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rayald attacks at the Smilodon with Broadsword: 1/70: MS. Smilodon Dodges: 13/(95-20): MS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rybryn: Initiative: 93/(75-30): Failure.

    Round 6

    Smilodon claws at Eitri, aiming Low: 51/(76-20): MS. Eitri Block with Round Shield: 99/(87-5): MF. Smilodon A*1 Hit: 94: Right Foot: Effective Impact: 1+8-3=6: S2. Eitri suffers a Serious Claw Fracture to the Right Foot. Shock Roll: 12/15: Success. Eitri Stands. Stumble Roll: 7/(15-6): Success. Eitri Stands.
    Eitri attacks at the Smilodon with Hammer-axe and shield: 74/(97-15): MS. Smilodon Counterstrikes with Claws: 45/(76-20): CS. Smilodon D*1 Hit: 36: Right Forearm: Effective Impact: 8+8-1=15: S3. Eitri suffers a Serious Claw Fracture to the Right Forearm. Shock Roll: 19/15: Failure. Eitri falls unconscious.
    Rayald attacks at the Smilodon with Broadsword: 54/70: MS. Smilodon Dodges: 4/(95-20): MS. Smilodon dodges the attack.
    Rybryn: Initiative: 62/(75-30): Failure.

    Round 7

    Smilodon claws at Rayald, aiming Low: 18/(76-20): MS. Rayald Block with Broadsword: 83/65: MF. Smilodon A*1 Hit: 18: Thorax: Effective Impact: 7+8-5=10: S3. Rayald suffers a Serious Claw Fracture to the Thorax. Shock Roll: 12/13: Success. Rayald Stands.
    Eitri Shock Roll: 26/15: Failure.
    Rayald attacks at the Smilodon with Broadsword: 74/(70-15): MS. Smilodon Counterstrikes with Claws: 46/(76-20): MS. Smilodon D*1 Hit: 14: Neck: Effective Impact: 3+8-2=9: S3. Rayald suffers a Serious Claw Fracture to the Neck. Shock Roll: 24/13: Failure. Rayald falls unconscious.
    Rybryn: Initiative: 48/(75-30): Failure.


    Suddenly, the party’s journey is disrupted by an unexpected ambush. A fearsome Smilodon, the Dracofelas, descends from above with a mighty roar, targeting Melas, who is caught off guard. The creature’s jaw clamps down on Melas’s neck, delivering a mortal wound. As the young elf succumbs to the fatal bite, the vivid world around him fades to darkness.
    Eitri, Melas’s comrade, rushes to the Smilodon, wielding his hammer-axe and shield. Their combat unfolds in this confined space, the mighty dwarf managing to wound the Smilodon’s hind leg.
    As for Rayald, he is momentarily stunned by the sudden attack, unable to respond in the first round. The ferocious Smilodon’s claws strike at Rybryn, leaving her unconscious, her body bearing the scars of a grievous wound.
    The fierce battle continues with Eitri and Rayald, attempting to fend off the relentless Smilodon. They land a few hits, but the creature remains resolute.
    As time passes, the Smilodon’s morale wavers, and it hesitates for a brief moment. However, the battle takes its toll. Eitri is grievously injured, and the shock of his wounds overwhelms him, causing him to fall unconscious. Rayald, too, faces the creature’s relentless onslaught, enduring severe injuries. Eventually, he succumbs, losing consciousness.
    Rybryn is left as the sole conscious member of the party, but the odds are against her. The Smilodon’s final assault proves overwhelming.

    The System

    I won’t detail the basics of the system, as I’ve continued over my previous Level 1 A Call to Glory S01 – Harnmaster adventure. However this time I added a fourth party member, a Laranian Priest. These dudes are the closest I found to a D&D Cleric/Paladin type, and I wanted to add a healer to the party. Unfortunately little good did it make.
    The Invocation casting system (the casting of clerical spell Harnmaster equivalent) is quite straightforward. It’s a skill roll, with a penalty based on the level of the skill. I couldn’t find any hard limit on how many invocations the priest can cast in a given time period which is odd, as this could potentially lead to a full healing exploit (Piety Points are only spent optionally to increase one’s chance of success). However, the healing spell allows for the healing of 1 Injury Level per Wound, which means, that for anything other than a Minor Injury, something will persist. Also according to RAW, a Critical Success will heal the entire wound in the course of a day. I houseruled that it happens instantly as per the Minor Injury, to align with the dungeon crawl of Dragon Quest. Perhaps in a big D&D-esque dungeon where the party would camp and rest, it would make sense to keep RAW. I also ruled that you can have only one attempt of healing a particular Wound. Otherwise the exploit kicks in.
    Priests can also ask for Divine Intervention which is a really cool mechanic that reminds me of Mythras Theism, and some Runequest roots or osmosis. However I never got a chance to try it out. Never got a chance to try out any other spells as well.
    I should have gone reading all the Invocations Rayald knows, as he also could cast Herald of the End of Life to give his sword a nice +3 Impact, with a duration of several days worth. Oh well.

    What about the Dungeon Crawl?

    As in the previous dungeon level, the pregenerated characters were a tad bit strong (they were rolled by their authors), which is also in line with the Draqon Quest adventure where the heroes are full hit die. Also I did not want to spend time generating characters (even using points) because it wasn’t the aim of my experiment.
    There were times where rolling felt a bit redundant, as two of the heroes (Melas and Eitri respectively) had stats near 100 OML, which meant a Failure at only 95+ rolls. Nevertheless, failures did happen.
    Fighting the Zombies was an odd experience. Surprise can be a really battle-changing factor in Harnmaster, as the surprised heroes got wounded. Also having the Zombies not make Shock Rolls, made the fight drag on, and the rules were not absolutely clear on some regards. There was no guidance to this, so I did give the Zombies Injury Penalties, as it made sense that they would be less functional after receiving multiple hits.
    The fight with the wolves was quite undramatic, the poor beasts didn’t stand a chance. And then, the Smilodon fight changed everything. I liked how it jumped in the middle of the party, and I could even visualize the Dracofelas grabbing the poor elf ranger by the neck and snapping him in two. The rest of the party surrounding the beast, and it growling and attacking on both ends like a feline. Unfortunately the deadliness of the system caused a TPK. A meta currency mechanic as in Mythras could have given the heroes a second chance.
    Also it was a balance issue. The power level of a beast in D&D doesn’t translate equally to other systems. And to think that my heroes were stronger than average. It’s a pity, because I really wanted to see how the other beasts would fare against them.


    What a combat! Despite the unfavorable end result, Hârnmaster is still on the list of my favorite RPG systems. There was a critical point where the resolution hanged by a thread. If the Dracofelas would have received a few more wounds, there’s a good chance that it would flee or collapse due to shock. Unfortunately it hit (aimed one would say) at unarmored parts of the heroes.
    I wanted to see the heroes reach the next dungeon level, as I intended to also add a Shek-Pvar (a mage) to the party mix, and the BBEG in Level 3 is a common but very interesting dungeon trope.
    Perhaps I’ll take another one of the successful dungeon runs I’ve done and convert it to Harnmaster, because I literally love this system.
    A takeaway for general solo playing (and not the system testing this actual play is about), is that you absolutely need to add a metacurrency Luck/Fate Point Mechanic, or avoid combat as much as possible.

    • giorgis5:47 pm on October 8, 2023Permalink | Reply
      Tags: fantasy ( 78 ), Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

      In the Trollshaws.Ep17

      Some starting points for the session.
      I’ll be continuing with Harnmaster in this session as a ruleset.
      I will maintain GM’s Apprentice as the core Oracle resolution mechanic.
      BOLD will be used for intra-party dialogues with the connections mechanic.
      UNE will support GMA with NPC information.
      Donjon , Character Composer and AI art will be used for NPC descriptions.
      ChatGPT will be used to tie the narrative together.

      So our party is composed of:

      • Dwalin, a dwarf scout
      • Rewill Ville, a hobbit cleric
      • Ainiall, an elf mage
      • Galadhil, a Dunadan ranger

      The threads we follow are:

      • Defeat the threat of Shadna, an imprisoned cold drake trying to escape
      • Recover the dwarven dragon slaying hammer to use against Shadna
      • Find the obsidian artifact that kept Shadna in check

      They are actually one thread, with sub-threads.

      To find the hammer, we should go to the Coldfells, which, as luck has it, is North of Rivendell. It wasn’t planned for, as I had no clue where the Coldfells are, but after careful research of all the sources I could find, seems they should be like 100-200 miles north of Imladris. I couldn’t find an exact location on a map, so I’m eyeballing it. On the other hand, that’s fun, because we’ll get to use some navigation skills in addition searching and tracking for the dragon slaying hammer. And there should be fights with trolls!
      (on retrospect I don’t know why I am so happy to face so difficult foes)

      I’m going directly to the morning of departure. Time is of the essence so the party won’t stay in Imladris to fool around.


      assurerepairinga possession
      demandlyinga like
      endorseobsessinga love

      Date: 3rd of Girithron Third Age 1640

      3rd Watch

      (8 am to 12 pm)
      Weather (9) becomes cool, overcast skies with rain showers. The wind becomes SW breeze.
      Encounter: 14: No encounter
      The party begins their northward search.

      I need to ask a few things to see what Báin told Dwalin.
      Let’s generate a name for the dragon-slaying hammer. Urngorr arboth, which means thunderfall in the dwarven speech.
      Q: Is there something more specific than “in the Coldfells”?
      A: No+Event
      Event: Join Tool
      I dwelled on this for too long. I can’t find an event that makes sense with this, so I’ll roll a new phrase.
      Event: Avenge Monument.
      Okay this is pretty straightforward. A monument, perhaps a statue of old has been defaced, evident tracks to the destruction of the monument are there, and the tracks lead away from the site.
      4: It’s Galadhil’s ancestors, a Numenorian lord or lady statue that has been defaced. Galadhil wants revenge.

      As the party continued northward from Rivendell, their path led them to a serene glade nestled among the ancient trees of the Trollshaws. Here, in the heart of nature’s embrace, they came upon a solemn and troubling sight. At the center of the glade stood a once-majestic statue, now defaced and broken.
      The statue had been erected in honor of a noble Numenorean lord or lady from ages past, a figure of great importance and significance. Its chiseled features, now marred by the cruel act of vandalism, spoke of a dignified history that had been desecrated.
      Tracks of the culprits were evident, leading away from the desecrated monument. The marks of their hasty retreat left a trail that beckoned for justice to be served.
      Galadhil, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and sorrow, recognized the statue as a representation of his ancestors, a legacy from the days when their people had roamed these lands. The defacement of this monument was not just an act of vandalism; it was a personal affront to his lineage.
      “By the memory of my forebears,” Galadhil muttered through clenched teeth, “we will avenge this sacrilege.”
      The party stood before the vandalized monument, their resolve steeled not only by their quest to stop Shadna but also by the need to seek justice for this affront to the past.

      Galadhil: Tracking: 29/60: Substantial Success
      Q: Is it orc tracks? (Likely)
      A: No, it’s not evident
      Q: How many?
      A: 7 sets of tracks

      Galadhil, with his keen tracking skills, knelt down to examine the tracks leading away from the defaced monument. His fingers brushed gently over the disturbed earth as he analyzed the prints left behind.
      “These tracks are not of orcs,” Galadhil remarked, his voice carrying a mix of relief and curiosity. “It’s something else, something not evident from these marks alone.”
      As he continued to scrutinize the ground, it became clear that there were not just one or two sets of tracks, but a total of seven sets leading away from the glade. The mystery deepened as the party pondered who or what could have been responsible for defacing the monument and leaving behind this trail.

      Since the tracks are visible despite the rain showers, they must be quite fresh. The party will begin the chase.
      Q: Does it take long for them to find the perpetrators?
      A: Yes, about 4 hours
      Since Dwalin is the lead scout, I’ll roll Awareness to see the situation when he detects them.
      Dwalin: Awareness: 95: Critical Failure
      The party’s chase is detected by the enemy, and they are ambushed.

      4th Watch

      (12 pm to 4 pm)
      Weather (9) remains cool, overcast skies with rain showers. The wind becomes SW windy.
      Encounter: 16: No encounter

      As the party pressed forward, following the fresh tracks left by those who had defaced the monument, they entered a dense and mist-shrouded forest. The rain continued to fall, making the pursuit all the more challenging. The terrain became rugged, with rocky outcroppings and steep inclines, slowing their progress.
      Hours passed as they ventured deeper into the forest, their determination unwavering. Yet, despite their best efforts, they failed to spot any signs of the perpetrators they were chasing.
      Just as frustration began to creep in, an unsettling feeling settled over them. The air grew still, and the sounds of the forest hushed to an eerie silence. It was then that Dwalin, who had been at the forefront of their chase, suddenly froze.
      Too late did they realize that they had been detected. Emerging from the shadows of the trees were the hillmen, their faces painted with dark symbols, their eyes filled with hostility. It was clear that they were the ones responsible for the defacement of the monument, and they had been lying in wait, ready to ambush the party.

      With Dwalin stumped, I will test for Awareness for the rest of the party to see if they are Surprised or not. If surprised they will not have TURNS in the first round.
      Rewill: Awareness: 67/48: Marginal Failure
      Ainiall: Awareness: 90/56: Critical Failure
      Galadhil: Awareness: 2/48: Substantial Success

      I need to evaluate the different levels of success with regards to this case.
      Critical Failure: Caught completely unaware. They have no TURN action. Weapons sheathed. The only defense is IGNORE
      Marginal Failure: Caught unaware. They have no TURN action. Weapons sheathed. The only defense is either block (if they have a shield strapped) or dodge.
      Marginal Success: Weapons sheathed. They get to act normally on their turn.
      Critical Success: Weapons at the ready. They get to act normally on their turn.

      Unfortunately Dwalin and Ainiall have both critically failed to be aware of the situation. Any attack against them can be deadly, as Harnmaster has proven to be in the past.

      Q: Are they surrounded?
      A: No+Event
      Event: Regenerate Ward
      Dwalin in all his luck, has his shield strapped at his hand.

      Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (7)

      Round 1

      Galadhil (56): Grope: Draws his broadsword.

      Uthelren (45): Engage Dwalin: Dagger attack: 48/53: Marginal Success: A*3: 15: Neck: 6+5=11: S3 Serious Stab
      Dwalin Shock Roll: 12/16: Success.

      Truneth (44): Charge Dwalin: Dagger attack: 60/45: Critical Failure: –

      Nerld (44): Charge Dwalin: Knife attack: 67/49: Marginal Failure: A*1: 64: Abdomen: 6+4-7=3: M1 Minor Stab
      Dwalin Shock Roll: 15/16: Success.

      Telda (40): Charge Galadhil (Block): Dagger attack: 12/53: Marginal Success
      Galadhil: Block: 27/84: Marginal Success: Block
      Dagger WQ: 11/11: withstands damage.
      Broadsword WQ: 9/13: withstands damage.

      Parsumen (40): Full Move towards Rewill.

      Makan (36): Full Move towards Rewill.

      Rae (36): Charge Rewill: 95/67: Critical Failure: –

      In the midst of the forest, the tension hung heavy in the air as the party found themselves confronted by a group of hostile hillmen. These painted warriors, their faces adorned with dark symbols, had been waiting in ambush, and their intentions were clear.
      Galadhil, the ranger, reacted swiftly, drawing his broadsword with a determined look in his eyes. He was prepared to defend his comrades and avenge the defaced monument.
      One of the hillmen, Uthelren, made the first move, launching a dagger attack at Dwalin. The blade found its mark, slashing across Dwalin’s neck. The dwarf staggered but managed to maintain his composure.
      Truneth, another of the hillmen, attempted to charge Dwalin but lost his footing, stumbling to the ground.
      Nerld, the fourth assailant, lunged at Dwalin with a knife, targeting his abdomen. The attack connected, delivering a minor stab, but Dwalin’s resilience kept him from succumbing to shock.
      Telda, one of the hillmen, turned her attention to Galadhil, launching a dagger attack. Galadhil deftly blocked the assault with his broadsword, the two weapons clashing in a flurry of steel. Both weapons withstood the force of the attack.
      Meanwhile, two of the hillmen, Parsumen and Makan, moved swiftly towards Rewill, their intentions clear.
      Lastly, Rae, the final hillman, charged at Rewill but faltered, her attack missing its mark.

      Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (8)

      Round 2

      Rewill (75): Grope: Draws his mace.

      Dwalin (60): Grope: Drops his backpack.

      Galadhil (56): Attacks Nerld: 94/84: Marginal Failure
      Nerld: Dodge: 13/70: Success: –

      Ainiall (52): Cast Beam of Nolar on Parsumen (will fire at end of current Round)

      Uthelren (45): Attack Dwalin: Dagger attack: 47/53: Marginal Success
      Dwalin: Block with Shield: 96/44: Marginal Failure
      Dwalin is hit: A*1: 12: Neck: 6+5=11: S3 Serious Stab
      Dwalin Shock Roll: 30/16: Failure. Dwalin is down in shock.

      Truneth (44): Engage Galadhil: Dagger attack: 91/45: Marginal Failure
      Galadhil: Block: 14/84: Marginal Success: DTA: Defender Tactical Advantage: Attacks Truneth: Broadsword attack: 25: Critical Success
      Truneth: Block: 16/45: Marginal Success
      Truneth is hit: A*1: Left Hip: 6+5-3=8: S2 Serious Cut.
      Truneth Stumble Roll: 13+5/11: Truneth Stumbles and is Prone.

      Nerld (44): Engage Galdahil: Knife attack: 32/49: Marginal Success
      Galadhil: Block: 42/74: Marginal Success: Block
      Knife WQ: 8/10: withstands damage.
      Broadsword WQ: 15/12: breaks. Counts as shortsword with no point.

      Telda (40): Attack Galadhil (Block): Dagger attack: 83/53: Marginal Failure
      Galadhil: Block: 21/64: Marginal Success: DTA: Defender Tactical Advantage: Attacks Telda: Broadsword attack: 86: Marginal Failure
      Telda Counterattack: 20/53: Critical Success: D*2: 06: Face: Left Cheek: 8+5=13: G4 Grievous Stab. Galadhil is bleeding.
      Galadhil Shock Roll: 11/13: Success.

      Parsumen (40): Engage Rewill (Dodge): Handaxe attack: 38/66: Marginal Success
      Rewill: Dodge: 75/75: Critical Success: –

      Makan (36): Charge Ainiall (Dodge). Handaxe attack: 44/54 Marginal Success
      Ainiall: Dodge: 30/55: Critical Success: –

      Rae (36): Attack Rewill (Dodge): Broadsword attack: 33/67: Marginal Success
      Rewill: Dodge: 35/65: Critical Success: –

      Ainiall: Spellfire: 95/88: Critical Failure: 60: Confusion: The caster has confused the parts of two or more spells. In its simplest form, the mage has cast the wrong spell. The effects can be interesting, and perhaps dangerous.
      Spell actually cast: Dispell. Has no effect.

      Rewill, quickly drew his mace in preparation for the fight. Dwalin, although momentarily disoriented, managed to free himself from his backpack, making sure he was ready to face the assailants.
      Galadhil, the ranger, tried to strike Nerld with his broadsword, but his attack missed as Nerld skillfully dodged the blow. Ainiall, the elven wizard, prepared to cast a spell, aiming to use her magical abilities to aid her comrades.
      However, the hillmen were not to be underestimated. Uthelren, one of their number, launched a dagger attack at Dwalin, targeting his neck. Despite Dwalin’s attempt to block the strike with his shield, the dagger found its mark, causing a serious wound. Dwalin staggered and fell into shock, incapacitated by the injury.
      Truneth, another hillman, tried to engage Galadhil but lost his balance and ended up on the ground, prone and vulnerable.
      Nerld, undeterred by Galadhil’s earlier attack, moved to engage him, attacking with a knife. Galadhil managed to block the strike, but his broadsword suffered damage in the process, leaving it less effective.
      Telda, one of the hillmen, launched a dagger attack at Galadhil, but he skillfully blocked it with his sword. In response, Galadhil attempted to strike Telda, but his attack narrowly missed. Telda, seizing an opportunity, counterattacked and stabbed Galadhil in the left cheek, causing a grievous injury. Despite the wound, Galadhil maintained his composure.
      Meanwhile, Parsumen aimed an attack at Rewill with a handaxe, but Rewill’s quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the incoming strike. Makan charged at Ainiall, attempting an attack with a handaxe, but Ainiall’s agility allowed her to evade the blow.
      Rae, the final hillman, attacked Rewill with a broadsword, but Rewill’s dodge was well-timed, and he avoided the strike.
      Ainiall, in her attempt to cast a spell, experienced a momentary confusion, leading to the accidental casting of a spell that had no effect.

      Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (9)

      Round 3

      Rewill (75): Attack Parsumen with Mace: 96/45: Marginal Failure

      Dwalin (60): Shock Roll: 26/16: Failure: Unconscious

      Galadhil (56): Attacks Nerld: 91/64: Marginal Failure
      Nerld: Counterattack: 80/49: Critical Failure: Defender Fumble: 9/14: Success

      Ainiall (52): Grope: Draws Dagger

      Uthelren (45): Attack Galadhil (Block): Dagger attack: 23/53: Marginal Success
      Galadhil: Block: 52/59: Marginal Success
      Dagger WQ: 9/11: withstands damage.
      Broken Broadsword WQ: 14/12: breaks completely.

      Truneth (44): Rise: No longer Prone

      Nerld (44): Attack Galdahil (Dodge): Knife attack: 90/49: Critical Failure
      Galadhil: Dodge: 23/30: Marginal Success: DTA: Defender Tactical Advantage: Grope: Galadhil Draws a Dagger

      Telda (40): Attack Galadhil (Block): Dagger attack: 53/53: Marginal Success
      Galadhil: Block: 30/26: Critical Failure: Galadhil is Hit: A*2: 67: Abdomen: 7+5-4=8: S2 Serious Stab
      Galadhil Shock Roll: 15/13: Failure: Galadhil is down in shock.

      Parsumen (40): Attack Rewill (Dodge): Handaxe attack: 55/66: Critical Success
      Rewill: Dodge: 84/75: Marginal Failure: Rewil is hit: A*2: Left Thigh: 10+6-3=13: G4 Grievous Cut. Rewill is bleeding.
      Rewill: Shock Roll: 9/12: Success. He is not shocked.
      Rewill: Stumble Roll: 8+7=15/18: Success. He still stands.

      Makan (36): Attack Ainiall (Dodge). Handaxe attack: 31/54 Marginal Success
      Ainiall: Dodge: 65/55: Critical Failure: Ainiall is hit: A*2: 23: Left Shoulder: 8+6-1=13: G4 Grievous Cut. Ainiall is bleeding.
      Ainiall: Shock Roll: 14/10: Failure: Ainiall is down in shock.

      Rae (36): Attack Rewill (Dodge): Broadsword attack: 87/67: Marginal Failure
      Rewill: Dodge: 83/45: Marginal Failure: –

      Rewill swung his mace at Parsumen, but his attack missed its mark. Dwalin remained unconscious, his condition growing more dire with each passing moment.
      Galadhil attempted to strike Nerld with his dagger, but his aim faltered, and the attack failed to connect. In a stroke of fortune, Nerld’s counterattack was marred by a critical failure, leaving him unable to capitalize on the opening.
      Ainiall, the elven wizard, drew her dagger in preparation for combat, her sharp amber eyes filled with determination.
      Uthelren, one of the hillmen, targeted Galadhil with a dagger attack. Galadhil managed to block the strike with his remaining weapon, a dagger he had drawn earlier. The hillman’s dagger withstood the attack.
      Truneth, who had fallen earlier, managed to rise to his feet, rejoining the battle.
      Nerld, seeking to harm Galadhil once more, launched a knife attack. However, Galadhil’s dodge was well-executed, and he evaded the attack, even managing to disarm Nerld in the process.
      Telda aimed a dagger strike at Galadhil, who tried to block it. Unfortunately, his attempt failed, and Telda’s dagger found its mark, stabbing Galadhil in the abdomen. The injury was serious, and Galadhil fell into shock, his strength waning.
      Parsumen, one of the hillmen, turned his attention to Rewill, launching a handaxe attack. Rewill attempted to dodge the incoming strike but was unsuccessful. The handaxe struck his left thigh, causing a grievous wound that left him bleeding. However, Rewill’s resilience allowed him to stay on his feet despite the injury.
      Makan, another of the hillmen, focused on Ainiall, launching a handaxe attack. Ainiall’s dodge attempt fell short, and she was hit on her left shoulder, suffering a grievous cut and bleeding profusely. The shock of the injury overwhelmed Ainiall, and she fell unconscious.
      Rae, the final hillman, targeted Rewill with a broadsword attack, but his swing missed, and Rewill managed to evade the blow.

      Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (10)

      Round 4

      Rewill (75): Attack Parsumen with Mace: 72/25: Marginal Failure

      Dwalin (60): Shock Roll: 32/16: Failure: Unconscious

      Galadhil (56): Shock Roll: 22/13: Failure: Unconscious

      Ainiall (52): Shock Roll: 15/10: Failure: Unconscious

      Uthelren, Truneth, Nerld and Telda just taunt at their defeated opponents as the other three hillmen are engaging Rewill.

      Parsumen (40): Attack Rewill (Dodge): Handaxe attack: 59/66: Marginal Success
      Rewill: Dodge: 15/55: Critical Success: –

      Makan (36): Attack Rewill (Dodge). Handaxe attack: 73/54 Marginal Failure
      Rewill: Dodge: 32/45: Marginal Success: –

      Rae (36): Attack Rewill (Dodge): Broadsword attack: 77/67: Marginal Failure
      Rewill: Dodge: 62/35: Marginal Failure: –

      Rewill, determined to hold his ground, swung his mace at Parsumen, but his attack missed its mark. Despite the odds stacked against him, Rewill’s resolve remained unshaken.
      The three remaining hillmen, Uthelren, Truneth, Nerld, and Telda, jeered at their defeated adversaries, reveling in their apparent victory. Their taunts echoed through the forest, a cruel reminder of the dire situation the party found themselves in.
      Parsumen, one of the hillmen, launched another handaxe attack at Rewill, determined to finish the job. But Rewill’s agility prevailed, and he evaded the strike with a critical success, narrowly escaping harm.
      Makan, another of the hillmen, swung his handaxe at Rewill in a desperate attempt to strike down the defiant adventurer. However, Rewill’s quick reflexes allowed him to dodge the attack, avoiding the lethal blow. Rae, the final hillman, focused his broadsword on Rewill, seeking to bring an end to the battle. His swing, however, missed its mark, and Rewill managed to evade the attack, defying the odds against him.

      Round 5

      Rewill (75): Attack Parsumen with Mace: 13/25: Marginal Success
      Parsumen Counterattack: 100: Critical Failure
      Parsumen is hit: A*3: 42: Right Hand: 12+6=18: G5 Grevious Crush.
      Parsumen Shock Roll: 13/11: Failure. Parsumen is down in Shock.

      Dwalin (60): Shock Roll: 28/16: Failure: Unconscious

      Galadhil (56): Shock Roll: 14/13: Failure: Unconscious

      Ainiall (52): Shock Roll: 9/10: Success: Recovers. Shock Roll: 16: Ainiall is in shock.

      Uthelren (45): Engage Rewill (Dodge): Dagger attack: 11/53: Marginal Success
      Rewill: Dodge: 95/55: Critical Failure: Rewill is hit: A*2: 87: Left Thigh: 7+5-2=10: S3 Serious Stab
      Rewill: Shock Roll: 30/12: Failure. Rewill is down in Shock.

      The fight is over.

      As the battle raged on, the rain-soaked forest seemed to weep for the fallen combatants. The odds had turned in favor of Rewill, the sole conscious member of the party, as he swung his mace with determination. His blow landed true, striking Parsumen’s right hand with crushing force. Parsumen cried out in pain, his hand mangled and useless. The shock of the injury overwhelmed him, and he collapsed, defeated.
      Dwalin, Galadhil, and Ainiall remained unconscious, their bodies bearing the scars of the brutal fight. The rain continued to fall, adding to the melancholy atmosphere of the forest.
      Ainiall, however, began to stir. Despite the injuries she had sustained, she managed to regain consciousness. She groggily assessed the dire situation, her sharp amber eyes darting around as she struggled to recover from the shock of battle. Uthelren, one of the remaining hillmen, attempted to engage Rewill in combat. He lunged at the adventurer with his dagger, but Rewill’s quick reflexes allowed him to narrowly evade the attack. However, in his desperate attempt to dodge, Rewill stumbled and was struck in the left thigh by Uthelren’s blade. The wound was serious, and the shock of the injury overtook Rewill as he crumpled to the ground, joining the ranks of the fallen.

      Let’s see if Dwalin will recover prior to Ainiall bleeding out.
      (~59 rolls)
      1st minute: No
      2nd minute: No
      3rd minute: No
      4th minute: No
      5th minute: No
      6th minute: Yes
      Dwalin Recovers. Dwalin Shock Roll: 26/16: Failure. Dwalin is in Shock

      Let’s see if Galadhil will recover prior to Ainiall bleeding out.
      1st minute: No
      2nd minute: Yes
      Galadhil Recovers. Galadhil Shock Roll: 26/13: Failure. Galadhil is in Shock

      Let’s see if Rewill will recover prior to Ainiall bleeding out.
      1st minute: No
      2nd minute: Yes
      Rewill Recovers. Rewill Shock Roll: 23/12: Failure. Rewill is in Shock

      Therefore, they’re all in Shock and Ainiall, Rewill and Galadhil all will bleed out due to their Grievous wounds.

      Q: Do the hillmen abandon their fallen foes? (Likely)
      A: No+Event
      Event: Release Weapon
      No, they finish them off.

      The battle was brutal and unforgiving. As the party fought valiantly against the hillmen, the odds seemed stacked against them. However, they managed to take down Parsumen, one of the hillmen, in a fierce exchange of blows. Unfortunately, their victory was short-lived.
      Dwalin, Galadhil, Ainiall, and Rewill were all left severely wounded, with grievous injuries that left them in shock. As they lay on the rain-soaked forest floor, their enemies, the hillmen, showed no mercy. Instead of retreating, the hillmen chose to finish off their fallen foes.
      One by one, the hillmen approached the incapacitated adventurers, their eyes filled with malice. They released their weapons, determined to ensure that there would be no survivors from the party. The rain continued to fall, washing away the blood that stained the forest floor as the hillmen carried out their ruthless deed.

      Session Summary

      After another fight which ended in TPK using Harnmaster, I’m left wondering if I did seriously misjudge the game balance.
      I will break down some points of thought.

      Outnumbering plays a big role in Harnmaster. However this is mitigated by skill and equipment. The ability to react to all attacks against you supposedly can make skilled warriors overcome multiple weaker foes.

      I used HarnChar to generate the Hillmen using Tribal Culture and Hunter/Trapper occupations. This generated enemies weaker than my party both in skill and in equipment (mostly daggers and cloth tunics).

      I may have miscalculated the enemies combat skill ML, by not applying encumbrance penalties as I was unsure if these were already factored in the weapon AML/DML factors. This could have played a role.

      However I also houseruled that being outnumbered gives an increasing penalty to each extra Defense (BRP style) instead of being total like in HM RAW. Considering that, was in favour of my party.

      The initial AWARENESS Critical Failures crippled my party who could not react in the first turn, and also were carrying all their adventuring gear in their backs.

      Considering a party lineup with Dwalin in front (he’s the scout) who is also our main warrior, he got jumped quickly.

      The first turns of combat were crucial and the dice rolls were unforgiving. Two neck stabs on Dwalin, and a Critical Failure on spellcasting (which Ainiall had CML of 88!) pretty much sealed our fate.

      Harnmaster combat works with Death Spiral. The more you’re hurt, the worse you can fight, it was a matter of time after the first wounds were delivered.

      Armour is important. It’s really hard to put on more armour without increasing encumbrance. I need to read more on it.

      Overall, with regards to the TPK, my balancing and tactics were not that bad. Just really bad dice rolls that prevented us from having a proper fighting chance.

      Nevertheless Harnmaster has this magical thing that even such a loss is delivered in cinematic proportions. We lost, but it was so interesting to play out I almost feel bad for enjoying the defeat.

      Now on the Trollshaws story, this is the end. I may revisit Middle Earth in the future, but with this closure I can focus on other solo plays I have in mind.

      • giorgis8:05 pm on October 4, 2023Permalink | Reply
        Tags: Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

        In the Trollshaws.Ep16

        Some starting points for the session.
        I’ll be continuing with BRP in this session as a ruleset. After several attempts of trying to hack together the different magic styles of BRP, Mythras, and Classic Fantasy, and also wanting to use Hackmaster combat as a hack, I decided against all this, and to switch to Harnmaster instead. Yes, some creatures and definitions are Harn-specific, but that’s not a big deal. I will begin by converting Dwalin to HM.
        I will maintain GM’s Apprentice as the core Oracle resolution mechanic.
        BOLD will be used for intra-party dialogues with the connections mechanic. Currently there is a one man-show party, hopefully this will change.
        UNE will support GMA with NPC information.
        Donjon and AI art will be used for NPC descriptions.
        ChatGPT will be used to tie the narrative together.

        I also had another thought regarding the addition of extra characters to the party. On one hand I like how the story brought those NPCs to side with Dwalin, but still, nevertheless they feel like NPCs. That’s when I realized that it’s all about the way they’re introduced. These characters where introduced by the Oracle/Ruleset, not by me as a Player. I didn’t choose them, get to work on their backgrounds, so they feel alien to me.
        Therefore, I’m feeling them as NPCs for the remainder of this adventure. It’s unlikely that Nainan will stick with our group after Rivendell, and if I want to give a PC, it must be done properly.
        I will need to create the PC normally, and find a good opportunity to introduce them to the party, but this needs to be done by my own volition. No asking the Oracle.
        I can think of a few character concepts that a GM could easily plug in the story, since Rivendell is an allied place. Perhaps a Dunadan ranger, or an Elf warrior or an Eriadorian mage may be located there and want to join the quest against evil in the Trollshaws. A stronger party means I will be able to field stronger opponents and not be scared that 1-3 enemies will mean the end of the story due to a random hit.

        At the moment, our party has a dwarf scout/warrior (Dwalin) and a hobbit cleric/healer (Rewill Ville). I need to create the character sheet for Rewill Ville, and also perhaps decide on a new PC to add to the party. I find that 3 PCs are at the limit of my bookkeeping, and with only ILs instead of Location Hit Points, I believe that will be feasible.

        Q: What is the welcoming in Rivendell?
        A: Transform Military.
        It seems that the elves are on the brink of military preparations.
        Q: Do they let the party in?
        A: Yes
        Q: Is Lord Elrond available (Unlikely)
        A: No

        As the party approached Rivendell, the cool, cloudy skies with intermittent rain showers mirrored the uncertain atmosphere that surrounded the elvish settlement. The breeze from the South carried with it a sense of tension that hung in the air. The distant lights of Rivendell flickered, casting an otherworldly glow upon the lush, forested surroundings.
        Nerwenye, the graceful and watchful Elf guard, stood sentinel at the entrance to Rivendell. Adorned in shimmering silver armor that seemed to reflect the very essence of the rain-washed forest, Nerwenye’s emerald eyes held both determination and wisdom. The ethereal beauty of Rivendell enveloped the scene, contrasting with the somber mood of the moment, yet echoing a sense of hope and peace.
        Approaching the guard, Dwalin, Nainan, and Rewill Ville were met with a guarded welcome. Nerwenye spoke with an air of seriousness, “Halt, travelers. Rivendell is on the brink of military preparations. What brings you to our realm in these uncertain times?”
        Dwalin stepped forward, his dwarven resolve evident in his voice, “I am Dwalin, and these are my companions, Nainan and Rewill Ville. We come seeking aid and knowledge to fend off a great evil awakened in the Trollshaws. We hope the elves of Rivendell can offer their wisdom and assistance.”
        Nerwenye regarded them for a moment, then nodded, “Understood, travelers. You may enter, but know that Lord Elrond is currently occupied with preparations for the realm’s defense. Seek guidance from our scholars and loremasters within the library. They may be able to assist you in your quest.”
        With that, the party was granted passage into Rivendell, their journey filled with uncertainty, but their determination unwavering.

        I did a short chat with Nainan, to see if she will stay here. I decided to go with the ChatAI’s decisions on that, as I prefer to follow on what makes sense.

        Dwalin turned to Nainan, his weathered face reflecting a mixture of determination and a hint of sadness. “Now that we have arrived at Rivendell, what are your plans? Will you stay here?”
        Nainan, her eyes filled with the beauty of Rivendell’s surroundings, pondered for a moment. “Ah, Rivendell, a haven of beauty and wisdom. While I am tempted to stay and bask in the enchantment of this elven sanctuary, my journey as an entertainer calls me to explore new lands and share my talents with different audiences. However, I shall remain here for a short while, weaving my magic on the stage and delighting the hearts of both elves and visitors alike. Then, when the time comes, I shall bid farewell to Rivendell and continue my travels, spreading joy wherever I go.”
        Dwalin nodded, his respect for Nainan evident. “I shall enjoy being in your company for as long as we both stay here, but know that I am in haste.”
        Nainan smiled warmly, appreciating Dwalin’s understanding. “I appreciate your kind words, Dwalin. Although our time together may be brief, let us make the most of our shared moments in Rivendell. Your quest calls for urgency, and I understand the need to move swiftly. Know that I shall savor our companionship while it lasts, and if our paths ever cross again in the future, it will be a joyful reunion. Safe travels on your journey, my friend.”

        I asked the Character Composer to give me some description of the library of Rivendell.

        Unique Aspects and Features

        The Library of Rivendell is known for its unique feature of secret passages, allowing the knowledge seekers to uncover hidden treasures and undiscovered information. Alongside this, the library boasts an enchanting aspect where the roots of ancient trees are intertwined with the building, creating a harmonious blend of nature and elven craftsmanship.

        Surrounding Context

        Nestled in the serene and majestic realm of Rivendell, the library is surrounded by lush greenery, babbling brooks, and towering mountains. The tranquil ambiance of the natural surroundings seeps into the library, immersing visitors in a peaceful and harmonious environment, perfect for scholarly pursuits and quiet contemplation.

        Structural and Design Details

        The Library of Rivendell exudes elegance through its high ceilings and grand windows that allow gentle, soft natural light to filter in, illuminating the space with a serene glow. The architectural style, emblematic of the elven race, showcases intricate woodwork and accents of shimmering marble, creating a visually stunning and awe-inspiring atmosphere unlike any other library.

        Dwalin and Rewill Ville made their way to the grand entrance of the Library of Rivendell. As they approached, the verdant beauty of the elven sanctuary embraced them. Towering trees with leaves of vibrant green framed the library, their branches gently swaying in the breeze, while a babbling brook meandered nearby, lending a soothing symphony of flowing water to the surroundings.
        The entrance to the library was a sight to behold. High ceilings adorned with intricate elven woodwork greeted them, and grand windows allowed the soft, diffused light of the setting sun to cast a serene glow over the space. Shimmering marble accents adorned the architecture, blending seamlessly with the natural elements of Rivendell.
        As they stepped inside, a hushed atmosphere filled the air, imbued with an aura of reverence for the knowledge contained within. The scent of aged parchment and ink mingled with the subtle fragrance of the surrounding flora, creating a unique olfactory experience.
        The vast expanse of bookshelves stretched before them, holding countless volumes of elven lore and wisdom. Elven scholars moved quietly between the shelves, lost in their studies, while the occasional gentle whisper of pages turning punctuated the tranquil silence.

        Q: Does a scholar greet them?
        A: Yes

        Gilgonerdh: Male Elf Scholar, Neutral. Gilgonerdh has a round face, with blonde hair and soft blue eyes. He wears expensive clothing and a feathered hat. Gilgonerdh seeks to discover where he came from, and who his real family is.

        Character Composer:
        Gilgonerdh, a male Elf with a round face, possesses soft blue eyes that radiate curiosity. His golden hair cascades down, framing a visage that embodies wisdom. Clothed in intricate garments befitting his scholarly profession, he accessorizes with a feathered hat. Refined and ever observant, his presence brims with an aura of mystery.

        I will ask UNE about a few details more.
        NPC Conversation Mood: 46: Neutral
        NPC Bearing (Knowing): 73: Telling
        NPC Focus: Allies

        Gilgonerdh, the elven scholar, extended a gracious greeting to the stranger who had entered the sacred realm of books.
        “Dalwin, dear elf master,” responded Dwalin with a respectful tone. “I’m not certain if you were acquainted with Camthalion, a valiant warrior among your kin. Regrettably, he met his fate during our previous expedition, and I now strive to prevent further calamity. I am in search of information concerning an entity confined within a temple north of the Last Bridge Inn in the Trollshaws. It appears to be making attempts to break free, and the obsidian gemstone that served as its prison has been removed.”
        In a measured and reassuring manner, Gilgonerdh, the elven scholar of Rivendell, introduced himself. “Greetings, Dwalin. I am Gilgonerdh, a keeper of knowledge within these sacred halls. I extend my heartfelt condolences for the loss of your comrade, Camthalion. Be assured, I am here to assist you in your mission to prevent the entity’s escape. Let us delve into the ancient tomes and unveil the wisdom you seek.”

        Gilgonerdh: Research: 38/75: Success
        Q: Is there any text pertaining to the entity?
        A: Yes
        Q: Is there any text pertaining to the obsidian gemstone?
        A: No
        Q: Is the entity named? (Likely)
        A: Yes
        Time to go to the creatures of Middle Earth and see what fits best in this case.
        After careful reading I don’t think I could pull anything less than a Balrog, or a Drake, but I can’t release a Balrog there without disturbing the entire timeline, so I’ll go with a Drake. (And this way I realize yet once more how great the idea is, of a stable point in time for all games as provided by Harnmaster).
        Let’s give the dragon a name.
        It must be a Cold Drake (true or winged or land drake). I’ve ruled out the rest.
        Q: Does the text describe what kind of cold drake it is?
        A: Yes. It’s a winged drake.

        Gilgonerdh, with a scholar’s grace, embarked on the quest for knowledge within the hallowed halls of the Rivendell library. His fingers danced elegantly over ancient tomes, seeking the secrets that might aid Dwalin in his mission. After a meticulous search, he spoke with a measured tone.
        “Dwalin,” he began, his voice resonating with wisdom, “I have discovered a text that pertains to the entity you seek.” The elf scholar’s eyes gleamed with anticipation.
        Dwalin’s interest was piqued. “Tell me more,” he urged.
        Regaining his composure, Gilgonerdh continued, “However, there is no mention of the obsidian gemstone. Yet, the entity has a name.” He paused for dramatic effect, revealing the weight of the revelation. “It is called Shadna.”
        Dwalin’s brow furrowed in contemplation. “Shadna,” he repeated, allowing the name to settle in his mind.
        “Yes,” Gilgonerdh affirmed, “Shadna, a Cold Drake.”
        Dwalin’s curiosity deepened. “What kind of Cold Drake is it?” he inquired.
        With a sense of purpose, Gilgonerdh responded, “The text specifies that it is a winged drake.”
        The gravity of the situation hung in the air as Dwalin absorbed the newfound knowledge. “This,” he mused, “changes everything.”
        The elven scholar placed the revered tome in Dwalin’s hands. “All this information is contained within ‘Nimriel’s Chronicles of Frost and Flame,’ a treasured elven tome.”
        Dwalin examined the weathered tome, adorned with engraved elven symbols. Its delicate pages whispered tales of the past, meticulously preserved over centuries. The ancient parchment cradled the wisdom of the elves, while its enchanted leather binding defied the ravages of time.
        Dwalin’s fingers traced the elven symbols on the cover as Gilgonerdh read aloud from the text. “As the mighty river Mitheithel flowed, a tale of Shadna the cold drake unfurled. Trapped beneath a cave, near a temple’s embrace, it slumbered, awaiting a time to awaken.” He marveled at the accompanying drawing of the dragon.

        Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (12)
        Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (13)

        Q: Does the text describe any weaknesses or how to defeat Shadna?
        A: No
        Q: Is there any mention of a mind bending power, or corruption sickness of animals?
        A: No
        So we have to defeat a dragon a don’t know how to. How could it slumber for so long? Is it hibernating, or is it dead?
        I doubt there is going to be enough time to go to Tharbad for further research. We will need some assistance if we’re to face a dragon.

        Dwalin’s frustration grew as he delved deeper into the elven tome but found no mention of any weaknesses or strategies for defeating Shadna, the Cold Drake. The dragon remained shrouded in mystery, and they were left with more questions than answers.
        His mind raced, considering the implications of this newfound knowledge. “How could it slumber for so long?” Dwalin pondered aloud. “Is it hibernating, or is it dead?”
        Gilgonerdh and Rewill Ville exchanged concerned glances, sharing Dwalin’s uncertainty. The absence of information on how to confront such a formidable foe left them in a perilous situation.
        Dwalin sighed heavily, closing the tome with a sense of urgency. “I doubt there is going to be enough time to go to Tharbad for further research,” he conceded. “We will need some assistance if we’re to face a dragon.”

        Q: Is this news enough to seek audience with a higher, elf authority? (Likely)
        A: Yes
        Q: Will it happen tonight? (Unlikely)
        A: Yes
        Q: Will it be Lord Elrond? (Unlikely)
        A: Yes! And he will stop whatever he’s doing to assist them.

        Gilgonerdh, the elven scholar of Rivendell, recognized the gravity of their situation. With the newfound knowledge about Shadna, the Cold Drake, and the lack of information on how to confront it, he believed it was imperative to seek an audience with a higher elven authority. He turned to Dwalin and Rewill Ville, his emerald eyes filled with a sense of urgency.
        “Dear friends,” Gilgonerdh began, “the information we’ve uncovered about Shadna is both fascinating and concerning. It’s clear that we are facing a formidable and ancient foe, one that may pose a great threat to this land. We cannot face such a creature without guidance and assistance.”
        He continued, “I propose that we seek an audience with a higher elf authority, someone who possesses the knowledge and wisdom to help us. Lord Elrond, the esteemed leader of Rivendell, is a figure of great wisdom and influence. Although it is unlikely for such an audience to happen tonight, I believe this matter is of utmost importance. Lord Elrond will undoubtedly understand the urgency of our situation and will not hesitate to assist us.”

        As the night sky draped Rivendell in its starry embrace, Gilgonerdh led Dwalin and Rewill Ville through the winding paths of the elven sanctuary. The tranquil ambiance of the elven realm was juxtaposed with the urgency that gripped their hearts.
        Finally, they arrived at the imposing and elegant edifice that served as Lord Elrond’s dwelling. Guarded by vigilant sentinels, the entrance was adorned with intricate elven motifs, reflecting the wisdom and artistry of the inhabitants.
        Lord Elrond, a figure of ageless grace and wisdom, awaited their arrival. His robes flowed like liquid moonlight, and his piercing eyes bore the weight of countless years of knowledge and foresight.
        With a respectful nod, Gilgonerdh introduced Dwalin and Rewill Ville. “Lord Elrond, these brave souls have come to Rivendell with grave news and a dire request.”
        Lord Elrond’s voice resonated with authority and compassion as he addressed Dwalin. “Dwalin, what brings you to Rivendell with such grave news? Please, speak freely and do not withhold any details.”
        Dwalin, his demeanor resolute, wasted no time. “Lord, a great evil stirs in the Trollshaws. The cold-dragon Shadna has been awakened and is trying to escape from its prison deep beneath the land. The animals surrounding the temple where it was imprisoned are sick and dying, and the minds of men corrupted. Going through the elven tomes, we couldn’t find a single reference to a weakness, so I’ll ask plainly. Do you have anyone to spare to assist us in our quest to defeat the dragon?”
        Lord Elrond’s gaze held both concern and determination. “I understand the gravity of the situation, Dwalin. It is imperative that we quell this rising threat. Rest assured, Rivendell will provide you with able allies to aid in your quest.”

        So in this step I will generate an elf PC. A mage.

        With Elrond’s support, Dwalin feels safe to reveal that he’s also in a task to recover Bain’s dragon slaying hammer (as described in his backstory).
        Q: Does Elrond provide further assistance to recover the hammer? Perhaps a ranger will come with them?
        A: No, it’s just the 3 of them.

        Lord Elrond, his keen wisdom guiding his decisions, responded to Dwalin’s plea for assistance in recovering Bain’s Dragon Slaying hammer. After a moment of thoughtful consideration, he spoke with a measured tone.
        “Dwalin, your quest is one of great importance, and the fate of both the hammer and our land hinges on its success. However, our resources are stretched thin at the moment, and we cannot provide further aid or a ranger to accompany you. You and your companions will embark on this journey together, and I trust that your determination will guide you through.”

        Dwalin will attempt to use Rhetoric to convince Lord Elrond of the need to perhaps send additional aid.
        Dwalin: Rhetoric: 40/42: Critical Success!
        He makes very convincing arguments which persuade Lord Elrond to send a Ranger with them.

        Dwalin, realizing the gravity of their quest and the necessity for additional support, decided to make a compelling case before Lord Elrond. With eloquence and conviction, he presented his argument. “Lord Elrond, I understand the constraints your people currently face. However, the threat of Shadna is dire, and the recovery of Bain’s Dragon Slaying hammer is essential to our success. With the aid of a skilled Ranger, our chances of defeating the dragon and preserving the safety of both Rivendell and the Trollshaws will greatly increase.”
        Dwalin’s words carried a weight of urgency and sincerity. His rhetorical prowess left Lord Elrond considering the request carefully.
        Lord Elrond, ever thoughtful, responded to Dwalin’s plea, his decision influenced by the dwarf’s persuasive argument. “Dwalin, your words ring with truth and wisdom. I shall grant your request and provide you with a skilled Ranger to aid you on this perilous journey. May the stars guide you to success.”

        So I will also generate a Ranger of the North to go with them. Full party! (Ranger, Thief, Cleric, Mage)

        I spent an entire day’s worth generating new characters in Harnmaster. A fun process. Here are the statblocks for all of them.

        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (14)
        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (15)
        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (16)
        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (17)

        It was a long effort, and I hope I didn’t do any major mistakes.

        As Dwalin, Rewill, and Lord Elrond discussed the details of their quest, the air in Rivendell seemed charged with anticipation. It was in this moment that two additional figures gracefully entered the scene, catching the attention of those present.
        Ainiall, with her ebony hair and sharp amber eyes, moved with an air of confidence, her steps light and graceful. Galadhil, the tall and lean ranger with long black hair and keen gray eyes, exuded an aura of quiet strength and purpose. Their presence alone spoke of their adventuring prowess and determination.
        Lord Elrond acknowledged their arrival with a nod, and Dwalin and Rewill turned to greet their new companions.
        Dwalin started, “Ah, it seems our company has grown. Welcome. I am Dwalin, and this is Rewill. We are on a quest to quell a rising threat in the Trollshaws, and your skills and assistance will be invaluable.”
        “Indeed, your presence is most welcome. We are grateful for your willingness to join us on this perilous journey.” Rewill added.
        The elf lady replied first. “Greetings, Dwalin and Rewill. I am Ainiall, a wizard with a penchant for deciphering mystical texts. I believe our combined knowledge and abilities will serve us well.”
        Followed by the ranger, “I am Galadhil, a ranger with a deep connection to the natural world. Together, we shall navigate the wilderness and confront the challenges that lie ahead. The call of adventure beckons, and I am ready to answer.”

        Session Summary

        This was a slow, R&R session. Character generation, research of enemies, resting at a safe place. I like how Dwalin’s backstory (as written on the sample character template in MERP) fits with the evolving thread. Of course I did make the choice that the entity is a Dragon, because we’re in Middle Earth, and I couldn’t find anything else of a similar threat that would fit the setting. To my surprise and to my defence, I had forgotten completely about Dwalin’s quest regarding a Dragon-slaying hammer, so fitting the puzzle pieces together was fun, even if I did choose them. In the back of my head I have this idea that the dragon could be now undead, like a Dracolich, so when the time comes, the Oracle will have some answering to do.

        I didn’t have the opportunity to use much of Harnmaster’s mechanics, and I hope I will not be disappointed. I initially wanted to go with a party of 3, but we ended up being 4. I’ll be using Galadhil’s background information from the sample character templates in MERP.
        Harnmaster character generation takes a long time, but it’s fun. It was kind of hard to accommodate conversion of characters as there are no such things as ‘classes’ in Harnmaster, nor any occupations similar to what I had in mind. Also I went with the Character Design option which uses a points buy system instead of a roll system, and I noticed something peculiar. It uses a points system which equates to the Key Attributes option of rolling 4d6 and dropping the lowest die, instead of the standard 3d6. This generates some stronger than average characters, but I’m perfectly okay with it, considering that I won’t pull my punches now when they’ll be facing foes (and keeping in mind that the Big Boss is a nasty trapped dragon).
        I gave them character equipment according to MERP, but none of the magical options.
        By the way, the more I read about Harnmaster, the more I’m itching to start a campaign in Harnworld, so I’m leaning very close to doing it once this adventure is over. I have no clue what is the challenge to face a dragon in a d100 game. Skill based games do not have the power creep of level based games, so a dragon will always be that deadly creature ready to devour everything, you can’t level up to balance it.
        I’m scared we’ll all die in a TPK, so the challenge is at least to have it be dramatic.

        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (18)

          midgetmanifesto6:57 am on October 11, 2023Permalink | Reply

          Maybe you could have a donkey carry the adventuring gear, which would allow for more armour and less need to drop stuff at the start of combat?

          Are your minis 15mm?

          LikeLiked by 1 person

          • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (19)

            giorgis10:04 am on October 11, 2023Permalink | Reply

            That’s a great idea! For some reason it hadn’t occurred to me, but I’ll keep it in mind for the future. Thanks!

            Yes the minis are 15mm, I’ve gathered quite a deal of them during my solo miniatures skirmish gaming in Five Leagues from the Borderlands.


        • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (20)

          midgetmanifesto6:12 pm on October 11, 2023Permalink | Reply

          I think the logistics are under appreciated. No one likes tracking encumbrance. Reading about old school adventuring the main reason you’d have followers was to guard the base camp as most classes weren’t willing to go into a dungeon with the heroes.

          I like making treasure heavy (mostly by tracking coin encumbrance, a 100 coins is a pound or something like that). It makes banking, burying treasure, and beasts of burden make a lot more sense.
          And having the enemys attack beasts of burden is an issue. ‘The griphon swoops on your horse. It lies under the griphon screaming….what do you do?

          LikeLiked by 1 person

          • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (21)

            giorgis7:05 pm on October 11, 2023Permalink | Reply

            Another neat mechanic! Followers and men-at-arms. Makes so much sense in proper adventuring parties and dungeon crawlers. Cool reminders.


      • giorgis11:41 pm on August 30, 2022Permalink | Reply
        Tags: fantasy ( 78 ), Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

        To Tharbad. Ep03

        Although Tharbad is no longer the direct destination of Leowyn, I’m still keeping the same name for this adventure for posterity’s sake.

        Forgot to make the development rolls. Leowyn is granted 2 Intrigue, 2 Rhetoric, 1 Initiative and 1 Unarmed development roll based on her skill use last session.
        Intrigue: (42): 89,10: Increase to 43
        Rhetoric: (33): 24,11: No increase
        Initiative: (68): 26: No increase
        Unarmed: (65): 24: No increase

        So the distance she will have to travel is about 50 miles.
        Again, what I’ll be doing is once I have reached the destination by approximation, I’ll ask the Oracle about it.

        It’s an unpaved road. Depending on the weather conditions she might be moving up to 23 miles per watch.

        Day 31st Hithui, 3rd Watch

        Weather (19) stays the same. It is cold, and cloudy with no snow.
        Encounter: 4: No encounter
        She traveled 20 miles. (Reducing because she didn’t leave right away at morning).

        Day 31st Hithui, 4th Watch

        Weather (19) stays the same. It is cold, and cloudy with no snow.
        Encounter: 3: No encounter
        She traveled 23 miles and made camp.

        Day 31st Hithui, 5th Watch

        Weather (20) is cold, and overcast with no snow.
        Encounter: 14: No encounter

        Day 31st Hithui, 6th Watch

        Weather (1) is freezing, and overcast and starts to snow.
        Encounter: 19: Rural, Lawless /Night: 82: Reroll as Urban: 37: Lia-Kavair (Thieves): 45: Journeyman: 29: Burgling/Casing Job/etc.
        When: At 20.17. I’ll decide that Leowyn isn’t yet asleep.

        Leowyn: Awareness: 03: MS
        Thief: Awareness: 89: MF

        Leowyn has camped by the side of the road where, a low escarpment provides some protection from the cold winds. As the temperature drops to freezing point, she throws a couple blankets over her horse to keep it warm, and lies beside it, so that their combined temperature will help them through the night.
        As she does so, she notices a torch carrying figure, trod through the road, slowly, crouched, a club at the other hand. ‘No peace-loving man walks, club at hand in the middle of the night’. She thinks. Considering how close she is to the battlesite where the Fennas Drunin guard overtook the bandits, she realizes this might be one of the bandits.
        Perhaps one that fled the fight, or one that wasn’t there in the first place, returning to their camp. It could as well be the very man that killed her beloved. With these thoughts in mind, she slowly draws her blade, puts on her helmet, wears her shield, and sneaks towards the cloaked figure.

        Leowyn: Stealth (39-25): 06: MS

        Considering the thief’s lack of awareness, the overcast night sky and snowfall, and her stealth roll success (albeit not a critical success), I rule that she has reached the presumed thief undetected.

        Paying no heed to her bruised thigh, nor to her heavy armor, moving fast, with the agility and grace of a cat, Leowyn reaches the figure, just a couple paces behind.
        She puts her blade at the back of her foe’s neck, and shouts “That’s enough. Drop your club and turn to face me.”

        Leowyn: Rhetoric (33-5): 06: MS
        Success! The figure drops their club! Time to go to donjon for some information.

        Donjon: Waerblu: Female Human Scofflaw, Evil. Waerblu has a round face, with thick silver hair and hazel eyes. She wears sturdy clothing and a yellow cloak. Waerblu has an animal companion, a sable ferret named Maly.

        A woman turns around. Round face, thick silver hair, hazel eyes. She looks at Leowyn.

        Q: Does she wear the locket? I’ll call it a 50/50.
        A: No (at least there is no such thing visible).

        “If you’re looking for your friends, they’re all dead. Feeding the crebain.” Leowyn continues, certain that the woman is part of the bandits. “Now show me your necklace, or by the ancestors, I’ll send you to join your friends.”

        I need some info on how the woman will react to Leowyn. Will she plead innocence?
        Q: Does she plead innocence?
        A: No
        So, she’s part of the bandits.

        As if accepting her fate, the woman nods. “Did you kill them?” She asks.
        “The town guard did.” Leowyn responds. She gestures up to her throat with her broadsword. “The necklace.” She adds.

        Q: Does she wear a necklacke at all?
        A: Yes, but, it’s not the one Leowyn gifted Argulf.

        She slowly puts her hands around her neck, and brings out a necklace. Leowyn sees under the torchlight, that it isn’t the one she’s looking for.
        “There were Rohirim amongst you. How many were there?”

        Q: Does she say it was five?
        A: No
        Q: Is it more?
        A: No: 1d4: 1. Intervention: 4: Advance Plot: He had a locket.

        “It was just one, but he made some impression on the rest of our group. Some of the strongest men tried to immitate him. Dress like him, and fight like him.” She responds. “Will this take long? It’s getting freezing cold here.” She asks impatiently.
        “Are you in a hurry to visit your friends in Fenas Drunin, or the afterworld?” Leowyn puts her back in her place. “Did he wear a silver locket with an intricate horse design?”
        “He did wear a locket. What’s it to you and the lockets?” She asks.
        “He’s a murderer who killed the man I loved.” Leowyn scoffs. “You’re coming with me, to the battle site.”

        Leowyn will try to bind her hands.
        Q: Does she try to escape?
        A: Yes

        I’ll roll Initiative for both of them.
        Leowyn: Initiative: (68-5): 52: MS
        Waerblu: Initiative: (55): 80: CF

        So Leowyn realizes what Waerblue is going to do, and gets to make an opposed STR roll.
        Leowyn: STR: 11+15-5: 21
        Waerblu: STR: 8+10: 18
        Leowyn wins.

        As Leowyn starts tying up the thug, she instictively realizes the bandit will make an attempt to escape. The thug makes a quick move of her hands down to get away, but Leowyn grips her tightly. Her strength as a warrior is evident, and despite her opponent’s will to run free, she overcomes her.
        “Next time it will be my blade on your hands.” Leowyn says grinding her teeth as she speeks. Revenge burns hot inside her.
        The thug’s hands bound, both to a tree, and to Leowyn, they camp for the night.

        ‘I noticed I made a mistake with regards to the middle earth calendar, and it’s not New Years now. Hithui is the equivalent of November, therefore, with this in mind, I’m continuing the adventure.’

        Day 1st Girithron, 1st Watch

        Weather (20) is now cold, and overcast and snow stops.
        Encounter: 7: No encounter

        Day 1st Girithron, 2nd Watch

        Weather (1) is now freezing, and overcast and starts to snow.
        Encounter: 12: No encounter

        Day 1st Girithron, 3rd Watch

        Weather (1) is now cold, and overcast and continues to snow.
        Encounter: 12: No encounter

        Q: Did Waerblue attempt to escape overnight? I deem this unlikely, since there was already a failed attempt.
        A: Yes, but, Leowyn realized it and she stopped short. Random event: Delightfully Heavy, Procrastinate Path.

        After a freezing cold night where the bandit lady tried once more to get up, only for Leowyn to wake up because of the well tightened ropes, and put her back to her place, they start pacing towards the battle site.
        The prisoner tries her best to delay them, slowing down whenever she can, and pulling back the horse.

        Q: Do they reach the battle site? (I’d have this at likely where it not for the delay)
        A: Yes

        I rolled some descriptors as to what they’d find, but then I recalled that the town guard told Leowyn that they left the bandits’ bodies there for all to find, so I’m going with this.

        Leowyn rides, with the bandit lady bound, and tied with a rope to the saddle, walking by the right side, when they reach the site.
        Several bodies are hanging from trees, upside down, lining the sides of the road. They’re hanging just above a standing man’s reach, so that the wolves can’t get to them, but the carrion birds have already started working.

        I’d say it’s 5d6 of them. 17.

        They count almost a dozen and a half bodies hanging. If it weren’t for deep winter, the stench would be unbearable.
        The bandit lady has turned white with horror of what she sees, and scared of the fate that might befall her.
        “Do you see him? the Rohirim?” Leowyn asks as she takes a careful look at the bodies.

        Q: Does she point out to the Rohirim bandit?
        A: No
        Q: Does she try to bargain for her freedom?
        A: No
        Q: Does she try to escape yet again?
        A: No. Intervention: Regress plot.

        She shakes her head. “I.. I can’t tell. They’re mangled, maimed. Crebain have done short work of their faces. I can’t recognize him amongst them.”
        Leoywyn scoffs. “What did he look like? Hair? Beard?”

        Donjon: Hylpre: Male Human Fighter, Evil. Hylpre is stout, with grey hair and soft grey eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a bastard sword and shield. Hylpre has a mild allergy to rodents.

        Q: Is there any gray haired bodies? (Likely)
        A: Yes, and there’s one wearing chain mail.

        “Gray hair. No beard. He’d wear mail.” the thug responds.
        Leowyn looks around and starts examining each and every hanged bandit corpse, until she finds one that fits.

        Q: Is there any necklace hanging down?
        A: No

        She looks at it closer, and cuts down the rope. The body falls down with a thud.
        She dismounts, and approaches the corpse.
        “Don’t try anything stupid.” She warns her prisoner before leaning down on the body to search it.

        Q: Is there the locket?
        A: Yes, but.

        I pause here because the “Yes, but” interpretation can either solve the quest or not.

        • Yes, but, it’s been damaged
        • Yes, but, it’s not the locket that Leowyn gave to Argulf
        • Yes, but, it’s bent so that she can’t tell for certain if it’s hers

        Since it’s so important, I’ll roll 1d3 for the interpretation.
        A: Yes, but, it’s not the locket that Leowyn gave to Argulf

        She finds a locket, not the one she gave to Argulf. Her heart sinks.
        She shows it to the bandit. “Is this it? the locket you were talking about?”

        Q: Is it the locket she had seen?
        A: Yes

        The bandit nods. “That’s the one. You’ve found your Rohirim. Are you happy? can I go now?”
        Leowyn sighs. She feels exhausted. Her path to revenge has led her astray. She abandoned her only friends back at the Last Bridge Inn while looking for a needle in a haystack.
        She walks to the bandit, and cuts her free. “You may as well. You’ll only slow me down.”

        Q: Does the bandit give any advice before fleeing?
        A: No, but, she’s grateful for the chance she’s given.

        Leowyn considers how her people stand out amongst the rest of the Eriadorians. Since he’s not been seen here, then he’s either hiding amongst his own people in Rohan, or hiding from the law in Gondor.
        She turns her horse around and heads back South once more.

        I really tried to hook the threads together into my protagonist’s goals, but the hooks didn’t catch on, almost to the point of frustration. I really wanted to give Leowyn a sense of closure, because deep down I was imagining she could possibly join her adventuring companions once more, and they could explore the Trollshaws together.
        Nevertheless, the Oracle-master has different plans in mind, and this is very much realistic, even from a social TTRPG perspective. The player went on a wild goose chase, and paid the price. Leowyn has abandoned both her friends, and her not-so-good employer.
        I’m now quite frustrated to say the least, as a player. Having Leowyn travel almost the entire distance that The Fellowship travelled over three books! even as a Rider, and even with the North South Great Road available, is no easy task. Especially considering the hexcrawl nature of Harnmaster.
        And I do not want to spend my solo gaming time, grinding through random encounters and weather generation.

        Therefore I need to improvise. I’m considering the following solutions.

        • Switch gears. Change the Timetick from the 4-hour watch, to a Day. I will need to make some calculations to make a single roll for the encounter probabilities, but that can be worked using e.g. anydice.
        • Use the BOLD Waylays mechanic. It isn’t fun to only crawl the entire distance without something happening to prevent Leowyn and generate conflict. Perhaps the Waylays are the tool to use to use a narrative description of what happened during her trip to her destination(s).

        More specifically, I’m thinking of mixing them together. I’ll be flexible as the rolls progress.

        BOLD: Waylay: Foreign deputies (Easy foes).
        I’m also rolling the Solution (optional) mostly as inspiration. Overcome on accident.

        So first of all, I need to determine the when.
        I deem that the first Waylay is on the road to Tharbad.
        It’s about 250 miles to Tharbad, so I’ll roll to see when it occurs: at 100 miles in her trip. That’s after Fenas Drunin, on the road by Mitheithel.

        Foreign deputies, my interpretation is that it’s a patrol from a group whose lands do not belong to them. Right now Leowyn is in Cardolan which is pretty much headless, so that isn’t too far fetched. Therefore it can’t be from one of the factions aiming to get a grip on the region.
        Since this is a Waylay, it must be an obstacle for Leowyn.

        I rule that this is a group from ~Angmar~ Mordor.
        Their number is going to be the lowest of 2d6: 2.
        Considering the brutality of Harnmaster, two-to one can be deadly fast. I’m keeping the ‘overcome on accident’ as a possible (Oracle confirmation first) deus ex machina. Until then, it’s up to Leowyn and her skills.

        Before I’ll go in with setting the battlefield, I need to complete some bookkeeping. Get on with Leowyn’s development rolls, and see if her bruised leg has healed.
        Awareness (44): 50. Increase to 45.
        Stealth (39): 85. Increase to 40.
        Rhetoric (33): 43. Increase to 34.
        Now for healing, there’s a heal roll every 5 days in Harnmaster. That’s kinda odd, but anyhow, I’ve decided to use this ruleset, so I’m continuing with this. Therefore, Leowyn is still injured, as she’s not entitled yet to a healing roll.

        Q: Does the encounter happen during the day?
        A: No

        Day 5th Girithron, 1st Watch

        Weather (6) is now freezing, and cloudy and has rain showers.

        I decided to do some calculations, and it seems that the moon is waning. It entered the last Quarter at 2nd Girithron and will have a New Moon at 10th Girithron. There’s not much moonlight to help Leówyn see around.

        Leowyn: Awareness (45/2): 78: MF
        Orcs: Awareness (44): 55: CF

        They’ve both failed their awareness roll (Leowyn with half skill due to sleeping), but the orcs had a critical failure, hence Leowyn detects them first.

        It’s been four days of riding that Leowyn suffered through the cold winter of Cardolan. She went past Fenas Drunin without stopping there, only paying for a boat to carry her across, and then she continued by the old road on the western bank of Mitheithel.
        The constant rain and freezing cold has exhausted her, to the point that she doesn’t care about her bruised leg anymore and falls asleep. The thought of revenge still burns in her mind as her eyes close.
        Loud shouting voices and heavy footsteps in the mud wake her up. There’s only one kind of creature that speaks that hoarse and stringy, such an ugly language. ‘Orcs’ she thinks, and quickly grabs her sword and shield, and wears her helmet hastily.
        It’s only a couple of them, but they’re twenty yards away. It’s a matter of seconds before they see her.

        Considering Leówyn’s Move attribute equals Agility and is subject to Physical Penalty, so her modified move stat is 12 which means she can move 60 feet in a combat turn.

        Due to their Critical Failure in Awareness, I’m giving Leówyn a surprise turn.
        Therefore I need to decide if she’s going to get on her steed or charge at the orcs.
        I’m feeling adventurous, she’ll charge at the orcs.

        I couldn’t find anything in the Hârnmaster rules with regards to close combat difficulty when fighting in dim lighting conditions, so I wing it at -10 using some input from Mythras.
        The orcs won’t suffer from this since they have better eyesight during nighttime.
        Am I attempting to chew more than I can?

        Turn 0

        Leówyn vs Orc1: Broadsword (76+15-35): 02: Hit!: A3: Location: 04: Skull: Impact: 11+5-7=9: S3: Serious Cut to the Skull.

        Shock Roll: 11/10: The orc is down due to shock.

        She looks at her horse and then at the orcs walking by the riverside, and makes a quick call to jump at them.
        She charges at the nearest one, before they have a chance to react. With a quick slash of her broadsword she hits the orc’s side of the head. The helmet takes the brunt of the hit, but Leówyn is strong. The blade cuts deep, and with blood spilt, the orc drops at once, from the shock of the strike.

        Turn 1

        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc2
        Orc2 defense declaration: Dodge
        Leówyn vs Orc2: Broadsword (76-20): 8: MS
        Orc2: Dodge (55): 83: MF
        That’s an A1 strike. Location: 09: Face. 29: Left Eye. Impact: 4+7=11: S3: Serious Cut to the Face.
        Shock Roll: 9/10: Saved.

        Orc2 attack declaration vs Leówyn
        Leówyn defense declaration: Block
        Orc2 vs Leówyn (55-15): 05: CS
        Leówyn: Block (78+20-35): 72: MF
        That’s an A2 strike. Location: 61: Abdomen. Impact: 10+5-9=6: S2: Serious Cut to the Abdomen.
        Shock roll: 9/11: Saved.

        Orc1: Shock: 4. It has recovered. Shock: 5: Is not in shock.

        With no hesitation, she turns to her other foe, and brings her blade in a quick overhead motion, hitting the orc at the face. His left eye gashed, the orc screams in pain, and strikes back wildly.
        His curved blade hacks at the bloodthirsty Rohirim shield maiden, right at her abdomen, cutting through both the surcoat and her mail armor.
        She gasps in pain. At the same time the first orc slowly regains it’s awareness.

        Turn 2

        Orc2: Initiative test: (55-15): 43: MF: Cautious for this turn.

        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc2
        Orc2 defense declaration: Dodge
        Leówyn vs Orc2: Broadsword (76-20): 36: MS
        Orc2: Dodge (55-15): 14: MS
        That’s a stand-off

        Orc2 pass (cautious).

        Orc1: Rise

        His eye scathed, the orc has stepped back and isn’t willing to fight this furious foe alone. Leówyn hacks at him once more, but the goblin dodges and avoids the hit, while his friend rises and prepares to join the fight once more.

        Turn 3

        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc2
        Orc2 defense declaration: Block
        Leówyn vs Orc2: Broadsword (76-30): 66: MF
        Orc2: Block (55-15): 52: MF
        That’s a Block.
        I deem that Leówyn’s shield is higher WQ by +1 while the Orc shield is lower WQ by -1.
        Orc test: WQ: Shield: 12: Pass
        Leówyn test: WQ: Broadsword: 15: Broken.

        Orc2 attack declaration vs Leówyn
        Leówyn defense declaration: Block
        Orc2 vs Leówyn (55-15): 77: MF
        Leówyn: Block (78+20-45): 7: MS
        That’s a DTA.
        Leówyn will draw her dagger.

        Orc1 attack declaration vs Leówyn
        Leówyn defense declaration: Block
        Orc1 vs Leówyn (85-15): CF
        Leówyn: Block (78+20-50): 15: CS
        That’s another DTA. I need to make some choices. Leówyn is wounded and is fighting two orcs equally wounded. Odds are against her. Her sword is broken. She’s fighting the dark. She might try for a lucky break with a dagger attack or disengage and go ride her horse.
        I’ll try for a dagger attack.

        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc1
        Orc1 defense declaration: Counterstrike
        Leówyn vs Orc1: Dagger (70-10-20-15+5): 8: MS
        Orc1 vs Leówyn (55-15): 34: MS
        That’s an A1 strike to both of them.
        Let’s see Leówyn’s strike first: Location: 28: Right Upper Arm. Impact: 6+5-2=9: S2 Serious Stab. Fumble: 9+5=14/11: Drops the weapon: 7 in the same hex. Shock Roll: 19/11: Orc1 drops.
        Orc1 strike: Location: 4: Skull. Impact: 2+5-10=-3: No impact.

        The shield maiden slashes once more at the orc, but he blocks with the shield. The shield boss hits the blade, and the sword breaks in two.
        With reinforcements, his morale is bolstered and he steps up to strike at Leówyn, who blocks his hit, putting both her hands behind her shield. The reactive force of the blocked strike is such that the orc pauses for a few seconds, just enough for the shield maiden to draw her dagger.
        The other orc hesitates before joining the fray and Leówyn immediately reads his movement. She blocks with her shield, pushing him in a clockwise motion, and getting a clear opening to his right side. She stabs as he tries to hit her first with his curved sword. Leówyn has positioned herself to his blind spot and the orc hits her helmet with an outward strike, while her dagger digs deep into his upper arm.
        The slashed-skull orc winces in pain, drops his sword and falls down from the repeat wounds.

        Turn 4

        Orc2 initiative (55-15): 56: MF. Cautious

        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc2
        Orc2 defense declaration: Dodge
        Leówyn vs Orc2: Dagger (70-40): 60: CF
        Orc2 Dodge (55-15): 3: MS
        That’s a DTA.
        Orc2 will attack back as part of the DTA.

        Orc2 attack declaration vs Leówyn
        Leówyn defense declaration: Block
        Orc2 vs Leówyn (55-15): 37: MS
        Leówyn: Block (78+20-45): 45: CS
        That’s a DTA but can’t be more than one per character turn so it’s lost.

        Orc1 shock roll: 15/11: still down.

        His friend down, the one-eyed orc pauses and doesn’t move forward to deliver hit, but as she jabs air in a failed attempt he finds an opportunity. His blade is deflected by the maiden’s shield and they stand back looking at each other with deadly intent.


        Leówyn attack declaration vs Orc2
        Orc2 defense declaration: Dodge
        Leówyn vs Orc2: Dagger (70-40): 20: CS
        Orc2 Dodge (55-15): 85: CF
        That’s an A3 strike!
        Location: 16: Right Shoulder. Impact: 11+5-5=11. S3: Serious Stab. Fumble roll: 9+6=15/11: Drops weapon.
        Shock roll: 25: Orc2 is down.

        Orc1 shock roll: 13/11. Orc1 is still down.

        Leówyn hides her dagger behind her roundshield as she steps forward. The orc fails to notice her blade and she stabs him hard on his right shoulder. The orc opens his hand, dropping his weapon while moments later he drops from the serious wound.
        Leówyn, seriously wounded, sword broken, grabbing her abdomen, is victorious.

        Leówyn finishes off the orcs and searches them.
        Orc1: Trade goods: 2 Furs. Silver: 12d. Weapons: 1. Round shield WQ+2.
        Orc2: Weapons. Longknife WQ-2.
        Q: Is the shield of sindarin make?
        A: Yes

        She leans over each of her fallen foes and gives them a coupe de grace with her dagger. They shall trouble the common folk of Cardolan no longer. Then she proceeds to search them.
        Among their belongings she finds a farthing worth of silver, a couple of wolf pelts that will help in the winter cold, a longknife in bad shape, and a fine shield, both of elvish make. Their trophies probably, of an elvish warrior they killed.
        She takes them. May they find revenge on her hands instead.

        Development Rolls:
        Dagger: 32. No increase.
        Sword: 24. No increase.
        Shield: 76. No increase.
        Awareness: 47. Increase to 46.
        Initiative: 90. Increase to 69.

        Leówyn has 150 miles to go approximately to reach Tharbad, but she’s only 50 miles away from Fennas Drunin. She needs a healer. I need to decide if it’s best for her to head back or move on.
        It’s about 4 days ride to Tharbad, so, she’ll risk it.

        I’ll roll again for “where” a waylay will happen. If it’s at the first elapsed 100 miles, then, it’s not going to happen. Otherwise, I’ll roll for it normally.

        Waylay occurrence: 120!
        Waylay: perceiving mooks, overcome by scarce used ability.

        Day 5th Girithron, 4th Watch

        Weather (6) is now freezing, and cloudy and has rain showers.

        With the furs, the night was a little less colder this time, but the humidity of the river somehow still managed to chill her bones. Leowyn continued riding south at first light.
        It’s still the middle of the day, when four desperate looking men come charging at her from the undergrowth.
        “Get the Rohirim bitch boys! she’s bleeding!” shouts one of them, while the rest yell in undefined vowels.

        Leowyn: Awareness (45-15): 32: MF
        Mooks: Awareness (44): 66: MF

        34 yards away. Leowyn saw them first. She has the opportunity to outride them, or turn back.

        Q: Is there an opportunity to outride them?
        A: No. She must fight them, or turn back.

        They broke from their hiding spots too early, ruining their ambush. ‘Idiots’, Leowyn thought.
        But as she looks down, she sees the red in her surcoat, and knows she must either fight them, or turn back.

        She’ll try to perform a mounted charge to get past them.

        Turn 1

        Riding EML = ((84-15)+60)/2=65.
        Ridng: 73: MF: Steed performs action. Rider has -10 to AML

        Q: Does the mook attempt to dodge out of the way? (Likely)
        A: No, and, he tries to counterstrike Leowyn

        Steed Trample: (65+20): 69: MS
        Mook1 counter: 78: MF
        That’s an A3 strike. Location: 19: Left Shoulder. Impact: 4+8=12. S3: Serious Fracture. Shock Roll: 6/9. Not shocked. Fumble roll: 9+3=12/12: No Fumble.
        The steed stops in the middle of the crowd. The mook is displaced to the side.
        The mooks move close to her.

        Leowyn is too proud to let go of her task. No pitiful thugs will stop her. Instead of turning around she decides to charge onto them. The sheer weight of her horse to trample them down.
        The horse falls with might onto the foolhardy mook, who tries to counterattack with his club, but doesn’t even manage to lift his hand in time, as the steed hits his shoulder. The bones fracture, but the man stays in place, and the small steed stops.
        Worried, Leowyn sees the enemies close in to her from all sides.

        Turn 2

        Riding: 50: CS: Steed performs action. Rider has +10 to AML

        Q: Does the mook attempt to dodge out of the way? (Likely)
        A: Yes
        Steed Trample: (65): 100: CF
        Mook1 Dodge: 65: CF
        Both Stumble.
        Steed Stumble (65+20): 83: MS
        Mook1 Stumble: 9+3=12. Success.

        Leowyn declare Longknife vs Mook1
        Mook1 will Counter.
        Leowyn: (78-35+10+10)=100: CF
        Mook1: 12: MS
        That’s a D2 strike. Location: Right Hip. Impact: 10+4-3=11. S3 Serious Fracture. Stumble Roll: 12+6=18: Failure.
        Unhorsing Roll: (65-50): 13: MS. Leowyn stays in saddle.
        Shock Roll: 18: Shocked. She’s down.

        She orders her steed to kick and trample the thug in front of her, so that she makes space to ride out, but the horse and foe loose their footing, and spend a few precious seconds to stabilize themselves.
        Leowyn tries to follow up with a slashing strike at the thug, but he gets the best of her and hits her with a club to her hip. The hit is strong, and bones fracture. Her mail doesn’t offer much protection against bludgeoning damage. She almost gets unhorsed, by the sheer force of the strike. Worse comes to worse though, and she loses consciousness, dropping to the ground with a thud.

        Q: Do the mooks kills her?
        A: No
        They take all her possessions, and leave her wounded, cold and hungry.
        Q: Does Leowyn survive the wilderness? (Unlikely)
        A: No

        Having left her for dead, Leown, recovers her consciousness later, but she’s in shock. Dazed, confused, wounded, cold and hungry, she tries to reach Fenas Drunin, but she walks aimlessly in the rough countryside, and she’s lost…

        This concludes the story of Leowyn, the Rohirim shield maiden. I know Harnmaster is an unforgiving system, and I shouldn’t push it with a lone character, but the odds were with her in that last encounter. The dice weren’t. Two 100s! and a mook standing against a horse where I rolled 4! on 3d6 in the impact roll. It was meant for Leowyn to perish here.

        Harnmaster is an absolute marvel with regards to combat. Both combats in this session were so graphic! I love it so much.
        But, it suffers a lot in the general skill uses, with minimal guidance as to the difficulty grades.
        In combat I loved the injury levels, shock rolls, stumbles, bleeds and all the small rules that exist to make things interesting.
        On the other hand, I find that encumbrance is very limiting, and they offset it by giving weapon attack bonuses. I think I prefer the way Mythras or even MERP handles encumbrance, which is more realistic.

        I want to continue my adventures in the Trollshaws, so I may be switching to Dwalin and Camthalion for my next session. Again, I’ll need to decide to either use Mythras, Harnmaster, or a hack of Mythras with Harnmaster combat. Some hacking and conversions are in order to achieve this.
        I also must not forget that Mythras also has a Luck point meta mechanic that could save Leowyn from such fate.

        • giorgis1:50 pm on August 23, 2022Permalink | Reply
          Tags: Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

          To Tharbad. Ep02

          Day 28, Hithui, 4th Watch

          Weather (11) stays the same.
          Encounter: 4: No encounter

          Along with 3rd watch they walked 15 miles south. They camp at a crossroads.

          Day 28, Hithui, 5th Watch

          Weather (12) becomes Freezing. The sky is overcast, but the snowfall stops. Winds are a gale.
          Encounter: 2: No encounter

          Day 28, Hithui, 6th Watch

          Weather (12) stays the same.
          Encounter: 17: No encounter

          Day 29, Hithui, 1st Watch

          Weather (14) becomes Cold, sky is cloudy. Winds turn SE and it’s windy.
          Encounter: 1: No encounter

          Day 29, Hithui, 2nd Watch

          Weather (14) stays the same.
          Encounter: 5: No encounter

          Day 29, Hithui, 3rd Watch

          Weather (14) stays the same. Buts it’s cool now since it’s daylight.
          Encounter: 2: No encounter

          They move further south 10 miles.

          Day 29, Hithui, 4th Watch

          Weather (15) is cool. Sky is clear. Winds are SE gale.
          Encounter: 15: No encounter

          They move further south 10 miles and camp next to the woods.

          Day 29, Hithui, 5th Watch

          Weather (16) is Cold, sky is cloudy. There’s light rain. Winds are windy.
          Encounter: 17: No encounter

          Day 29, Hithui, 6th Watch

          Weather (17) is Freezing, sky is Overcast. There’s snowfall. Winds are NW Gale.
          Encounter: 18: No encounter

          Day 30, Hithui, 1st Watch

          Weather (18) is Cold, sky is overcast. There’s snow flurries. Winds are SW windy.
          Encounter: 12: No encounter

          Day 30, Hithui, 2nd Watch

          Weather (19) is Cold, sky is cloudy. Winds are a breeze.
          Encounter: 2: No encounter

          Day 30, Hithui, 3rd Watch

          Weather (19) stays the same.
          Encounter: 1: No encounter

          They move 10 more miles south.

          Day 30, Hithui, 4th Watch

          Weather (19) stays the same.
          Encounter: 16: No encounter

          They move 10 more miles south.
          The maps I follow are not printed, and I’m not certain about my counting. Since I’m not sure if they reach Fennas Drunin, I’ll ask the Oracle.

          Q: Do they reach Fennas Drunin?
          A: Yes, and, it’s still daylight when they arrive. Gates are open.

          Two more winter days on the road, and Leówyn sets eyes upon civilisation.
          At the point where the rivers Mitheithel and Bruinen meet, there is a town. A big gated wall protects the approach from the land. ‘Could this be Tharbad?’ Leówyn wonders. But it can’t be they still have ways to go. She trots back to the caravan.
          “Town ahead, at the fork of two rivers.” She shouts at Wyny.
          “That’s Fennas Drunin”. He yells, and smiles.

          Q: Do the gate guards let them through?
          A: Yes, but they must pay tolls.
          6.25d in total. 1d for Leówyn.

          At the gates, the guards stop them.
          “We’re traders!” Wyny shouts so they can listen. “Weary from the road. Attacked by bandits.”
          The guards look at them carefully. They don’t feel any pity. “Even so, you must pay the toll to enter the city for trade. 1 farthing each man afoot, 1 farthing for the cart, 1 penny for each horse.”
          Unhappy, Wyny complies with the demand. Unsure if the money will end up in the town coffers or the guards pockets.

          First things first, I need to see if they find some lodgings. Then Leówyn will have some alone time.
          Let’s see if Leówyn can gather some information about what inn is the best.

          Leówyn: Intrigue: 80: CF
          They’ll go to the most wild inn, “The River’s Edge”
          Q: Do they find lodgings at the inn?
          A: Yes, and with separate bedding.

          Leówyn asks around what’s the best lodging in town, and the locals point her to “The River’s Edge”. After talking to the innkeeper, they arrange lodgings for the entire caravan.
          Wyny lets everyone know that they’re to move out in the morning.

          Q: Does the caravan agree to move out so soon? (Unlikely)
          A: Yes

          None of them seems to mind. Leówyn finds it a bit odd that they don’t ask for more rest, especially considering that it’s New Year’s Eve tomorrow.

          I want to purchase better armor for Leówyn. And, speaking of which, I need to calculate her Encumbrance penalty.

          Endurance: 13
          Total Weight: 44,6 (Weapons 12, Armor 27.6)
          I’m also adding the clothing. Clothing also provides some protection.
          Leather Calf Boots 3.2
          Cloth Surcoat 5.3
          Cloak, Shirt, Pants (2,1,1)
          Final total weight: 52.1

          Encumbrance penalty: 4
          This means that in a fight she’ll have a -20 to her combat skill rolls!
          I should reconsider getting her more armour.
          Right now with the +15 Attack Bonus of her Broadsword and the +20 Defense Bonus of her Round shield, it’s barely acceptable.
          Also I decided that she isn’t carrying the morningstar, but has it on her saddle bag.

          She’ll go to the weaponcrafter.
          Let’s see if she has any significant encounter on the way there: 12: No encounter
          Q: Does the weaponcrafter have any kurbul vambraces and leather gauntlets for her to buy?
          A: Yes
          For a cost of 41d, she buys them.

          Walking around in the damp cold river town, she locates the “Iron Anvil”. A smithy run by dwarf smiths. She purchases some cured leather vambraces and a pair of leather gloves, before walking around the town a bit further.

          I’ll have her ask about the hobbit they met, at the town guard. See if she can get any more information.

          Leówyn: Intrigue: 24: MS
          Q: Does the town guard know anything about Eryel?
          A: Yes, but, their information is old.
          Q: Is she a murderer?
          A: Yes, and Intervention. 2: Entity Positive.
          Entity (Leówyn, Wyny, Eryel, Town Guard): Town Guard.
          Portents from Mythic: Interestingly Defeated, Oppress Fame
          So a band of enemies has been defeated.
          Q: Was Eryel a part of this band?
          A: Yes

          She goes back to the gatekeep and talks to the guards.
          “Do you have a list of wanted persons in the area? I had a meeting with a rather nefarious hobbit lady.” She asks.
          “I’d have laughed at your face talking about nefarious hobbit ladies, if that weren’t oddly specific.” The guard answers. “Her name’s Eryel. She’s wanted for murder. She’s joined some lowlifes that prey on travellers in the Angle. Where did you meet her?”
          “About a score of miles south of the great east road, on the road that leads here. It was only a couple days ago.” Leówyn says.
          As they talk, they’re interrupted by noise. Guards bringing in several people tied in ropes, leading them to the dungeon.
          “We defeated them!”. The guard briefs his friend. “We disguised ourselves as commoners and they fell for it. Unfortunately for our disguise to work we had to do away with most horses and some of them fled on foot. Scattered in all the directions. Their notoriety is crushed! Bunch of cowards.”

          ‘I spent a long time pondering on Eryel and her introduction to the party.
          I’m trying to introduce the concept of Chekhov’s Gun, but not forcefully.

          Chekhov’s gun (Chekhov’s rifle, Russian: Чеховское ружьё) is a dramatic principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary, and irrelevant elements should be removed. Elements should not appear to make “false promises” by never coming into play.

          But still, I’m playing a game. I need some ‘false promises’ to keep the suspense and possibility of failure in play.
          So what I want to do, is introduce ‘Oracle Hooks’. Places where the story threads can hook into each other to create the overarching plot. But since they’re hooks, instead of knots, they may fail to grab onto each other and become dead ends.

          So let’s see what I have in mind. Eryel is my Chekhov’s Gun. She’s a new thread, that was delivered to my story through a random significant encounter.
          She may become a ‘False Promise’ but until that happens, I’ll try to ‘Hook’ it to the rest of the story.
          Her appearance already triggered the death of Enryn. That has significant consequences on the caravan’s way forward, but this consists more of a random event that hinders the current objective, than a Chekhov’s Gun.
          What I’m trying to do, to the extent possible, is introduce the possibility that she’s had dealings with Argulf’s murderer.
          Already I had Leówyn go ask the town guard about her.
          Then what else I did which made sense, was have some bandits scatter as did Eryel. That’s why they met her. She’s probably been in the fight and fled.
          So, what about Argulf’s murderer. I’m turning a blind eye about some probabilities here. Since I took Leówyn out of her story (she’s supposed to be riding east from Rohan to Gondor when the story begins, but I took her to Rhudaur) with the excuse of orc raids pushing her to the North, maybe that’s what happened to her target as well. Maybe Argulf’s murderer fled Gondor (most likely), to get to Rohan before news of his crime spread, and that’s when the orc raids pushed him North as well.
          There he could have joined another band of misfits, commiting to a life of crime from then on.
          These are the possibilities that go around in my thoughts, and Leówyn’s as well. These are the ‘Hooks’. Until the time that the Oracle makes the Hooks grab onto the Threads, it’s all fluid.
          So where can I place these Hooks?

          • The town guard may know of a Rohir bandit
          • A Rohir bandit may have been caught
          • A Rohir bandit may be among those who escaped

          This bandit may or may not be Argulf’s murderer, and if not he may or may not have met Argulf’s murderer.
          That’s how I’m thinking of implementing Chekhov’s Gun, from an RPG perspective.

          Just to make myself clear, not every random significant encounter is a Hook. Some of them are just obstacles, or exist merely to set the theme.
          For example whereas the Hillman encounters (both in the Last Bridge Inn) and the wilderness, and the Bali Redhelm encounter, could and should have been Hooks, the encounter with the Patrol is not right now. The encounter with the Nazgûl is a category on its own. Due to its power, its theme-setting and maybe a new thread starter. So it can be a Hook, if the current main story is resolved.

          So intermission over, back to my running story.

          “Were there any Rohirim with the bandits?”, Leówyn asks the new guard, her worry evident all over her face.

          Q: Were there?
          A: Yes
          Q: Are they captured?
          A: No
          Q: Are they dead?
          A: Yes
          Q: More than one?
          A: Yes. 2d6, disadvantage: 5 of them.

          So the oracle answers were plain Yes/No, so I had to drill down on them.

          The guard eyes her. He doesn’t know what answer she’s looking for. As he recognises her for Rohir.
          “Yes. There were a handful. They’re the ones who stood and fought. You’re brave people. I’d keep your sword in your hilt, unless you want to meet their fate in the afterworld.” He answers and puffs his chest, puts his hand on the hilt, to intimidate her.
          “No, you don’t understand. A sorry excuse for a Rohirim, murdered my beloved Argulf. I’m hunting him down. Could he be among the dead?” She says softly.

          Q: Did they bring the bodies here?
          A: No

          “You’d have to ride out to the Dunnish track. That’s where we left them for all to see. Rohirim bandits in the Dunnish track. Huh.” He talks to her and himself.
          “Did you bring back their loot? Maybe? He’d have the locket I gave my beloved. He killed him for this.” She asks.

          Q: Did they bring the loot?
          A: False Presupposition. There was no loot.

          “They had no loot. Eh, sometimes the men help themselves to the belongings of the dead thugs. It’s not like they’ll miss them. But I doubt you’ll find anyone willing to talk about it freely.” He answers.

          This is a big point for Leówyn. She’s willing to give it all to find out.

          “Ask your men. I’m willing to pay double its price if you find it. And if you let me talk to the man who has it.” She proposes.

          Leówyn: Rhetoric: 76: MF

          “As I said, the men won’t talk about it freely.” The guard replies.
          Leówyn puts a shilling worth of pennies on the table.
          “Here’s a shilling for your trouble. And if you let me talk to the bandits. Another shilling for you if the locket is found.” She tries her best.

          Leówyn: Rhetoric: 92: MF

          The guard doesn’t take the money.
          “You have trouble hearing? I said no!” He replies, annoyed. “You wanna go find the bodies of the bandits, be my guest, but there’s no talking to the prisoners, nor annoying the honest men of the guard. Begone.”
          Leówyn knows when she’s pushed her luck. She puts her money back in her pouch and leaves.

          She’ll return to the inn.
          Encounter: 1: No encounter

          Q: Has Wyny hired any additional guards?
          A: No
          Q: Has he bought another cart?
          A: No
          Q: Is everything as expected at the inn?
          A: Yes
          Q: Does the night pass by uneventful?
          A: No, but, nothing dangerous happens
          Q: Is is a guard to talk to her?
          A: No
          Portent: Loudly Messy, Trust Normal
          Ah so it’s quite simple. Since Leówyn made the mistake of booking lodgings at the most rowdy inn, they can’t get a good nights sleep due to patrons being loud and messy, but it’s the normal everyday business of the River’s Edge.

          Leówyn returns to the River’s Edge inn, and finds her bedding. It’s not comfortable and the rooms are next to the main hall, where partying drunks sing and yell until the morning.

          Day 31st, Hithui

          Come breakfast time she approaches Wyny.
          “Have you covered up your casualties in men and supplies?” She asks.
          He looks at her sideways.
          “Found any more guards? Maybe a second cart to relieve the horses and men of their burden?” She insists.
          “No, I haven’t. What’s it to you? Why the sudden interest? No one else has complained.” Wyny responds.
          Leówyn is no longer torn to her feelings. This decision is clear to her. The caravan master seems like a very selfish man.
          “You should take my advice. Can’t go like this to Tharbad. Or even better hire a barge downriver.” She pauses for a moment. “I’m leaving.”

          Q: Is he angry?
          A: No

          In a strict business way he responds to her. “Then our business is concluded. Since you voided our deal, you won’t get any pay for your work.” He waits patiently for answer.
          Leówyn scoffs, and takes her leave.

          She will try to get some information about the bandit prisoners. Will there be a public punishment?

          Q: Is there publicly available information?
          A: Yes
          So an Intrigue roll won’t be necessary.
          Q: Will there be a public punishment?
          A: False Presupposition. So there is publicly available information, but it only relates to the defeat of the bandit group.
          Donjon: the bandits are known as “Bely’s Fangs”.
          So the intrigue roll is necessary.
          Leówyn: Intrigue: 6: MS.
          Q: Will there be a public punishment?
          A: No. Random Event.
          Excitedly Familiar.
          Dispute Mundane.

          She hasn’t walked two steps out of the inn, when she hears a boy yell.
          “Bely has been defanged! Bely’s Fangs are no more! Thanks to the brave work of Thorlavan! Travel will be safe in the new year!” The town crier shouts.
          “Hey you!” She shouts to him back. “Will we get to see a hanging?”
          The boy startled, pauses for a second. “Dunno mylady. What I know is they’re either dead or in the dungeon! They’ll trouble us no more!” He answers and goes back to his task of telling the people of Fennas Drunin not to be afraid of Bely’s Fangs no more.
          With that in mind, she goes back to the inn.
          She carefully places the bait so that the conversation will begin.
          “I sure hope we’ll see a hanging. Make sure all of them are dead. Rotten scum.” She tells the innkeeper, just loud enough so that the patrons nearby can hear her.
          Soon the chatter begins, and she overhears just what she needs. “…my nephew in the guard said they’ll keep them, see if there’s any bounty for any of them in Tharbad, gain some extra coin if possible…”
          She turns to walk away. She has enough time to ride the Dunnish track and back before the guard clears out with Tharbad.
          But as she does, she bumps onto a big burly man.
          “You!” He says as he looks at her. It’s the hillman who beat her back at the Last Bridge inn.

          Q: Does he start a fight?
          A: No. He taunts her again.

          “Came to have another beating? Rohirim shield maiden?” He laughs at her face, spit drops flying all over.

          Q: Is he drunk?
          A: No, and he’s very sober.

          I’m not sure if Leówyn will start a fight now.
          Q: Does Leówyn fight again?
          A: Yes, and without warning.

          I’ll give her a free Turn.

          Turn 0

          Leówyn: Unarmed: Leg: 69: MF

          Once more Leówyn lets anger take hold of her. She swings her leg in a sidekick but misses and hits a barstool.

          Turn 1

          Leówyn has higher Initiative than the Thug.

          Leówyn Attack Declaration
          Thug Defense Declaration: Counterstrike
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Knee: 15: CS
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 59: MF
          Strike is A3. Location is: 54: Thorax: Strike Impact: 8+1-2=7: S2 Serious Fracture.
          Shock Roll: 8/13: Not shocked.

          Thug Attack Declaration
          Leówyn Defense Declaration: Dodge
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 79: MF
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Hand: 28: MS

          Now the hillman smirks and raises his fists ready to fight her. She follows with a knee strike to his chest, as he counterstrikes at the same time with a right jab. She avoids the attack, grabs his left shoulder and her knee lands at his ribs, fracturing them.
          The hillman loses his breath for but a moment as he follows with a left jab, which Leówyn gracefully dodges.

          Turn 2

          Leówyn Attack Declaration
          Thug Defense Declaration: Block
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Leg: 74: MF
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 64: MF
          Block: A2 on Leówyn’s leg, and on Thugs Hand.
          A2 on Thug: 4: M1 Minor Bruise on Hand.
          Shock Roll: 9/13: No shock
          A2 on Leówyn: 6-2: M1 Minor Bruise on Calf.

          Thug Attack Declaration
          Leówyn Defense Declaration: Dodge
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 45: CF
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Hand: 55: CS

          Leówyn Attack Declaration
          Thug Defense Declaration: Dodge
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Leg: 48: MF
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 95: CF
          Defender Stumble: 13/11: Stumble: Falls Prone

          Leówyn has wiped the smirk off the hill and face, and she goes in with a front kick which he tried to block with a fist. The leg is stronger than a fist though, and he bruises his hand as much as Leówyn bruises her calf.
          He shouts and goes with a right jab, which Leówyn dodges by stepping to the side. She tries to sidekick him, but hits thin air. On his attempt to dodge it, he stumbles on a low table, and falls, face down to the floor.

          Turn 3

          Leówyn Attack Declaration
          Thug Defense Declaration: Dodge
          Leówyn: Unarmed: Leg: 54: MS
          Thug: Unarmed: Hand: 79: MF
          Strike is A1. Location is: 33: Upper Arm. Impact: 6+1-2=5. M1 Minor Bruise.
          Shock Roll: 16/13: Unconscious.

          As his opponent is still down, she kicks him hard on his upper arm. He groans and moans, and stops moving from all the beating.
          “And stay down!” She says, knowing he can’t respond.

          Q: Do the inn patrons return to their business? (Likely)
          A: Yes. Random Event. Entity Positive (Leówyn, Hillman, Wyny): Leówyn.
          Portent: Fortunately Exotic, Adversity Attention.
          My interpretation is that the fellow clients enjoyed the show, and she has a crowd.

          “To the shield-maiden!” A man raises his tankard up and the others follow and cheer.
          A couple strong armed fellows pick up the stunned hillman and throw him outside, in the stables.
          She smiles. Revenge is a cold bitch. The slight bruise on her leg actually feels good. She drinks an ale she’s been treated.
          “Tell us your name!” Shouts another one.
          “Leówyn” she answers and they all cheer her name.
          “Who’s this?” She asks.

          Donjon: Rirde.

          “I thought you knew! Seems like you’ve had some past the two of you. That’s Rirde. He used to be a tough macho hillman.”

          Q: Do we have a backstory?
          A: No

          “I’d like to think our story is now over.” Leówyn adds. She spends some time in the Rivers Edge before heading out.
          She purchases two weeks worth of rations before riding out towards the Dunnish track.

          Injuries: M1 Minor Bruise on Right Calf
          Load: 54.2
          Encumbrance Penalty: 4
          She spent 52.5d, so she now has 2 pounds, 9 shillings and 3 pennies.

          I’m exploring different avenues on how to handle the story and meta mechanics during solo play, and I’m enjoying it.
          I kinda wanted a fight to happen in this session, and dunno if I forced it subconsciously, but nonetheless I wasn’t disappointed.
          Hârnmaster really shines in delivering combat situations. I could see the the fight unfolding before my imagination, with minimal effort.

          Now as to the story, there’s a solid chance that Leówyn will find resolution. In that case, she might return to her friends in the Trollshaws. If not, she will head south towards Gondor, alone.

          • giorgis10:59 pm on August 20, 2022Permalink | Reply
            Tags: fantasy ( 78 ), Harnmaster, Solo ( 161 )

            To Tharbad. Ep01

            With no minis available during travel time to play Five Leagues from the Borderlands, I went back to Solo RPGs.
            I’ve decided to continue on Leowyn’s adventure from the Last Inn to Tharbad with the caravan. Putting the knowledge from my several plays of A Call to Glory, to use, I decided to go forward with Harnmaster as a system.
            To do this I’ll have to convert Leowyn to the Harnmaster system.

            For Harnmaster I will first try to convert the stat to the closest, and then fill in the rest of the stats with average values, or whatever makes sense.

            Appearance Attributes

            Height: 65″
            Frame: 8 (light)
            Weight: 130lbs/5
            Comeliness: 15

            Physical Attributes

            Strength: 15
            Stamina: 14
            Dexterity: 15
            Agility: 17
            Eyesight: 13
            Hearing: 9
            Smell: 11
            Voice: 10

            Personality Attributes

            Intelligence: 13
            Aura: 18
            Will: 11
            Morality: 11 (Law Abiding)


            Occupation: Soldier/Huscarl/LH
            Initiative/5, Foraging/4, Survival/4, Heraldry/2,
            Physician/2, Weaponcraft/2
            Riding/6, Initiative/6, Lance/6, Broadsword/5, Dagger/5,
            Roundshield/5, Shorkana/4, Seamanship/3, Piloting/2

            Optional Military:
            Cookery/4, Engineer/2, Embalming/2,
            Fishing/4, Fletching/2, Hidework/3,
            Horsecraft/2, Law/2, Masonry/2,

            Parents: Herdsman: Animalcraft/4, Tracking/4, Survival/4, Weatherlore/4

            CLIMBING (16): 64
            JUMPING (16): 64
            STEALTH (12): 36
            THROWING (14): 56
            AWARENESS (11): 44
            INTRIGUE (14): 42
            ORATORY (13): 26
            RHETORIC (11): 33
            SINGING (10): 30
            INITIATIVE (13): 65
            UNARMED (16): 64
            Foraging (13): 52
            Survival (14): 56
            Heraldry (13): 26
            Physician (14): 28
            Weaponcraft (14): 28
            Riding (14): 84
            Lance (15): 90
            Broadsword (15): 75
            Dagger (14): 70
            Roundshield (15): 75
            Shorkana (15): 60
            Seamanship (16): 48
            Piloting (14): 28
            Animalcraft (13): 26
            Cookery (12): 48
            Bow (14): 56
            Weatherlore (12): 36


            Chain Armor -> Mail Byrnie
            Steel Helm -> Plate 3/4 Helm
            Shield +20DB -> Round
            Morningstar +5
            Composite Bow -> Hartbow
            35 arrows
            Clothes & Personal Effects
            Belt Pouch (with money, Flint & Steel) _ 1 gp, 19 sp, 31 bp, 5 cp 24 tp
            (Added up her share of the party pool plus 1 gp I forgot to award them for saving the cart and Ambald, to her personal pool).

            On a rough conversion scale it seems that each MERP bp is about 2 Hârnic silver pennies, so that would mean that Leowyn has about 643 pennies and 2 farthings, a hefty amount. This is 2 pounds, 13 shillings, 7 pennies and 2 farthings.

            The equipment was converted either at 1:1 or what was closest that made more sense.
            The Hartbow is the elvish composite bow, but since MERP was more high fantasy than Hârn or Tolkien’s Middle Earth, I went along with it. I chose the 3/4 Plate Helm as the Rohir Steel Helm. Finally I decided that the Mail Byrnie is the equivalent to Chain Armor, based on the weight of each armor type. What worries me though is that Hârnmaster is way more gritty and realistic with regards to armor and wounds when compared to MERP, and usually armor is layered to cover many areas. The way this works right now, means that Leówyn is vulnerable at many unarmoured spots. I’m going along with it, and may have to purchase some armor to cover these at Tharbad, provided she survives that long.

            Saddlebag (Bedroll, Lockpick kit, 25′ superior rope, 9 torches, waterskin, rations).


            I went through the previous actual play reports and identified which situations justified an Experience roll, and proceeded to roll these. To each roll, the Skill Base is added, and if it’s greater than the Mastery Level of the Skill, its increased by 1.
            The results per skill are as follows:

            Broadsword: 7 rolls: 51,87,16,14,57,34,54: 1 increase (76)
            Roundshield: 6 rolls: 80,74,32,21,23,80: 3 increases (78)
            Bow: 1 roll: 48: –
            Unarmed: 1 roll: 79: 1 increase (65)
            Climbing: 1 roll: 5: –
            Jumping: 1 roll: 68: 1 increase (65)
            Stealth: 4 rolls: 37,93,16,28: 3 increases (39)
            Initiative: 8 rolls: 63,17,37,93,44,54,86,55: 3 increases (68)
            Riding: 1 roll: 13: –

            Also as soon as the month changes, we’ll have 30 Skill Maintenance Points to spend, and as far as I recall, we’re only a few days away (it’s Hithui 26 when they ride out).

            The Story

            So a short recap:
            Leówyn split from the party and has joined a Caravan heading south to Tharbad. She is paid 5f per day.
            The caravan comprises of two carts drawn by a horse each, another guard called Enryn, Wyny the Caravan Master, Ambald the Teamster, Suse the Healer, and three hands, Berter, Eram, Sige. They have a spare horse that belonged to the downed guard Hreodhelm whose place Leówyn took.
            Once they reach Tharbad she’ll probably look for a way to continue towards Gondor, to complete her personal task to get revenge from her lover’s killer.
            Something that bothers me is that Leówyn first met the caravan outside of Bree on the East-West road. If they were meant for Tharbad then it’s most likely that they should have been on the Andrath Greenway. Maybe there’s a story there. It could be something as simple as avoiding a certain guard, or maybe something more foul. I’ll keep this as a possible thread.
            Doing a quick count, it seems that Tharbad is 300 miles if they keep east, and go south in the Angle, to cross a bridge and keep south next to Mitheithel in order to stay on trails that the cart can traverse.

            Day 26, Hithui, 3rd Watch

            Weather (8) is cold, sky is overcast, winds are breezy and there’s sleet flurries.

            Q: Has the caravan crew repaired the broken cart? (Likely)
            A: No, and it’s not possible to repair it with the tools at hand. They’d need to be in a town or village with a carpenter.
            Q: Can the goods fit on the other cart?
            A: No, but, they can be spread amongst the horses and crew. The crew becomes baggage crew.

            The axle of the cart has been split in half. With no carpenter nearby for miles, the crew carries the goods to the other cart. They load Hreodhelm’s horse and the broken cart horse with as much as they can carry without tiring them, and split the rest amongst them. It’s going to be a slow march south.

            Encounter: 2: No encounter.
            10 miles east.

            Day 26, Hithui, 4th Watch

            Weather (10) is cold, sky is overcast, winds are a gale and there’s snow furries.

            Encounter: 8: No encounter.
            10 miles east. Reached crossroads to south.

            Day 26, Hithui, 5th Watch

            Weather (9) is cool, sky is overcast, winds are windy and there’s light rain.

            Encounter: 1: No encounter.

            Day 26, Hithui, 6th Watch

            Weather (9) is cool, sky is overcast, winds are windy and there’s light rain.

            Encounter: 9: No encounter.

            Day 27, Hithui, 1st Watch

            Weather (8) is cold, sky is overcast, winds are breeze and there’s sleet flurries.

            Encounter: 1: No encounter.

            Day 27, Hithui, 2nd Watch

            Weather (9) is cool, sky is overcast, winds are a gale and there’s light rain.

            Encounter: 13: No encounter.

            Day 27, Hithui, 3rd Watch

            Weather (10) is cold, sky is overcast, winds are a gale and there’s sleet flurries.

            Encounter: 2: No encounter.
            Moved South 10 miles.

            Day 27, Hithui, 4th Watch

            Weather (10) stays the same.

            Encounter: 7: No encounter.
            Moved South 10 miles.

            They went through some ruins.
            Q: Is there anything interesting in the ruins?
            A: No, but they didn’t get close enough.

            Day 27, Hithui, 5th Watch

            Weather (10) stays the same.

            Encounter: 1: No encounter.

            Day 27, Hithui, 6th Watch

            Weather (10) stays the same.

            Encounter: 19: 66: Reroll as Highway: 70: Reroll as Wilderness/Rural: 10: Farmer: 67: Villein/Wealthy Thrall: 45: At Leisure (non-work related): 92: Escaping the law/service.
            Attitude: 47: indifferent

            Time: 4/8: 10 pm.

            Donjon: Eryel: Female Halfling Peasant, Evil. Eryel has copper hair and dark green eyes, and an unusual scar on her face. She wears well-made clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Eryel has a raven named Donny.

            Q: Is Leówyn at watch?
            A: Yes

            Leówyn: Awareness: 40: CS
            Eryel: Awareness: 44: MS

            Leówyn detects Eryel first.

            Now here’s a thought on how to work with meta knowledge on the fly.
            First I need to split Character knowledge and Player (meta) knowledge. There’s also Derived knowledge that my character may deduct easily.

            Character knowledge: Female, Hobbit. Indifferent. She has copper hair and dark green eyes, and an unusual scar on her face. She wears well-made clothing and a wooden holy symbol.
            All the above are easily discernible. One can see them at first glance. So since these are given by the random tables and generators, I consider them as true.

            Derived knowledge: Farmer, Villein/Wealthy Thrall. Peasant.
            These can be deducted within moments, or by careful observation. The combination of the clothing style and their quality, along with the fact that it’s a hobbit living at the angle, means she’s a farmer quite high in the class. It’s quite likely she could even be a freeman or yeoman, therefore I’m keeping the derived knowledge results as highly likely. They may or may not need verification by the oracle. Essentially this is meta knowledge that is almost real, waiting to become character knowledge.

            Meta knowledge: Escaping the law/service, Evil, name is Eryel, she has a raven named Donny.
            None of these could be easily known to the Character. Unless Eryel gives this information or something extraordinary happens to reveal it, this all is in the sphere of imagination. The hobbit’s name could be Eryel or not, she could have a raven or not, but most importantly there’s no way to say she’s evil or that she’s escaping the law/service. So, the moment they come up, these may need to be verified by an Oracle if they’re story relevant.
            With regards to the name’s relevance to the story, If the hobbit gives a name it is going to be Eryel, but it may or may not be true.
            With regards to the rest, they’re story relevant, but will need to be verified.

            Now there’s two ways I can go about this meta knowledge.
            The first approach is to disregard it until it comes up. Until then, it’s like Schrödinger’s cat. It exists, buts it’s nor dead nor alive. Our information has been given, but it’s nor true nor false. The moment we look up into the box, is the moment we ask the oracle for verification. That’s mostly how I’ve dealt with meta knowledge given to me until now in my solo plays. Also that’s the main concept on how to solo play prewritten modules.
            The second approach is the prejudice approach. The meta knowledge is character knowledge as to what the character believes is true. Call it hunch, cognitive experience, collective unconscious or whatever, but for some reason, my protagonist believes this hobbit is evil, she’s escaping from law/service and she heard a crow before she appeared (let’s not forget my protagonist’s previous encounter with crebain). What’s even more interesting is that all these fit together like puzzle pieces as we’re talking about a lone hobbit with a scar, walking in the middle of a cold winter night, in the Trollshaws. Therefore she will act with this prejudice, until it’s verified or not. This could be embarrassing or a lost opportunity if she’s wrong, but it will make the story even more interesting, give a behavioural approach to my protagonist and also give an extra reason for this additional information to exist instead of me trying to compartmentalise the knowledge away.

            Another topic of interest is with regards to the following text in Hârnmaster:

            Only significant encounters are detailed to the players. Scores of people may be seen while walking through a busy marketplace, but only a few are likely to interact with the PCs. A generated encounter is assumed to be at least potentially significant.

            So what means significant in terms of solo play here? The way I interpret it, it’s an encounter that has the potential to evolve a story thread. It could be an existing or a new thread.
            Beware though of two things: first it doesn’t have to be a main thread or story arch, secondly, it’s only potential. The encounter could be a dud, depending on how the player reacts.

            It’s been two days that the caravan moves through the trollshaws without any issue. It’s not to wonder though that the trolls, orcs and hillmen would rather stay around warm fires than brave the snow and sleet flurries that are whipping the caravan.
            They went eastwards on the highway for about a score of miles, and camped near a crossroads before continuing south on the trail. They passed by a few ruins, but dared not go closer. Winter time is when creatures feared by men make their homes at abandoned places.
            They camped further south on the trail, near a few trees, and set up a few tarps so that they would be protected by the weather.
            Winter nights are not only colder, but longer too, so Leówyn took the first shift on the 5th and 6th watches.
            It’s around 10pm, when she notices a short figure in the distance. Shorter than dwarves, she knows it’s no goblin, but whoever travels alone in the middle of a cold winter night, may carry a dark story with them. She puts her hand on her sword hilt, and calls out to what she makes to be a hobbit.
            “Halt! Who goes there?” She asks, giving away her position, but showing that she’s not afraid.
            The hobbit steps closer.
            “Just a weary traveler, Lady. May I join your company for the night?” asks a hobbit woman. She’s wearing well made clothing, and a wooden symbol hangs on her chest. She’s got copper hair and dark green eyes. What draws Leówyn’s attention though, is the deep scar running down her face. Something about her doesn’t seem right. She keeps her hand on the hilt, and looks to Wyny, see if he’s sleeping.

            Q: Is Wyny sleeping?
            A: False Presuposition. So it’s either that Wyny is not there or he’s dead (unlikely).
            Q: Is Wyny missing?
            A: Yes.

            Ok, that’s interesting.

            Leówyn looks around but she can’t find the Caravan master. How did he sneak out during her watch, and most importantly, why. She’ll have to decide on her own what to do with the uninvited guest.

            So from the MERP Core rule book, I get that her Demeanor is Formal, Personality is Cautious and Alignment is Neutral.

            “You may sit by the fire where I can see you, but you’ll have to surrender any arms you’re carrying, and place them by the cart. Come first morning light you’ll go your own way and we go ours.” She says.

            Q: Does the hobbit agree?
            A: No, Random Event.
            Descriptors: Partially Warm
            Actions: Praise Physical

            “My lady. I’m not as strong as you are. I wouldn’t even consider turning against a warrior such as yourself. I could keep some distance if that would make you feel safer, even if that would mean I won’t be as warm as I’d like.”

            So since we have a conflict here, I’ll turn to game mechanics.
            Leówyn will use Rhetoric: 21/33: MS.

            Leówyn draws her sword from the scabbard just enough that the blade itself is visible. “I think I made myself quite clear. I will not let a traveler freeze in the cold, but I won’t let the caravan get robbed either. If you won’t let go of your arms, then leave. Or I’ll have to make you leave.”
            The hobbit nods. She reveals a long dagger, places it by the cart, and moves to the warmth of the fire.

            Considering the events, the unexpected hobbit arrival and Wyny missing, Leówyn will wake up Enryn.

            Q: Does Enryn go after Wyny?
            A: No
            Q: Does he stand guard? (Likely)
            A: Yes

            Leówyn goes to Enryn and wakes him up. She tells him about their visitor and about Wyny missing.
            “You go, look for Wyny. I’ll stand guard here and watch over our guest.” The caravan guard replies.
            She packs some gear, and heads out, torch in hand to see where the caravan master may have gone.

            Since Leówyn hasn’t got a Tracking skill, I’ll have her use Awareness instead to see if there’s something obvious.

            Leówyn: Awareness: 73: MF.
            She can’t find anything.

            After an hour or so, walking around in the dark of the night, around the camp, she can’t find any sign of Wyny, and Leówyn returns empty handed.

            Q: Has Wyny returned maybe?
            A: Yes

            “There you are.” He says as Leówyn returns. “Thought you had abandoned your post, but Enryn filled me in.”
            “I was looking for you. The timing of the little one’s appearance and your disappearance felt odd to me.” She replies.
            “Just relaxing myself. Needed to hit the pot before a good nights sleep.” He looks at Enryn and continues. “I see the two of you have everything under control, so we’ll talk again in the morning.”

            Day 28, Hithui, 1st Watch

            Weather (11) stays Cold, but it’s Snowing heavily now. Winds are North and Windy.

            Encounter: 5: No encounter

            Day 28, Hithui, 2nd Watch

            Weather (11) stays the same.

            Encounter: 5: No encounter

            Day 28, Hithui, 3rd Watch

            Weather (10) stays the same.

            Q: Is Eryel there in the morning when Leówyn wakes up?
            A: No
            Q: Is everyone alright?
            A: No, and stuff is missing.
            Q: Is Enryn dead?
            A: Yes, but no one else is hurt.

            Okay so that escalated quickly. My first impression is that Leówyn’s instinct was correct. The hobbit was a murderer escaping from the law.
            There’s a chance also that something else killed Enryn and Eryel got kidnapped or run away.
            There’s plenty of questions that arise in either case. But let’s try to set the scene.

            Q: Is there any sign of struggle?
            A: Yes
            Q: Is Enryn’s body away from the campsite? (Likely)
            A: Yes, Intervention. 1: New Entity.
            Q: Is it animal?
            A: Yes

            As the sunlight falls on her face, Leówyn wakes up. The rest of the party does, as well. Soon it hits her. Where’s Enryn? He should have woken her up.
            She quickly gathers her gear and looks around. Further away, half buried in the snow is Enryn’s body in a pool of blood. The throat is mangled. Bite marks everywhere. The face has been eaten off, and if it weren’t for his gear, he’d be unrecognisable.
            She looks for tracks, but the constant snowfall has covered everything.
            She covers the body in the cloak, and drags it over to the caravan.
            “Something attacked him at night.” She says to Wyny.
            “And someone took lots of our food and some valuables.” He responds. “Probably that hobbit. Nasty little creatures. Can’t trust them. You thing she had something to do with him?”
            “Doubt it. I think she saw an opportunity to rob us and took it, while Enryn fought for his life.” Leówyn thinks out loud. “She can’t have gone far, as she can’t ride our horses. And she didn’t scare them off because they’d have woken us. Want me to try to go after her?”
            “The snow will have covered her light foot tracks.” He shakes his head. “What do you think killed Enryn?”
            “I’d say a lone wolf, or considering how close we’re at the Trollshaws, a warg. Went for the throat first that’s why we didn’t hear a thing. It either didn’t notice the rest of us, or we were hid by the snow.”
            “We need to bury him and move on. Guarding now doesn’t make much sense. I want you a bit ahead, scouting. If you see danger, gallop back to us.” Wyny orders her.
            After handling everything, the caravan moves on.

            Encounter: 9: No encounter

            “What valuables?” Leówyn asks. “What are we selling to Tharbad?”

            Leówyn: Rhetoric: 65: CF.

            “I’m not paying you to ask questions. You’re meant to get us there. Leave the rest to us.” Wyny responds, obviously offended by the question.
            Leówyn wanted also to ask for how many days their rations will last, in the middle of winter, but she feels like it’s not a good moment to do so.
            They do have one less mouth to feed though, no matter how grim this sounds.


            Development rolls:
            Rhetoric: 15: No increase
            Awareness: 44: No increase

            Session Summary

            Okay, so far I’m still getting the hang of Hârnmaster as a system.
            I’ll have to read more into when to use opposed rolls and some generic difficulty penalties.
            I think that with regards to mechanics it relies more heavily to rulings vs rules than I’d like. I’ll know for certain after a few more sessions.

            As for heading south to Tharbad, at this pace I’m not sure the caravan will make it.
            It’s very much likely they won’t. But it’s not like they have much choice. I’m thinking that there’s something not right with this caravan. Otherwise what could explain their odd path, odd time travelling, and unwillingness to discuss the cargo?
            Again these are not just my thoughts, probably Leówyn also considers that in the back of her head, as she rides through the snow.

            This leads me back to the approaches to meta knowledge. I’ve done some discussions on the matter, and may write a short blog post about it in the near future.

            • Harnmaster – Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice (2024)


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